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The Doof "DanceFloor" (Assorted Ramblings of a Dancer)

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Thanks for starting the thread for me mesq... guess Ill see you on the dancefloor *Coughs* "sipper" *ahem*

Let me just prelude this with saying...I have talked to some people about some of the concepts that I write about here...and I get alot of concern shown by people... and comments such as... "I dunno man..I just go to have a good time" or "Why can't you just see it as a way to have fun??" and maybe even reading this you may think to yourself... woah this guy is a little bit...full on he must be all serious and not even enjoy the party! Hehehehe

I always enjoy a good Doof...and if you were to see me out at a doof you would (at surface reality level) see a random dude having a great time... but that isnt what this post is about is it ??> other wise it could go something like "Oh man I went to this party had some fucking good acid.... oh and you know that girl clare...the one that sells cookies in nimbin?? isnt she the fuckin best dancer"... Ummmm NO. This post is a little glimpse....from my perspective of what can occur beneath the surface at a psychedelic "doof" party...of which truly I have only scratched the surface...

I like to be one of the first people on the dancefloor If I am not fulfilling other roles at a party...I get to know the space I am moving in..feel the sweet spots not only energetically but where the sound system is nicest... :) Being one of the first dancers is not about me thinking oh lets see if I can dance all night... firstly it helps me create my space...allows me to get to know it...after all this is where I will be "working" for the next 10-12 hours...

Not only that but it makes people sorta more comfortable with my presence on the dancefloor... i become...as it were...a fixture a familiar site, a comfortable presence. In the early stages of the party I am working myself into a "state" it is really ironic that this is when the less talented, less onto it DJ's are playing because for myself they are the DJ's who I am using to get myself into "a state" ... while there are no "set moves in the way I move" generally any gestures or energetic movements are directed between myself, the DJ and the ground...

As the night wears on and the Drugs start to kick in ( I guess) or the music gets better... the dancefloor naturally increases in size... this is when things start to get interesting...by now I have probably been dancing for about 2 hours with only a break here and there to grab a quick drink of water... I am now full... and overflowing... and my dancing becomes more encompassing more spread out... my gestures are enticing.. the energy pulling in...at this point when there is a crowd of about 20 or so I like to be in the middle... and we play pass the energy around.... in our dance movements... if you sit back and watch the dancefloor... you can see the energy being passed around by the dancers... so beautiful...

wow I like to use these elippses dont I??

Being in the centre of the dancers is a great feeling... surrounded by churning energies...and then being a conducter free then to redistribute at will... and my energies go out to the crowd where I fill people with the desire to dance...

Ahhh yes A while ago I noticed that at most of the parties I went to I would always end up dancing next to the same people... unconciously cos I dont know these people... sometimes they dance very much like I do... sometimes not... but everytime there is always that undoubted sense of recognition, like oh yes you we've been here before havent we, I know you and I m not talking just in the doof sense but on a much larger cosmic scale I know these people these are my people they are neighbouring links in the grand puzzle and I will always end up dancing with them... Many of these people I feel work with me at parties to create the vibe on the dancefloor...to work the magick as it were, it is always unspoken and there is nothing more than a knowing nod and smile as we "do our thing" ... Having said that... different people will end up in different parts of the dancefloor because that is where they are needed energetically... Those who are concious or even unconcious (but still doing it) of working energies on the dancefloor naturally gravitate to the position of the floor that they can most benefit from energetically... You can naturally see where the natural Conduits...or shepherds of the dancefloor are by the pockets of fluid dance that occur sporadically... you can just see because there will be a person who is cornered by other dancers who in turn may be cornered by other dancers... and the energetic effect is like a chain reaction... I once thought that because I was surrounded by really attractive people who were also great dancers that naturally they all wanted to fuck me! hahaha goddamn that acid makes me egoistic!! That unforutunately for my animal self is not usually the case...these wonderful people have realised that i am basically the "Doof water fountain" a natural source of good energy where they can recharge...gain some inspiration and feel into the music... even when I feel I am "losing it" energetically I will look for who I feel has "found it" and dance near them ...feel into their vibe... and in no time at all I will be right again...

This is happening all the time; whether you are aware of it or not you are being used for your energy and for all it is worth... if you are quite happy to be used and abused that is fine... but I would much rather be aware of what is going on...sometimes I can feel completely drained after a party because, energetically I am so generous I will keep giving and giving even when I have lost contact with the source...

Hmm....... Different parts of the dancefloor have different benefits for the shepherd...as I have referred to..sometimes...

The Centre is Where I sorta go to get recharged... it is in the thick of it... it is nice and yummy and sexy and sweaty and in no time at all I can get the energy I need... it is a great place to feel the flow and a great place from which to manipulate the flow because it is naturally flowing that way anyway... just makes it easier to experience...no work required..

The Front Facing DJ Is always interesting... it is sorta like leading the battlecharge... I sometimes like to call the Doof the "war dance of the psychedelic warriors" I generally dont like being at the front facing the DJ cos it just generally has not very much to offer energetically... unless there is a *there* DJ...

The Front Facing the Crowd is a ripsnorter... because everyone is facing the DJ this can be a very powerful place from which to Dance and yeah... I cant really explain it.... arrrrghh... attention span diminishing rapidly....


[ 21. October 2004, 00:18: Message edited by: reality pixie ]

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The "Disclaimer" intrigued me, elaborate if you feel so inclined.

Hope you continue...

P.S. I think that whole, "mimicking" thing comes from NLP from memory.  Neuro-Linguistic-Programming.

Hmm the disclaimer in mesq's post I feel is there so that... just to make people understand that it is other peoples energies that can be manipulated or worked with... and that even being aware..of the movement of energy on t he dancefloor makes the dancer a "player" of sorts...When one engages in a technique such as... "stalking the dance" as mesq puts it... I think that term sounds a bit... negative to me but it is very apt... yes when you stalk someones energy you are getting very upclose and personal and while you may not be projecting energy onto them...(you are merely picking up what they are putting out) you certainly are getting intimate with them energy wise... and certainly when I am going "hard at it" when i am "in the zone" it is hard to be oblivious to the fact that "This guy is doing things" and when someone knows that "someone is doing something" they have to place an opinion on what that person is doing... so I will either get " I like what this person is doing because he does it so well" Vibes OR "I don't like what this person is doing because I don't understand it and it is making me fear" ... thats from not so Aware people.... From the more Aware people I get Vibes like "I see what he is doing and generally dont mind" or "I see what he is doing and think it is wrong" OR "I See what he is doing and I think I can do it better my own way and I will show him how"

When there are two "aware" people who have opposing vibes on the dancefloor generally it is very very quickly felt on the dancefloor... and it is not alot of fun... but when you have been dancing the space most of the night and someone else comes in and tries to work their stuff... there can only really be one outcome... *aaargh* Ego so crap yet sometimes so neccessary...

Having said all this if you keep your energy to yourself you shouldnt experience any problems... I get attacked from many angles alot of the time I go to Doofs because people see me as "worthy of a go" because I like to work it but If I have been dancing all night It worries me very little...

Enough said... If you wanna play with fire expect to get burnt...

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Mr reality Pixie: hmmm after much consideration... on this topic and of alot of the things we have discussed post doof acid rambling etc I believe that once one becomes aware of this flux of energy on the dancefloor, and the dynamics of it as such...and general stuff... as soon as one becomes aware of all the things you are talking about... one should just STOP IT.. in the end you are taking advantage of people... even if...as you have said to me, you believe you are helping the energy to flow where it is needed who is to say what is needed where?? I know you have the best intentions when you go to a party...and when you dance the energy but...I think you do not know exactly what you are dealing with here.. I started these posts for you cos yes I have seen exactly what yuou are talking about and I felt that these things were interesting enough to mention and get feedback... but not everything is what it seems ... and not to say that what you are doing is bad...Im just saying that a public party...where there are "innocent" people is not the right place for you to be practising this very tangible very real practise of energy work... its not right... many people are unaware..and I dont believe you should be taking advantage of that fact... I really think you should take a step back and pull your energy in... I feel you are on the right track with what you are doing...but you have nothing to prove...even to yourself. I dunno this is my perception at 6:30am after just coming back from having a good dance... Just stay in YOUR zone man no need for any dragonball Z style game playing you know??

Keep it real man. see you on the dancefloor.

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oh by the way julian I believe you were only banned for a week from oztrance?? try logging on again.

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Originally posted by Mesqualero:
Mr reality Pixie: hmmm after much consideration... on this topic and of alot of the things we have discussed post doof acid rambling etc I believe that once one becomes aware of this flux of energy on the dancefloor, and the dynamics of it as such...and general stuff... as soon as one becomes aware of all the things you are talking about... one should just STOP IT..

Yeah...right! Stop what?? Its like the people who take a psychedelic and just when they see everything as it is they decide it is too much for them !!! Seriously Im not sure what you are saying.



in the end you are taking advantage of people... even if...as you have said to me, you believe you are helping the energy to flow where it is needed who is to say what is needed where??

I know that you know this is a silly almost redundant question!! It all moves according to the whims of the great magnet of course! No concious direction by myself or any person should be involved involving concious thought takes one out of "the zone" and into the realm of ego and one finds that one experiences a loss of the flow loss of the vibe, a loss of the energy when any concious thought about ANYTHING happens on the dancefloor .. for myself anyway.




I know you have the best intentions when you go to a party...and when you dance the energy

My intentions when I go to a party are mostly to dance....so yes I guess they are probably the best intentions for a dance party.



.Im just saying that a public party...where there are "innocent" people

yeah right.innocent there is no innocence only ignorance. one is not innocent because one is ignorant.

Oh mesqualero u surprise me sometimes...why the fear, why this paranoia that doesnt even seem to be...real. Like some form of manufactured contrived paranoia. Let go of it, like yourself on the dancefloor...too much ego let it go, then there will be no place for this fear you have. Open up to the love and the vibrations of the universe, lose the I.

Juicy Juicy dancefloor goodness!!!

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Oh and another thing... I know there are alot of people who probably read this. If YOU have experienced wacky stuff, transcendental experiences, energy battles, anything ANYTHING on the dancefloor which is not within the realms of our normal waking reality please feel free to contribute. For myself I think my next few posts will be less "dragon ball z ish" as mesq puts it. I have never seen dragon ball z ... is there psytrance involved?? Does it have good decor and a phat mackie system ?? LOL just joking.

Please feel free to add your comments, the dancefloor is such an amazing non-quantifiable, paradoxical, experience that can provide us with unlimited sensory experience. and I wanna hear your side of things. Remember its all subjective isnt it>>? is it ??

Yumm yumm yumm!~

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mesquelero wrote:




oh by the way julian I believe you were only banned for a week from oztrance?? try logging on again.


That is what Dale said...I have emailed him three times from different email accounts, asking what is going on...have I been banned? For how long and why?

And he hasn't replied to my emails and of course I cannot log in.

Last email I sent him, I basically said, look, I can only assume you must have absolutely no time to reply to me, but if it is any other way, people will find out about that what you say and what you do are two different things.

This is clearly not a very just situation...especially, when the person Dale banned (me!) actually has not broken any rules and it is just off a whim that this will quieten things done (i.e. stop other people abusing me! instead of banning them!) ....unfortunately, from what people tell me, Dale is looking more and more like a crazed dictator banning people left right and centre, and everyone else looking more liked crazed subjects...chaffing against the rules and threats!

I mean, I have been on virtual communities where the only way you could get banned was to threaten another person's life and even then...maybe not...it is to do with freedom of speach, stuff like that.

In an ideal world, an administrator or moderator doesn't excercise power, but really stands out of the way and lets things happen, no matter what they are.

I don't know...oztrance is a very abrahesive place at times...with some gemmy bits here and there...but it is really susss when some of its most respected and passionate contributers and scenesters (franny, mk-ultra for example) are banned for things that really are not that indictable!

okay, sorry for ranting about this in this topic...but it is something I think that should be heard somewhere...

Anyway, if this is of any interest to anyone...if you are already a member of oztrance (no new members for long time it seems!) go over there and worship dale, give him a virtual foot rub, maybe a pina colada?...the dude seems to be really stressed and underappreciated! :P


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okay, sorry for ranting about this in this topic...but it is something I think that should be heard somewhere...


Try the campfire...?? this thread as you should really know is about the OTHER stuff... ie not THAT stuff. And I encourage anyone who feels the urge to comment to not comment in this thread please.

*shakes the debris off* cant go anywhere without bloody doof politics rearing its head.

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mesquelero wrote:



cant go anywhere without bloody doof politics rearing its head.


And this is something worth commenting on too...I've often felt really disturbed by some doof politics that are actually tangible and felt presences at parties, when it somtimes seems everyone would just like to forget about whatever it is... for me, I guess, these zones often seem so much about denying the contents of one's ordinary life psyche, and trying to get out of it, to throw it off, and take drugs to move into a different zone... and so how many people do you see around you at a party who are truly present and flowing? It's often not that many...

If you get too critical and perceptive...they don't like that....that's 'negative'...but we have these weird phenomenas like oztrance where all this angst and agression and what is often repressed in the supposed positive party zones just comes out....and even then, in the party zones, there is just SO MUCH that is hanging around...really gnarly stuff that is not being addressed, not spoken, or even danced!

I don't know, I think the basic outdoor psy party form has had its day...the elders of the scene know this...and we are waiting for something of a new form or way of approach or attitude to kick in...and I feel its more serious, and at the same time has more humour and is transformational...in a real sense, I don't feel the scene is often very psychedelic or truly reconciled with the integrated realities of the psychedelic state...and 95% of the music is bollocky reruns of a few inspired artists...jaded is often the prevailing mood of those who have been into this for a while...even on isratrance (probably the biggest psy trance forums) everyone will say this and just say to hang in there...new music will come and I think it will too... and that music will inspire different and new states of consciousness...


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Hmm all i can say is...alot of it has to do with the area... I dont think there is the same feeling in QLD parties.... *oops* there we go I said it! Come to positronic julian if you wanna see something a bit different... it is a Paul Abad party and he always does very magickal parties with magickal intent... thats if anything truly exists outside of Northern new south wales!

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With the issues that mesq and reality pixie have brought up...friends and I have discussed quite a lot...

mesquelero wrote:




I believe that once one becomes aware of this flux of energy on the dancefloor, and the dynamics of it as such...and general stuff... as soon as one becomes aware of all the things you are talking about... one should just STOP IT..


Why? If that is a natural perception? or if it a valid perception one has under psychedelics...that is more expanded?




Just stay in YOUR zone man no need for any dragonball Z style game playing you know??


Keep it real man


Although I can appreciate what mesq is communicating here...

I have personally found myself almost automatically holding back or choosing not to go in a certain direction of interaction of energies, because I knew that most of the people around me just were not orientated in the same way I was... and if you are in some sense, subjecting them to a consciousness which they are not conscious of or are choosing not to be conscious of...there is something a bit grating about it, especially if the reactions are strong...

Othertimes, I just go for it...allowing myself to become the silly sacred theatre of interelation which is conscious...and choosing to confront people where they are not being conscious....but it is not a choice to do stuff to them per se...it just happens if YOU choose a space to be conscious in and play in it and everyone else around you is CONFRONTED that you chose to go there and perceive and be where they often choose not too...and so by you going there, they have to in some sense, deal with that...because you are being of an energy which is of that and maybe it is interelated and involves their body, mind, dancing earch alchemy of energies...

Keeping it real is important...just being it...not thinking about it...for me the aim, is not to think about it, to transform my being/dance into a way which includes what thinking is!

It can be tricky, but I think for the most part, I believe we should be encouraging people to really let go and possibly confront themselves and one another about what that really means to them.

For the most part, true letting go through dance and the body, may be the most liberating and freeing things we can ever do! And I think that true let go, and even trance states have a lot of misunderstood implications and it is a kind of 'shamanic' work if one chooses to see it that way.

For the most part, the masses have never been about doing a shamanic work...but maybe reality pixie is performing that role mesq and so if that was respected or perceived in some way, then it would be more acceptable/accepted/alright?


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bah politics

Politics only matter when people care more about appearances and the opinions of others

We bring it on ourselves though. Negative comments, bitterness, jeaousy, ambition, submission, aggression. we express it and then we are defined in the mind of other by it

or if we intend to create an outward image

I know SFA people at these things, those i do i like seeing, i also like meeting new people.

However i dont go ther for them, i go for the space, the trance, the music and the dance.

This is share with them but really its not about them and its not about me so i dont look to impress or be impressed. Not to define and not to be defined by a cultural construct.

If i did that id suffer from it progressively and lose the enjoyment

Mesq and i talked about this kind of thing. Breaking moulds from mainstream society, but then hardening into new moulds and perhaps being as unaware of this as the others we pity are of their self made prison.

Before you had a transformative experience you thought you were free, then you broke through to a new awareness and met people like yourself, and we celebrate this liberty.

But then you can fall into a mould again, just a different one

analogous to Lava, molten but when it busrts through it forms a new skin quickly, new parameters. Or like cottees 'ice magic'

or analogous to the matrix. They break out into the 'real world' but later when neo stops the machines dead its apparent its just another layer in the matrix, designed to contain the anomaly of choice. Reality was never reached because the mind settled for a false nirvana merely one layer from the stead state.

The revolution of the self never stops, you are never complete, never perfect, never transcendent

you ust wok and work on getting better until you die. Its not as futile as it sounds being that if youre not growing then you're dead already and just havent made it official.

If we allow petty politics to ruin or didctate the doof experence then weve done the same thing. stepped sideways to an alternate view where we get involved in all the same dirty tricks and sit around thining how very good we are and better than the drones of mainstream culture, when really were just becoming the drones of the doof culture.

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I see 'doof politics' as like the different factions, or sides, or two facedness, which is very concerned with appearances and image, the sways of opinion and personality and pseudo power... all that stuff that occupies people's heads on some level regarding 'what is going on'...in terms of the overall pack or group of people and how they are stationed in relationship to one another. (even if they don't know one another it is happening!)

And yeah, there's a lot of it...and it is just THERE...it can be really tangible...I feel it and I don't even know what most of it is...except on the dancefloor I can feel a sense of order and placement and how thought is electromagnetically polarised...how people are constrained and held in positions of of their own energy...stuff like that. It can be complex and there are many levels... and going to these parties, trying to free oneself as a dancer, there are these energy fields to be aware of.

I have at times, been like an innocent lamb, wandering into psychic spaces that have upset people and not even knowing it until you get the heat put on you!

Petty and whatever it is a lot of the time, but I think by not investigating it to some degree, we miss some kind of anthropological realities about how people congregate and live with each other...the forms of interconnection which are occuring on some levels...the sharing of intent and perspective forms communion...and the bathwater goes out with the baby.

The earthdance thread is an interesting example fo some stuff... I think it is generally known in 'the scene' that many people feel uncomfortable and unsure, on edge during the earthdance prayer at earthdance... but often seem unwilling to investigate why this may be... because it is a good thing for charity and what it means in general and so on!

I heard a lot of this and thought... what's really going on here?

Almost nobody stated their true thoughts and feelings about earthdance in that thread and what they felt and thought about it!

One dj who is very actively involved in the scene actually posted his real thoughts on the issue...thought better of it and then deleted his post and pm'ed me and basically said there are lot of people who could have things to say, but for various obviously 'political' reasons, were not going to say it and that I'd be alone on this one!

While people came up to me in person and said I was onto something...

Most of my friends are pretty unanimous about what they think/feel about it and so I communicated that basic perspective.

And when crunch comes to crunch, you see who is really afraid of being castigated and ostracised...because I think a lot of this is people who feel insecure, wanting to be accepted and liked and so on. These sub cultures have a VERY strong conforming quality to them...almost always. It is resented when someone does anything that supposedly threatens that delicate tittering weave!

And then the mob comes in and does a lynch jobby, fulfilling their own fears of what happens if you actually stand up and say what you really think/feel about things!

So all this has left a sour taste in my mouth... but it has been a learning...most about how people misinterpret or choose to see what they want to see based upon their emotions or already formed perspectives... the sad thing is that it doesn't even appear to matter what you say when people already have their mind made up.


Paul Abad is definately a stand out character and I am looking forward to going to positronic!


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i have limited doof and no e experience but i have not been able to get any 'depth' out of mydoof experiences.i'm usually unable to peak.my feeling is it's a playground with too many external distractions.i'm used to internal peak experiences with entheogens.

any comments or advice?

t s t .

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I can honestly say that without LSD or MDMA I would not have been able to come to the understandings that I have...from which i can now reach certain "states" without...

Without using these tools it just takes longer and is quite alot of hard work...

usually takes me 2 hours of dancing to start getting into any form of "altered state"...

bring the energy up from the earth...Stalk the dance, Stalk the dancefloor...break through the feeling that you wanna stop dancing... The doof is the warcry of the psychedelic warrior...it is a call to "arms" (of sorts) .. But yeah while I dont recommend taking drugs... I feel a combination of LSD + MDMA + Intent+ Awareness+ Stalking the dance will get you there.

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At the end of the day... ok should we address doof politics ??

There are many differnt levels of this but lets look at it on the non-tangible cos thats what i am good at :P

Warning: The following is not THE truth. Do not believe it.

Warning: The Following is A Truth. Feel free to decide what is true for you.

Psychedelic trance music originates from the other...and that other is also aligned with tryptamine conciousness. So the Producers when they make their squelchy noises are receiving all their soudns from another reality, a reality which has its own agenda concerning our reality. Now, what we have is... repetitive trance beat, allowing dancers to alter their brainwaves into what must be a very suggestible state of mind, we have Psychedelic Drugs, and Pills (Who really knows what the hell is in those crappy things) and we have strobe effect lighting and projections... all of these things allow the mind to which is now in a suggestible state to be de/re-programmed by the music... The DOOF is a massive De/Re-programming of particular conciousnesses that are more susceptible to certain states of awareness...




but But..... I know Billy such and such he is a producer/promoter/Dj and he sure isnt some kind of agent of tryptamine conciousness...

We don't always know we are being used do we??

I know of many people involved in the scene who realise that there is some kind of force (DNA ?? The evolutionary paradigm?? Tryptamine Conciousness?? the illuminati hehehe ??) That is behind us...the people who are involved with DMT/Tryptamines, psychedelic trance parties and the entheogen movement... they all go hand in hand as different aspects of a massive shift in conciousness...the spearhead.

So of course, when you have such tremendous forces and powers that are interested in making these parties happen, of course there is going to be some kind of tangible surface politics which everybody believes is the real deal, but you just have to scrape the surface to realise there is MUCH more going on. And that is what I think you are referring to Julian about the uneasiness at some parties.

There is stuff going ON thats for sure, there are entities, awarenesses who almost sit back and watch the party and are going "hmmm yes yes this is very good" or "Hmm how do we take over this scene, how do we make this part of our agenda"

And all the while I am on t he dancefloor transmuting the energies a wild card who is aware of a role to be played... and that which I play adeptly and prodigiously.

At the end of the day. just dance. everything will take care of itself.

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reality pixie:

At the end of the day. just dance. everything will take care of itself.

ah yes. That kind of sums up the answer to an existential crisis on the dancefloor.

all the revelations all the insights and visions all lead to that eventually, the one glistening pearl of infinite comprehensibility, that singular breath that gives you an aneurism unless you learn to accept and flow with it and make it out the other side

The Is, was and will always be's-ness. That makes anxiety doubt guilt and politics completely futile and just dancing the only option.

My impression of a shaman is of somebody who travels this dualist road being outside normal politics, but also through insight being an inter weaver and reconciler of grievance and psychic illness in community, and/or a malevolent agent when needed.

too much of a wild card and free agent to be getting involved in low order politicking but always a scapegoats for those who do

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My impression of a shaman is of somebody who travels this dualist road being outside normal politics, but also through insight being an inter weaver and reconciler of grievance and psychic illness in community, and/or a malevolent agent when needed.


too much of a wild card and free agent to be getting involved in low order politicking but always a scapegoats for those who do


fuck man I know I shouldnt be surprised but you are one insiteful being !!!!

U have pretty much hit the nail on the head...

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As er..mushroom said man

[ 28. October 2004, 23:10: Message edited by: mescalito ]

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well said rev,an expansion on the biblical 'to be in the world but not of it'.

interestingly ,to return to jc[lilly] ,he had an experience in which he was taken by a higher being outside this universe.he saw other universes, and our universe was then destroyed and recreated.he returned to our universe from outside it and so was in the world but not of it,not having been part of it when it was recreated.

the same thing was depicted in the marvel dr strange comics when the master of the mystic arts became the sorcerer supreme!

t s t .

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[ 31. October 2004, 01:40: Message edited by: coin ]

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Feeling Wird - 04 WirdWid3.jpg

[ 02. November 2004, 18:07: Message edited by: RonnySimulacrum ]

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In the Gnostic gospel Acts of John, even Jesus danced and said to his disciples, "To the Universe belongs the dancer. He who does not dance does not know what happens." :)

This is a great thread cheers for starting it Mesq and Reality Pixie, great read and info might add a experience sometime when i can find the words for it :P

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