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any chance you could let me know where to get that kk feed wow would love to try that fert. and could you let me know name of vine cactus in back groung and wondering if any seed available of that vine or totem pole monstrose

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hey, I am not sure if all the kk339 around are so puppy as this one.The single clone I got was a freebie present from a very kind member some 4 years ago and was seed grown in oz https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png actually it is the cactus that got me into it.

for trades etc where possible, since I am ineurope, PM me

the vine cactus must be the standard selinicereus I got and use for lots of my grafts.

I am not sure about the rest you ask. maybe rephrase? which totem pole?


When yougrow cacti for quite a time, like say, me, 4 years now, if you're careful enough you might noticethings that might amaze you like this


or this


in the second occasion the seeds where not picked - they were left on the cactus. In the photo there might be two or more generations of seedlings growing


rebutia budding



Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele


Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus


Stenocactus - at last I got them all open!

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hey they are just starting, so am I !

the seeds? I sow, I trade, I store. I have lots of last years seed yet to sow. some day of these days.

sometimes when I am lazy I let them be, but most of the times I pick them, especially the astrophytums

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RF, not even started - wait till the notocacti and astrophytums start blooming... with a new awesome camera? not even close to getting started!

Michael, you got a point, especially with this particular turbinicarpus, which admittedly resembles lophophora flower - on the other hand, some other turbinis like , say, pseudomacrochele, has double the size of these flowers - stenocacti are somewhere in between - in size

Sometimes I have tried to random cross them, but really haven't done it systematically, also, I have not sowed systematically turbinicarpus and lophophora seed [turbinis take lots of time to get biggy] and I haven't got a great rate from my own seed too. For what is worth I messed a bit with all of them, lopho turbini and steno today.

I really want to play with attempting to create a genus hybrid, but my ambition is f.e. to make a Ferobergia, which I know exists and can happen, actually I got one Ferobergia I bought... Also got a couple of leuchtenbergias that produce flower, while some are more hesitant...

It would really be cool to create a turbiphora, and maybe, just maybe this turbi is a likely candidate. Would you give it more chances if it crosses with a single head williamsi or with the multi caespitosa varieties ?

I also look forward to produce seed with my 3rib and 4 rib myriostigmas, as well as astro species hybrids. I know this is not so exotic, but I like to reinvent the wheel and have a certain degree of wanting to go step by step so as to not let the ambitions get over my head!


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Oh my, your ambitions far exceed my own...I don't hardly grow from seed at all anymore, cross nothing, and pretty much graft nothing, especially not itzy bitzy seedlings. Hell, for all I know the Tubinicarpus flowers could only appear to look similar to Lophophora, but for all I really know it could be completely incompatible. Best to UTFSE first eh? Now Ferobergia, that sounds sweet. I gotta see a picture.


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Omg Omg dam you so so much mutant the pictures or yours are so beautiful i wish i could come close to have an amazing collection like yours

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pilosocereus azureus flowering! amazing and strange flower. no distinct smell noticed.








Notocactus uebelmanianus


Turbinicarpus alonsoi






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  • 2 weeks later...








and a favourite


and the classic Echinocereus


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Stunning photos mutant

Your collection always looks so healthy you must be happy with the growth you are getting from most of your plants and you have so many plants at flowering age.

I have been trying to control my urges and my addiction is sort of under control. I don’t have a lot of the plants that you are posting photos of but I am resisting and then you post photos of your Stenocactus.

That’s it I give up I want one of everything and I want them now



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haven't you figured out? I am trying to get you guys overcome yout lopho-and-tricho addiction!

besides, many plants from a wide variety of genuses are sold at flowering age or just a bit before they reach flowering age, Stenocacti is such an example

yep I am happy with my plants, thanks for comments!

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turbinicarpus alonsoi


selinicereus bud


lophophora grafted on echinopsis. this one is for sale or potential trade


rebutia idontremember what

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