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Researchers link low vitamin D to schizophrenia


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Researchers say babies born with low vitamin D levels may have an increased risk of developing schizophrenia later in life.

The three-year study tested blood samples from babies in Denmark and found having low vitamin D levels doubles the risk of developing the disorder.

The findings could encourage pregnant women to get more sunshine or take a vitamin D supplement.

Professor John McGrath, from the Queensland Brain Institute, says the study is further evidence of vitamin D's link to brain development.

"Many years ago we thought it was totally implausible to prevent schizophrenia, it seemed to be such a mysterious, poorly understood group of illnesses," he said.

"I think this new result suggests that maybe it will be possible to prevent .


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That's interesting, it makes sense with all the "Sun-phobia" these days.

I have a 28 year old book(Your Health Vitamins & Minerals) that documents cases of adult schizophrenia being cured with high doses of niacin and vitamin C.

Schizophrenia is also linked to low levels of zinc in the bloodstream.

It seems adult schizophrenia is in many cases just pellagra.

When the medical establishment was presented with overwhelming proof of the link between niacin and schizophrenia they did their usual heads in the sand trick.

Theres a fortune to be made from "treating" suck patients for the rest of their lives with psychotropic drugs, not to mention the kickbacks on offer to the unqualified GP's who prescribe these drugs.

I often look at the degenerate deadshits that abound in my neck of the woods and wonder if they would be normal if their parents had ever bothered to learn to cook and fed them a decent meal from time to time. Many of them are obviously malnourished and some even show all the classic facial features associated with cretinism.

Malnutrition & the criminal state of mind

As for the low levels of vitamin D and being linked to problems for the unborn child, when my girl has been pregnant we have made a point of her going outside and getting sunlight exposure by her lifting her shirt & exposing her belly to the sunlight for at least ten minutes every day.

We also have done our best to bolster her diet with highly nutritious foods to try to prevent problems with developing babies and hopefully in their lives after they are born.

Orthomolecular medicine is one of my pets unless you hadn't noticed.

After reading about Linus Paulings curing heart disease with vitamin C, and seeing how the system deliberately botched the testing of his treatment procedure(without even allowing a rebuttal in the medical journals that slandered him) I realised a large percentage of illness is nothing more than deficiency of some sort.

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can schizophrenics symptoms be reduced by sun exposure??

my sisters ex, who has schizophrenia was "OK" when he was working outdoors in telecommunications. maybee the sunshine coupled with socialising with workmates and a point of reality i.e work. when he was made redundant he spent the majority of his time inside working on a uni degree, or in his music room playing guitar he totally lost his mind.

such a drastic change in a matter of 8 months. he didnt want to return to work, he just wanted to do uni and work on his music. now hes in an institution getting accessed.wanders around talking to himself, and getting answers apparently!

not saying the lack of sunshine and vitamin d would be major factors, i think more his isolation and the ability for him to construct his own internal reality to live within, which unfortunately was totally wacked out, extremely selfish, and inherently dangerous to both him and others. but yeah interesting you mention the vitamin D thing, when he was functional, he was outside working on powerlines on a daily basis. always had a golden tan. now hes pasty-white and a complete freakazoid.

I agree bout society now being so pussy-like regarding the sun.

MAYBEE this avoidance of the sun at all costs may have something to do with the growing numbers accessing mental health services???

I am commiting myself to getting a good tan this spring. Lots of naked gardening for me.

Edited by incognito
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Problem is a lot of people dont know sunscreen blocks vitamin D synthesis. I remember reading a study from over here that showed that many american girls that frequently went out in the sun were vitamin D deficient due to overuse of sunscreen.

Maby your 'slip slop slap' campaign needs to be amended to say 'after 15 minutes'

As a side note: in preparation for my upcoming flu season I tried spiking my extra virgin olive oil with vitamin D, it didnt effect the taste at all <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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I remember Dr Karl talking about wanting to warn Muslim women on wearing burqas too much because they're depriving themselves of vit D. Maybe they know and take supplements or target diet.

Perhaps - referring to the thread Auxin posted about Schizophrenia and Religion - a deficiency in vit D combined with growing up in a theistic state country might account for a higher than average counts of terrorism? Has anyone studied terrorists and mental illness? Is it just an extremist attitude to religion or more than that to cause a person to blow themself up with as many others as possible?

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a bit off topic but i wonder about the generational patterns of fetal alcohol syndrome.

for instance water was unsafe to drink in many places for centuries and alcohol was the usual beverage of everyone,children and pregnant women included.

t s t .

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  • 12 years later...


Results of a longitudinal study of high-dose Vitamin D given to mental health patients (and staff!) with no adverse effects and improvements for a wide range of conditions, protection against cancers, etc. 


I've heard that serotonin is manufactured chiefly in the gut, and without vitamin D there won't be much of it available to your system, during everyday or psychedelic experience...

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