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The Corroboree

How to live poor in AUSTRALIA.

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I had some idea of a good thread.

It involved people of wide lateral thoughts, who contributed individual ideas based on the simplification of the human activity.

For example: in lagos a country i watched on telly tonight, the men worked with pride, there was no theft....punishment was quickly handed out, the thing is these men of lagos who worked in the tip, beamed with smiles and certain regulatory functions of co-operation and trust seemed to be built from fact that from these rubbish tips burns something i admire almost more than anything, the purification of the human spirit via extreme poverty, this poverty breeds trust as why would we steal from anybody if they did not covet the foundations of power.

thats my opening statement i have nothing more,

44 gallon drum

thats my first money saver, please fill it with water first...either use a can opener(very large), angle grinder or a large hammer and a cold chisel...even a pilot hole drilled via drill then hacksaw.

If you would like to comment on 44 gallon drum please comment and it will be re-edited.

Good luck.

There are a million small money making ideas, its not always about money though...simply documentation for future research, make of it what you will...........a money making site, break this 44 gallon in 2 and sell it or rent it as a cheap BBQ. 2 for the price of 1.

Pretty soon it might be thousands of ideas.

Who knows.

What next....window cleaning.

I've been scavenging crappy pallets to use as fuel wood for years, both the scavenging & the enclosed wood fire are technically illegal if anyone complained.


How bout building small foundries to melt aluminium and casting things or forges to make utensils and implements - all acn be done from scrap and grey matter.


Insides of old washing machines make great bonfires too,


u can always make a living with a mower and whipper and u have a ute.


When I first moved out of home at around 15 I used to go into big supermarkets and eat cheese and bacon rolls handfulls of nuts and drink chocolate milk


i like that one josho, pretty much everybody i know would have eaten a grape or a lolly from those self service bins in supermarkets. its stealing yeh...but sometimes survival comes down to the basics, back in the hood when i was 11ish me and the brats used to actually go into supermarkets, brazenly search out coca cola crates and proceed to walk out with them and sell them to the local deli guy for 3 bucks each......then we bought cobbers off him. win/win.

but then your story finishes with moral, instead of stealing you ended up forging trust with the old man who instead of getting broken into gives the fruit away, you kids stopped stealing and that turned into a win/win situation.

we would also roam the streets and look for fruit trees and raid the fruit when it was in season. one day an old bloke chatted me as I walked past and offered me to pick it for him and let me take some home, so what turned from me jumping the fence at night into talking to the bloke during the day kept food up to me and the boys


We cut lots of corners from stretching our meals out with rice growing our own veges, repairing not replacing, and I scrounge metal from the same tip I mentioned, along with timber and I even scrounged some large myrtillo cuts that were left to rot there[hatchet,cut cut].. I chose to live this way and If I can figure out a way to not work I will, because to me my time with my family is worth more than the time I spend with the company


picking up rubbish has it's rewards for me. since i'm the only person looking for rubbish, i'm the first one to spot that twenty dollar bill, two dollar coin, shovel, torch.... i've found two toolboxes worth at LEAST $30 each.

my contribution: don't just ignore human crap in the environment and let your gaze roll past it all, because not all of that crap was discarded intentionally


brilliant work syncro

Edited by santiago

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There is a tip here that the workers also beam happiness. They recycle to the public for cash and there is no record of the sales, lol. They aren't as poor as those you describe, but they are happy, the people they are selling too are happy because they are getting the product cheaper than they can at the bigger city [not really a city but a big town] tip etc

How bout building small foundries to melt aluminium and casting things or forges to make utensils and implements - all acn be done from scrap and grey matter.

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I hope those two half 44's meet the australian standard for BBQ's & grills or you could find yourself in hot water pretty quick.

I' assume you have already started the paperwork to let council know that you will be storing the 44's at home when not being rented out & as such you are now a home business & will be paying an annual registration fee.

Oh & the state requires you have a trading name, even if your a sole trader so you'd better pop of to fill in the forms & get the cheque book out for the fee's

Oh & don't forget the tax man, he gets extremely upset if you forget him, even if you don't earn enough to have to pay him or earn anything for that matter he still insists on seeing what you've been doing every quarter & again at the end of the financial year.

Perhaps the men of lagos are beaming with smiles because they aren't being crushed by bureaucracy & over regulation of a nanny state???

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Insides of old washing machines make great bonfires too, I've been trying to hunt down a 44 gal or old washing machine internals for that purpose for awhile now. If anyone here is in VIC and wants to make $100 I'd be happy to buy one lol

I remember seeing a webshop in the uk, selling metal buckets, few holes in the bottom to bring in air and a grill plate on top. The Bucket BBQ! So simple but would be fun to use when camping lol

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weird hey..

when i was woring in disabilty services i used to take some of the guys to ort out the recycling. they got paid of course,and i was always astonished at how happy, nice, outwardly friendly and kind all the tip workers where.

they where always very receptive of our clients and treated them as equals. i think maybee its perhaps the humbling nature of the work, and maybee the persona of the people it would attack to the job, big egos wouldnt generally be attracted to a tip job. it pays pretty well as well! cushy council job with all the lurks and perks!!

u can always make a living with a mower and whipper and u have a ute.

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When I first moved out of home at around 15 I used to go into big supermarkets and eat cheese and bacon rolls handfulls of nuts and drink chocolate milk these days I wouldn't recommend that but we would also roam the streets and look for fruit trees and raid the fruit when it was in season. one day an old bloke chatted me as I walked past and offered me to pick it for him and let me take some home, so what turned from me jumping the fence at night into talking to the bloke during the day kept food up to me and the boys

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i suppose i meant i was impressed as well with these tip workers who salvaged pretty much everything, they come from somewhere thousands of times poorer than us....for example little bits of metal were grouped together to form piles of salvage to gain a few cents, plastic was used to burn the fires that cooked meals and cooking drums, clothes were salvaged and sold.................for example i work near a good sammy store and they send a full skip bin per day of stuff to the tip, all good stuff just not (so called) sellable.

these same lagos workers if they could just see the opportunity we have over here, without being presumtious i reckon our local council collections and our rejected good sammy bins would bloody well look like a million dollars to them and i say that with the utmost respect.

every day when we go to coles, recieve your mail...do you really re-use the plastic bags, when you drink your beers...do you crush your cans and melt them into sellable aluminium, even the bottle tops, what about your old clothes....do you strip them for cloth rags and ties, i just feel so ashamed that we as westerners just friggin throw everything away...and me included im the first to jump up and down and say "i hate the way the world is, im getting a raw deal" so what are you really doing about it.

how do you recycle everyday items, do you flog copper from high voltage lines, do you scrub around council collections for wood and use it to make fire to cook meals to save power bills, thats what im asking............surely there is a better way to be less wasteful.

shortly....the 44 gallon drum was a kind of analogy, just a description of how something ordinary can become extraordinary, i understand business and hiring etc you gotta pay bas and all that kinda stuff, i owned a business once but honestly im not worried about legal ramifications of jibbing the government out of a few hundred bucks tax per year, if i need to survive just like the lagos men, the business cards and declaring shit is the least of my worries.

all my goal is is to save money, to save metal, to save plastic, to save rubbish, to save time, to save soil, to save ourselves just 1 cent per day of wastefull spending.

for example it costs $4 to buy 8 sausages in a pre packed pretty package in woolies, in the same shop bought at the deli section they cost $2 wrapped in paper, this is what im after...i just potentially saved somebody $2, its not about me its about ideas...who cares if you eat polony sandwiches for lunch costing approx 30 cents per round including all costs, how do you cut corners?

the rich and biased and ignorant will pass this thread by, for they are really the cause of the worlds problems...for gods sake stop all the love and light nonsense, take the blindfold off your eyes....the world is dying and your part of the cause, every body is so quick to blame blame blame but then you open your super-annuation yearly letter, your meagre fund has lost 200 dollars and you have just been charged 500 dollars in management fees for the privelage of losing that 200 dollars for the 15000 you have saved up for 20 years work, dont blame the government.....blame yourself and blame coca cola and coles, what the hell are you really doing to make any difference except for your own short term needs.

Dont pay a cent more than you need to and think laterally like our poor lagos cousins, make money from nothing...salvage save and be happy.

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I know where you're coming from. I work perm/part time $low/week, its a struggle but jobs are really scarce here. We cut lots of corners from stretching our meals out with rice growing our own veges, repairing not replacing, and I scrounge metal from the same tip I mentioned, along with timber and I even scrounged some large myrtillo cuts that were left to rot there[hatchet,cut cut].. I chose to live this way and If I can figure out a way to not work I will, because to me my time with my family is worth more than the time I spend with the company, that is just an evil necessity at the moment.

Edited by dworx

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My point is just that most of the things that ppl come up with are either technically illegal even if the state has no resources to police their laws.

Or someone will decide its "immoral" apparently its not acceptable to put a razor sharp piece of metal & carbon fiber into a cute fury animal & then skin, bone & dress it but it is acceptable to buy insipid prepackaged protein that somewhat resembles meat that was killed in another hemisphere & shipped halfway around the world:wave-finger:

And yes i'm a proud member of PETA People Eating Tasty Animals :drool2:

I've been scavenging crappy pallets to use as fuel wood for years, both the scavenging & the enclosed wood fire are technically illegal if anyone complained.

And despite the obscene waste of all sorts of useful materials most places wont allow you to scavenge anymore, not because you might get something for free but because they cant afford to risk having someone injure themselves & sue.

So these companies have to charge their customers a bit more so they can pay another company to take the "waste" away & put it in a hole in the ground. :slap:

We buy bags of grain that i clean & then grind our own flour, that since the various grains weren't initially graded for human consumption isn't strictly legal either but since i'm not reselling & at $450 a ton ($0.45 per kg) the health dep. can blow it out their rectums. At $0.45 per kg that makes a 1kg sourdough loaf about $0.75 zero electricity and a bit of our time.

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most supermarkets markdown their meat, bread, fruit & veg for quick sale every day, usually late in the day.

the coles i used in Melbourne would do it at around 9pm, there would be bread for a dollar (often the more expensive sourdough type specialty breads that no-one buys), meat would be half price, the remaining BBQ chickens would be a dollar & you could often get really cheap bags ov over ripe fruit or veg.

The dairy markdowns were always good value too, triple cream Brie for a dollar :drool2:

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yep australians can be pigs. picking up rubbish is part of my job, funnily enough picking up plastic is the most satisfying thing about my work even though it seems lowly. most of my coworkers, if they bother picking up rubbish, just throw it in with the green waste to get mulched or burnt. yet they did not produce the litter in the first place, i reserve the term pig for people who think land fills are a waste of time and just discard their invincible plastic crap wherever they feel like.

picking up rubbish has it's rewards for me. since i'm the only person looking for rubbish, i'm the first one to spot that twenty dollar bill, two dollar coin, shovel, torch.... i've found two toolboxes worth at LEAST $30 each.

my contribution: don't just ignore human crap in the environment and let your gaze roll past it all, because not all of that crap was discarded intentionally :devil:

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picking up rubbish has it's rewards for me. since i'm the only person looking for rubbish, i'm the first one to spot that twenty dollar bill, two dollar coin, shovel, torch.... i've found two toolboxes worth at LEAST $30 each.

my contribution: don't just ignore human crap in the environment and let your gaze roll past it all, because not all of that crap was discarded intentionally :devil:


Thunder!! Shhhhhh!

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sorry eastern staters...i bumped this a bit late (forgot about the 2 hour difference)

welcolm to lagos- 830pm sbs hd tonight or next week tuesday

last week was a great show, i really liked it..........tonight it moves onto the slightly richer part of lagos (where they can simply shit into water to make less smell)

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