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ADDITIVE ALERT , Food additives and sensitivity


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Man I was crook yesterday, severe migraine, aching joints, pain in kidneys .Dry reaching, couldn't move much. Alternating hot to cold showers (a lot of them) seemed the only help...

This year I worked out i am allergic to dairy foods (Lactose), especially cheese and milk which would give me similar effects, mainly excruciating migraines and vomiting, so I was puzzled yesterday by similar symptoms because I no longer eat dairy... I did however eat half a jar of mayonnaise ( boiled potatoes can be boring )

After asking my missus does it contain soy? ( 90% soy contains GMO), milk? or any numbers? (additives) she says no ... why I listen to her is a mystery to me... so last night after finally being able to move I go to the now empty jar of mayo and fiind among the ingrediants is an additive #320 .

We have a book for decoding food additive codes so i look it up and it says :

320 . Serious concerns about carcinogenic and estrogenic effects, asthmatics and aspirin sensitive people should avoid, causes metabolic changes and accumulates in body fat. Banned in Japan in 1958 -Not permitted in foods for infants and young children.

Great if i had of known it contained that I wouldnt have even sniffed it , because in my old age my body seeems to have severe auto-immune responses to toxins and this time it kicked my ass. So no more trusting my missus who never reads ingredients labels thoroughly :BANGHEAD2:

The book info can also be found online, very helpful in avoiding nasties for your kids or if your just trying to remain healthy. Why the government allows companies to continue poisoning food is beyond me...

If you have a number in the ingredients list on something you are about to eat you can type it into the ''search by number'' in this link , stay well peeps.






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Did it ever occur to you that your misses is trying to bump you off <___base_url___>/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif . Cheese is one of my favorite foods, duuno if i could go without that. I have a pocket book called 'The Chemical Maze', (a guide to food additives etc) and boy, so many numbers, all bad for you and in everything. Banned in other countries yet we are still exposed to the stuff. A bit of garlic and avocado would have gone down better on those spuds ,huh?.

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Yeah garlic and avocado would have been noice .Serves me right for being to lazy to go shopping.

I ran out of chilli flakes too ,so i folded. Some balsamic vinegar would have been better.

I'm off processed foods forever hopefully, a lesson learnt.

Cheese was a big one Amazonian i grew up on the stuff , remember eating a kilo block in one sitting once ,lol. Not anymore , took me a while to accept it but the pain and just the loss of productivity caused by those migraines helped me learn fairly quick. My mother also suffered 30 odd years of migraines from dairy, but she was only diagnosed a couple of years ago. I guess its hereditary ...

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I guess there are people that have sensitivities to certain foods and then there are people who suffer migraines and because they have the faulty part of the brain stem that gets over excited easily by visual stimuli or more often from certain foods, they cop migraines. Sometimes its the fault of the semi-toxic food but also its quite often a person's overactive responses to certain things that is causing the problem.

I guess in that case its not the food at fault, so much as the person being prone or hyper sensitive to certain things.

I knew a guy that said he was sensitive to additive 330 which is ofcourse citric acid which I find a little hard to believe.

Funnily enough I took a beta blocker once when i got an MSG reaction and it killed it in its tracks - Mono sodium glutamate results in increased cerebral glutamate?? Who knows...

Ive got this inflammatory condition - its pretty mild but sometimes certain foods set it off and yet sometimes I can eat them fine. Its quite weird. Pasta is always the worst one and red wine, but I can sort of tell by how im feeling about whether it might kick it off a bit or not. I look at it as my body not so much being allergic to these things, but more that i have a stupid condition that tricks my body into thinking its under attack when i consume certain things and then decides to attack my sacroiliac joints for a day or two... Fun times

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@ blowng>Can I ask where your headache was? All over, back, front, more on one side?

All over . When i shook my head it was like my whole brain was bruised .I have had the dairy induced ones on one side at times , but havent had one for a while because stopped eating cheese and milk. I think its an auto-immune response to substances which it sees as harmful?

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All over . When i shook my head it was like my whole brain was bruised .I have had the dairy induced ones on one side at times , but havent had one for a while because stopped eating cheese and milk. I think its an auto-immune response to substances which it sees as harmful?


I feel for you. I was thinking about your liver. Often if this is the case, they are more right sided and frontal. Preservatives, additives, fats from mayo, etc could have been a load on your liver. Anyhow, it is hard to know from where I am sitting. Really need a full picture!

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Guest svarg26

a great website is notmilk.com. i have been an organic vegan for over 5 years now and have never felt better. cheese doesn't digest. basically it's like eating glue. avoid dairy like the plague. one of the best dvds going around is food matters. get it, watch it and live it. you can't go wrong.

i hope you feel better, mate.


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Thanks for this info, I don't want to eat anything that is banned in Japan..

Fucking hell, look at all those numbers in my food... kind of neat, I am eating numbers.

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Preservatives in supermarket mass made cakes, purple and red colourings (particularly in cordial) will almost always set off my asthma. Preservative 211 (pretty sure that's the number) in a lot of cheaper wines can be a big contributing factor with wine headaches/hangovers. On my old computer I had a link to Aus govt. website listing food additives and what they're capable - or suspected or being capable - of.

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DORway contains 800 plus Web pages of documentation showing aspartame is neither a diet aid, nor was it ever proven to be safe for human consumption. DORway was David Oliver Riet’z WAY of repaying the Internet for providing the small, hard-to-find aspartame article he nearly missed, but that he credited with extending his life. That article was the 1996 FDA list of 92 symptoms of aspartame...


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. cheese doesn't digest. basically it's like eating glue. avoid dairy like the plague.


Vegetarian pizza with stringy Mozzarella cheese...Drooling. Cheese loves me and i love cheese. ( i have given up so many things that are bad for me, I don't want to give up everything).


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I saw something the other day that had written on the packet "maize starch from wheat" - did they lie about the maize or the wheat ?

I'm gluten intolerant, so I have to watch that sort of crap.

When I found out my girl was pregnant the first time, I really started to wonder what was in our food so I got a second hand copy of one of those food additive guides from a bookshop.

There are some additives that aren't so bad, but most of them had a list of problems they can create and were listed as safe in small amounts and others were listed as possible carcinogens.

One of the additives was made from human hair - which doesn't seem that appetising to me.

I go to the supermarket these days and see all this pre-packaged crap that really isn't even food, it's just empty calories and food additives.

When you read the labels and see all those numbers on the packet/box you have to wonder why the fuck anyone would put them there to start with. Then you realise if it will boost profits companies will use it, and our governments will let them.

Who cares anyway, humans are excellent bio-filters and we make too many of them these days so if a few die it doesn't really matter - Sodium fluoride anyone ?

Most of my food comes from local farmers markets these days.

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Maize starch from wheat ? lol , wouldn't surprise me all the GMO's around...

I go to the supermarket these days and see all this pre-packaged crap that really isn't even food, it's just empty calories and food additives.

When you read the labels and see all those numbers on the packet/box you have to wonder why the fuck anyone would put them there to start with. Then you realize if it will boost profits companies will use it, and our governments will let them.

Who cares anyway, humans are excellent bio-filters and we make too many of them these days so if a few die it doesn't really matter - Sodium fluoride anyone ?


Aisles and aisles of junk food, or junk-food disguised as normal food. You'd be better off eating the packaging it seems but then you'd miss out on all the extra additives they so kindly put in them . Some additives are okay and some are definitely not .Its a gamble and most people don't have time to decipher all the codes or to care for that matter.

Table salt has anti -caking agent 559 or ''Aluminium silicate'' which goes great washed down with some water laden with fluoride , seeing as fluoride increases the uptake of aluminum into the brain. post-4908-128684335668.gif

I'm planning on doing a four or five day fast to try and cleanse this rickety jalopy...




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I'm planning on doing a four or five day fast to try and cleanse this rickety jalopy...


I tried this once for spiritual enlightenment. It was called the lemon detox Diet which consisted of lemon juice, water , pure maple syrup and Cayenne pepper mixed together as a drink. I got to the morning of day 3 and couldn't stand it any longer. I had to eat. My weakness came from preparing the family meals and smelling food in the house. I believe i could fast longer if i was alone for a week or so. So good luck with that. I suppose you gotta be strong willed.( i am addicted to grazing all day).

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I tried this once for spiritual enlightenment. It was called the lemon detox Diet which consisted of lemon juice, water , pure maple syrup and Cayenne pepper mixed together as a drink. I got to the morning of day 3 and couldn't stand it any longer. I had to eat. My weakness came from preparing the family meals and smelling food in the house. I believe i could fast longer if i was alone for a week or so. So good luck with that. I suppose you gotta be strong willed.( i am addicted to grazing all day).

Yep that's the one I did some years ago.... I made it to 5 days but only cos I stayed alone in the bush, stretching and stuff . I was really weak at the end of it, but a few days after I was feeling fantastic! I also believe i passed a gall stone during the fast (looked like a green jelly bean lol) I have let myself go since so its time.

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Apparently the sauce on bigmacs contains 29 food additives

stay the hell away from md's their chicken m'nuggets contain silicon ...


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McDonalds buns wont decompose ,why?

Enriched flour (bleached wheat flour, malted barley flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid,enzymes), water, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, yeast,soybean oil and/or partially hydrogenated soybean oil , contains 2% or less of the following: salt,calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate, wheat gluten, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, dough conditioners (sodium stearoyl lactylate, datem, ascorbic acid, azodicarbonamide, mono- and diglycerides, ethoxylated monoglycerides, monocalcium phosphate, enzymes, guar gum, calcium peroxide,soy flour), calcium propionate and sodium propionate (preservatives), soy lecithin.


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I tried this once for spiritual enlightenment. It was called the lemon detox Diet which consisted of lemon juice, water , pure maple syrup and Cayenne pepper mixed together as a drink. I got to the morning of day 3 and couldn't stand it any longer. I had to eat. My weakness came from preparing the family meals and smelling food in the house. I believe i could fast longer if i was alone for a week or so. So good luck with that. I suppose you gotta be strong willed.( i am addicted to grazing all day).


My partner did this "diet" for 2 weeks. She used palm tree syrup instead of the maple syrup.

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McDonalds buns wont decompose ,why?



Yep stay clear of the propionates,Hydrolized Vegetable protein and these ,also check out the Palmers Island Trial

an experiment for additive free school kids!

Fixed the links above and here too!


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My partner did this "diet" for 2 weeks. She used palm tree syrup instead of the maple syrup.


Two weeks, wow, that would seem like an eternity. What was the main benefit that your partner found with this cleansing diet ?

As for McDonalds food not going off, how true this is. How many times have McDonalds fries fallen down behind the back seat of your car and many years later , you are cleaning it out to sell and you find the chips still intact . My hubby calls McDonalds.... McChucks.

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i like this pic on the link mesc.. your palm island one didnt work for me tho


Our loving government loves to keep us safe from nasty ,nasty plants , but this sort of poisoning happens with their consent , surely even the most non-conspiracy minded types should be asking WHY

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