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The Corroboree

Two fly limit for Beijing toilets.


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Authorities in the Chinese capital have set new standards for public toilets, including a rule that they should not contain more than two flies.

The two-fly limit is one of a series of measures aimed at improving toilets in Beijing.

Six city departments put their heads together to come up with the new rules.

They cover cleaning, the use of equipment and training for attendants.

There are also rules covering what is confusingly referred to as "discarded items" - there should be no more than two of these left in any public conveniences.

The new standards also detail how smelly a lavatory should be.

Many people who live in the city's old neighbourhood still do not have their own toilet and have no choice but to use public conveniences.



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What happens if an official comes in and there's 3 flies in a toilet ? Re-education camp for the sunny attendant ?

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"discarded items" - does that include unused body parts?

see what i did there lol


Possibly a limit for female foetus'.

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