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Near death experience....

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dc, how much do you think the benzos and opiates encouraged the feeling of peace?


Couldnt say, didnt feel high, had no come down from the drugs and had inner peace feeling for a week or so after the experience which ive not had before with opiates or benzos, normally the opposite.

with death being boring i spose it depends on your life and how your traveling, personally daily migraines and years of depression have worn me down and theres no way im taking any of the shit the doctors are trying to feed me fuck ssri's snri's antipsycs and beta blockers, id prefer to be a junkie or be on methadone for the rest of my life than use that shit. no i dont use daily or weekly this was the first time in over a month ive been there done that got the mental image of withdrawals so far into my head i never want to have that experience again, but once in a while i like to turn the fucking switch off.

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dxm def have to mention that, thought i really was dead.......it only turned out to be a night time power blackout but i really thought i was dead, a humbling experience.

text had mentioned this side effect and i believe it was upper 3 maybe 4 plat, it's like a light switch...all of a sudden it just goes click and your under, you truly believe u are actually dead, the worst thing is the realisation that somebody will find you the next morniing looking pretty dead, which is the scariest part........your family dealing with the consequences and you feel guilt, guilt for everything bad you have ever done, this is when you start wishing you had just one more chance to right things up.

so you crawl to the blinds and look outside and it's dark, your all alone...however the buzz is on another level altogether, insread of being on a high to low level 1-10, say 10 being a extreme euphoric state, 1 a typical relationship breakup in pure depression mental terms and also excitement level, a later stage dxm trip is like a V, 1 to 10 is not 6 out of ten but your 6V...imsure that doesnt make sense but thats the feeling. if you were to examine it on a lineacal scale.

but it has an extremely quick tolerance, prolly the quickest of any drug some kinda street hobo would ingest, this is the limiting factor with those silly enough to chase some kinda syrup skulling, soon after vomiting...and being off your tits kind of realm, simply not very cool.

as a matter of fact a internal warning system warns the human who is partaking in overdosing on cough syrup, number 1 its simply not cool, 2 it's dangerous, 3 its unknown, 4 self limiting, 5, tastes gross, 6 have to go to chemist 7 cant really share with true friends 8 expensive 9 make your own decision.

the above answer really only responds quickly to NDE.......

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I was hit by a car point blank doing 60ish klms hr side on ..one second i was riding a push bike, then I was under the car and heard screaming, the motor over revving and the pungent smell of oil and fuel..my life falsh before me, akin to watching what world war one soldiers would have watched in those scene's you see in old black and white war films.

It was incredibly clear and seemed almost slow and beautiful as I watched my life rewind, showing me everything I'd done, all I had been with and known, I was dieing and all my mind wanted to do was show me what I'd done before passing on...it truly was an incredible experience, peaceful and without fear.

The visions stopped abruptly at around when I was 6 years old, I then felt pain and the realization that death had not come for me this time and I indeed did need some help to be extricated from underneath this car, main issue being me being pinned to the ground via the exhaust which was hot and burning my skin.

Incredibly I did not break a single bone but was very very badly cut up and bruised, laid up in bed after hospital treatment for 3 weeks before i could move again...the doctors told me that because I was not stiff or rigid from expecting the impact that my body was able to take the hit and blow rubber doll style.

I will tell you this...that was a near death experience, I've two others and they are absolutely nothing like DMT or any psychoactive or psychedelic I've ever come across.

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..one second i was riding a push bike, then I was under the car and heard screaming,


Thats just how quick it can happen hey! Here one day and gone the next...blink and you would have missed it...you got back to 6, how many years did you review and has the experience changed your view of beforehand?...do you fear it? Hope I'm not being too personal It just fascinates me..hope I don't start lurking the coridors of the hospital

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i'm in a rush so can't offer much.

but, just so there's no ambiguity:

150 mg ketamine IM injection. if you snort or swallow ketamine, you should be arrested.

i thoroughly recommend the following reading:

k: dreams and realities by karl jansen

also, if you can try to get a hold of this paper, by the same author:


The Ketamine Model of the Near-Death Experience: A Central Role for the N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor

Journal of Near-Death Studies Volume 16, Number 1, 5-26,


Near-death experiences (NDEs) can be reproduced by ketamine via blockade of receptors in the brain for the neurotransmitter glutamate, the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. Conditions that precipitate NDEs, such as hypoxia, ischemia, hypoglycemia, and temporal lobe epilepsy, have been shown to release a flood of glutamate, overactivating NMDA receptors and resulting in neurotoxicity. Ketamine prevents this neurotoxicity. There are substances in the brain that bind to the same receptor site as ketamine. Conditions that trigger a glutamate flood may also trigger a flood of neuroprotective agents that bind to NMDA receptors to protect cells, leading to an altered state of consciousness like that produced by ketamine.

if you read into dr jansen's background it's quit interesting -- he had a motorcycle accident in india, where he had an NDE. while in hospital, he was given ketamine as an anaesthetic and had an NDE with similar phenomenology to his endogenous NDE.

also read into carbogen. the following reading will be useful:

carbon dioxide therapy: a neurophysiological treatment of nervous disorders by some dude called meduna -- it's a very old book and hard to get, but he was the first to study carbogen's psychoactive effects. very interesting read.

and this study came out earlier this year:

The effect of carbon dioxide on near-death experiences in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors: a prospective observational study


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Thats just how quick it can happen hey! Here one day and gone the next...blink and you would have missed it...you got back to 6, how many years did you review and has the experience changed your view of beforehand?...do you fear it? Hope I'm not being too personal <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_blush.png It just fascinates me..hope I don't start lurking the coridors of the hospital <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png


I think it did do something to me on a subconsciousness level, mind you ...and this is sooooo poignant at the moment ( chemical Shaman) but I have always lived for the moment and do not fear death or hold back on anything due to fear or some strong attachment to this world...it makes you appreciate that you can go at any tick of the clock and if you spend your life playing it safe and holding back, not taking the gamble, not going for it then you get smacked by a bus or drop due to a health condition then one might wish they had actually lived it up a little.

Sure family and friends worry or will cry if you pass on, but what does that matter to you, that's their problem, I've been the black sheep wild child in my family since day one, the title fits so play the role. My sister and mother and father are all so very very conservative and in my eyes they haven't even lived...my sister and mum have often when we se each other comment on my lifestyles with things like...don't you think you should be settling down and taking it easy, why do you always have to be doing stupid or crazy things all your life...? my sister has said many times she is so jealous of my life as she has led the most hum drum existence and did the good girl mortgage, hubby 2 kids 3 bedroom brick house in a sterile suburb where all the houses look the same and everyone knows each other and their idea of living is going over to each others house's to watch footy and drink beer.

When I was hit by a car the imagery viewed seemed incredibly slow like, was as if I was sitting comfortably legs crossed on the floor like a child watching cartoons...as the imagery came my mind would say .."oh yeah hey I remember her" or awww that was so funny, I was 18 when this happened so watched from 18yrs back to 6yrs old which was a lot of footage and memories to view and recall in the space of perhaps 1-2 seconds, yet it felt like half an hour...compression of time and or some type of speeding up of the minds actions to recall and show all the old data....a type of recoil of all data back to a point of birth, what happens then with it and where would it go...?

incredibly interesting topic near death and death it's self.

with regards to ketamine I view that space as somewhere before here...a waiting room or void that is not bound by time or friction, a place that exists before birth, that's why it feels so amazingly serene and almost familiar.

man people bag out snorting etc...try smoking it...that is wayyyyy wayyyy heavy, particularly when mixed in the same pipe with DMT and some MA...oh yeah you read that right...that shits for maya warriors chasing sun gods with swords of flint slicing through the time holes and loops of friction.

not unpleasant but what is difficult is to try and prepare yourself for what is about to happen if you do load up the glass dick with that combo...individually you know what to expect but mix the 3 and your heart races as you have no idea which path you will ripped down or hole into.

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  • 8 months later...


I'm a diabetic and had these experiences due to disregarding my blood sugar levels/using too much insulin. but yeah they happened when I nearly slipped into a coma, I have related them on another NDE thread on here.

Now somebody else, I feel like a freak


Me too(.Been type I since I was 12.) I have woken up to EMT's injecting dextrose into my arm after accidentally taking too much insulin and not being able to recognize the symptoms (hypoglycemic unawareness) sometime my fault, but usually not my fault. Its a catch 22 the better your control is the increased likelyhood of having severe lows and or the .Its nobodys fault many times. I wish NDSS would subsidize continious glucose monitor sensors. $75 a pop is pretty pricey I remember paying $35 per sensor, (one rare occasion) putting on in (my asscheek) getting a failed sensor error on my insulin pump take it out throw away, use another sensor it kinks or gets irritated right off the bat (maybe hit scar tissue?) throw that one away , inserting the third sensor results in a "gusher"(pretty rare) blood literally squirts out of me (even though the needles are sub-q) blood everywhere. "fuck"

Girlfriend hears through bathroom door "are you OK?"

Hendry: "I think I just spent 105 bucks and have nothing to show for it but a bloody mess"

Girlfriend "I couldn"t hear you baby....what did you say?"

Hendry " nothing honey I'm fine i'll be out in a sec"

Type I diabetes is a real pain in the ass some times. I guess i shouldn't coomplain as some people have diseases where they know the end is rapidly approaching

(at $75 per sensor my lil bathroom break would have cost me $225) NDSS Should subsidize CGM sensors! just a lil pet peve I have.

end of rant-----

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I'm a diabetic and had these experiences due to disregarding my blood sugar levels/using too much insulin. but yeah they happened when I nearly slipped into a coma, I have related them on another NDE thread on here.

Now somebody else, I feel like a freak


Me too(.Been type I since I was 12.) I have woken up to EMT's injecting dextrose into my arm after accidentally taking too much insulin and not being able to recognize the symptoms (hypoglycemic unawareness) sometime my fault, but usually not my fault. Its a catch 22 the better your control is the increased likelyhood of having severe lows and or the .Its nobodys fault many times. I wish NDSS would subsidize continious glucose monitor sensors. $75 a pop is pretty pricey I remember paying $35 per sensor, (one rare occasion) putting on in (my asscheek) getting a failed sensor error on my insulin pump take it out throw away, use another sensor it kinks or gets irritated right off the bat (maybe hit scar tissue?) throw that one away , inserting the third sensor results in a "gusher"(pretty rare) blood literally squirts out of me (even though the needles are sub-q) blood everywhere. "fuck"

Girlfriend hears through bathroom door "are you OK?"

Hendry: "I think I just spent 105 bucks and have nothing to show for it but a bloody mess"

Girlfriend "I couldn"t hear you baby....what did you say?"

Hendry " nothing honey I'm fine i'll be out in a sec"

Type I diabetes is a real pain in the ass some times. I guess i shouldn't coomplain as some people have diseases where they know the end is rapidly approaching

(at $75 per sensor my lil bathroom break would have cost me $225) NDSS Should subsidize CGM sensors! just a lil pet peve I have.

end of rant-----

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I'm a diabetic and had these experiences due to disregarding my blood sugar levels/using too much insulin. but yeah they happened when I nearly slipped into a coma, I have related them on another NDE thread on here.

Now somebody else, I feel like a freak


Me too(.Been type I since I was 12.) I have woken up to EMT's injecting dextrose into my arm after accidentally taking too much insulin and not being able to recognize the symptoms (hypoglycemic unawareness) sometime my fault, but usually not my fault. Its a catch 22 the better your control is the increased likelyhood of having severe lows and or the .Its nobodys fault many times. I wish NDSS would subsidize continious glucose monitor sensors. $75 a pop is pretty pricey I remember paying $35 per sensor, (one rare occasion) putting on in (my asscheek) getting a failed sensor error on my insulin pump take it out throw away, use another sensor it kinks or gets irritated right off the bat (maybe hit scar tissue?) throw that one away , inserting the third sensor results in a "gusher"(pretty rare) blood literally squirts out of me (even though the needles are sub-q) blood everywhere. "fuck"

Girlfriend hears through bathroom door "are you OK?"

Hendry: "I think I just spent 105 bucks and have nothing to show for it but a bloody mess"

Girlfriend "I couldn"t hear you baby....what did you say?"

Hendry " nothing honey I'm fine i'll be out in a sec"

Type I diabetes is a real pain in the ass some times. I guess i shouldn't coomplain as some people have diseases where they know the end is rapidly approaching

(at $75 per sensor my lil bathroom break would have cost me $225) NDSS Should subsidize CGM sensors! just a lil pet peve I have.

end of rant-----

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  • 1 month later...

It seems inacurate to describe ketamine (or other NMDA antagonists) as inducing a near death experience, because the sensory blackout of ketamine/others extends fully towards the emotions too. Its very hard to feel terror in the depths of a k-hole; very hard to feel bliss too. Smaller doses are a different matter...

There are two substances that always lead me to make analogies to death; the first being salvia (instead of actively wondering if I have died, it seems reasonable to assume that such intense dislocation is the result of death) and 5-MeO-DMT. The second being unbearbly violent, and very unpleasant at high doses. A gentle NDE could be attempted with DMT, 5-Meo-DMT and salvia, if the latter pair are used very sparingly. On the other hand, no matter the dosage of DMT, I no longer fear it at all, and we could look at ~200mg doses as being very effective.

That said, I do believe that once we ingest enough of these substances to induce a "pseudo"-NDE, we are getting close to literal danger. Its odd that people assume that psychedelic induced NDE's are essentially analogous and somehow 'not real', even though all our sense insist it be so. To the brain; the primitive parts of the brain at least; there's no real delineation between fake possible death and real possible death (thus, such aberrations as panic attacks).

I don't opt for lrge doses of these things at the moment as I have epilepsy; though I have a tendency to mistake the epileptic aura for the ineffable psychedelic glow, and then further into the psychedelic death experience...I don't wish to combine both epileptic death aura syndrome with psychedelic death aura syndrome.

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Fear, bliss, awe or anything is not directly linked to it, unless you stick to a very narrow [personal?] description of NDE.

Experiencing death or ego-death is something psychonauts want to have experienced, so maybe sometimes we stretch the defination of the 'death' experience to fit our own.

IMO, simulation of experiencing death is experiencing the switching off of most brain circuits except perhaps of those that allow us to perceive this 'death'. Take more and your might not notice it. Take more [of, say, K] and you might die IRL.

That's why I said I link these kind of experiences with dissos and not so much with classic psychedelics, as the classic enhance everything, do not switch them off. but I haven't experience the turbo-fast freebase tryptam ines

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Perhaps the emotionless state is closer to between-lives (as Mutant suggested). I wonder because if it's likely that we choose our next incarnations (as at this point I'm beginning to think) and we sometimes choose a less than favourable life with many hardships, wouldn't it be a more human state to want to pick a happy life than an horrible one (with many life lessons to learn)? Maybe that German movie Wings Of Desire (that City of Angels was based upon) was more accurate; the "angels" view human goings-on with a more dispassionate black-and-white edge, yet when they become human (or in other words, are reincarnated into flesh without heavenly/spiritual-energy-fabric memory), our emotions colour the world in a way not otherwise possible. Yet we burn out far quicker with the bright finite spark of Life. Buddhism (AFAIK) tells you that in order to become more spiritual, you need to let go of "human-ness"; ie material possessions, anger, frustration.

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Perhaps the emotionless state is closer to between-lives (as Mutant suggested)

alternatively, it could be akin the blunted affected typical of ketamine.

one point i want to make: any explanation for the NDE needs to take into account the fact that NDEs can occur in people who are nowhere near physical death.

self-indulgent, self-promotion: at this year's EGA, my talk (if it gets approved) will touch briefly upon NDEs.

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I won't be going to EGA, but I'd love to read your talk

What if souls are the particles of God, since there is assumed to be so many, why wouldn't they form a higher being even? God? I love science, but the unknown/unknowing is a lot more fun because you can only get an answer once; Questions are limitless and imagination like a waking dream.

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man people bag out snorting etc...try smoking it...that is wayyyyy wayyyy heavy, particularly when mixed in the same pipe with DMT and some MA...oh yeah you read that right...that shits for maya warriors chasing sun gods with swords of flint slicing through the time holes and loops of friction.

not unpleasant but what is difficult is to try and prepare yourself for what is about to happen if you do load up the glass dick with that combo...individually you know what to expect but mix the 3 and your heart races as you have no idea which path you will ripped down or hole into.


ha ha ha.

love it lol

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one point i want to make: any explanation for the NDE needs to take into account the fact that NDEs can occur in people who are nowhere near physical death.


IMO anaesthetics administered by emergency/staff, or the body's own natural anaesthetic systems, cause NDEs. That fits with why they happen in emergency rooms, at the site of the emergency, and even with meditation/OBEs.

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well i have been here a while now and thought it time i shared my story.

i was born premature and was born with undeveloped heart and lungs

im fine now thou.. but here is what i have gone through in my life so far... this could be a lil long.

on my first day into the world i kept dying over and over again.

the technique in which they dont do any more because its dangerous and can cause brain damage is they would pick up a baby whose heart has stopped or stopped breathing and they would literally swing you around in the air to get heart started again.

i died over 30 times in my first 24 hours of being born , i continued to keep dying the next day.

i was kinda born in two hospitals , was air lifted from st marys in paddington , london to another , il have to ask my mum which one it is next time i see her.

through out my childhood and growing up i en counted a whole chain of events.

a few times as a toddler i had to be rushed to hospital due to breathing difficulties.

from the age of 5 i had my first obe

it was so weird , i would be lying in bed , fully consciously aware.. then all of the sudden i felt so far away , like being drifted away at tremendous distances ,i can still remember somehow being in another part of the house but i was still in bed. when the realization hit me i can clearly recall being almost slammed back into my body.. and it was scary as hell.

it was like a massive jolt.

i dont know why and cant explain this but i also get ju deva alot , almost on a daily basis , however it seams to be slowing down as i age.

other things i encountered around the age of 5 to 6.

i would often hear these weird voices in my head , but i could never understand what the hell they were saying.

this lasted for around 12 months.. my mum used to tell me it my gaurdian angle trying to communicate with me.. keeping in mind this is a mother trying to explain to a 5 year old what he is experiencing from her view point.

i would often wake up and still be in a dream.. only to wake up again and yet still be in another dream.

after like literally waking up half a dozen times it frighten the hell out of me , i clearly remember gasping for air and my heart going extremely fast.

when i was around 6 i ate a leaf ( i know i know i was curious ) and it blocked my airways , by time ambo arrived i was blue and clinically dead but not legally dead. i dont really recall or remember anything.

another weird thing that happened as a child was lying in bed and feeling something touch my toes , yet there was never anything there ( i alter find out this is in fact very common among children.)

i do not recall nor remember any of my NDEs as a child.. but i do recall a NDE i had in my early teenage years.

i had a Heroin overdose ( i been clean now for over a decade so everyone can relax lol ) and woke up in hospital.

i still remember almost clear as crystal just floating over this weird landscape.. it was beautiful , all grass paddocks , there was buildings but there was no roads , no people , just grass and buildings , it was like nothing i never seen or experienced before.

the landscape just seam to go on forever with no ending.

i dont recall any tunnel or going down a tunnel.

going back to childhood memories for a second.

i would often have dreams of seeing a man standing on a highway , but it looks like no place i have ever seen before.

i often wonder whats its connection , past life ? reincarnation ? i had this same dream over and over again.

i also find as time goes by , i have had dreams where im damn convinced i had the same dream like 20 years earlier.

so here i am aged 35 today , there are times where i do indeed question all of my experiences and have found other normal people just like you and i who have gone through some similarities.

here is one piece of the puzzle i can never ever figure out.

anyone remember those arcade machines ? you know video games pinball machines.

i have been fixing them , playing with them nearly my whole life.

( by the way i own 5 original space invaders )

i had dreams of arcade machines when i was around 5 many times.. and yet i never even saw one nor knew what one was... so how is that even possible ?

it so weird.

its like.. my life has already somehow been played out.. known in advance the events yet to come.

i dont know the answer and prob never will.

i often do indeed wonder if all these experiences come from the fact i have been dead and came back many times.

tell you what thou.. since i embarked on this journey 10 years ago to understand more about what the world really is , experiencing drugs on a save responsible level and going on a quest to understand more about the mind , the soul... i can definitely say im way less afraid of dying when my time will be up.

i think we will all go through a journey we cant even possible comprehend nor describe.

i believe the DMT , OBE , NDE visuals or however you wish to term this is just a final experience before we depart this life.. i feel there is something much bigger around the corner that we have no real clue or idea about.. because well once you have gone beyond the astral plane.. there simply is no coming back if you get whet i mean.

at present i cant compare a nde with a dmt trip.. i havnt been able to get lucky enough to experience a dmt trip lol

well thats my rant , hope you enjoyed it.

Edited by 7baz
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thanks for sharing dude, pretty interesting

have you experienced dissociative drugs, and especially these last 10 years you seem to more consciously explore mind realms? how was it?

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Very interesting, Baz! After my last post I got reinterested in the subject and found this website which seems to corroborate Afterlife stories. The fact you imagined arcade games long before ever seeing them would tie in with the pick-your-next-life theory. Which leads to interesting questions about whether the course of the future is already pre-planned at least to some degree. There is also suggestion of multiple realities and that souls who wish they'd done things while in human life differently, can see/experience the alternative ending. Some of what is suggested by the authors quoted in the website seems a little too detailed IMO to be true. That said, who am I to say that? Interesting reading in any case; even if the sole purpose of the authors were to make the shit up just to give consolation to the living...


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