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alarm clock? meh..

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experiencing an odd phenomenon of late.

being doing some mixed, overlapping shifts with not much break in between of late, and due to end of semester coming up ive got alot of assessent work and study due in as well (this weeknd) so in between shifts have been coming home and having a nanna nap, setting my alarm to get up in 2 hrs time, to ten get a feed and work on my shit. coming home of an evening i usually stay up till 12.30 am, and set my alarm for 4.30 am to get up and ready forwork at 6am.

thing is, ive been waking up of my own accord like 2 minutes before the alarm is set to go off. i think thats cool.

sometimes ill be that deep asleep, that there is almost like 2 selves. theres me in my body sleeping, then heres my 2nd self (spirit?) that like, 'okay Incog, time to get up, lets get into it' lol. im totally concious in my sleeping body of the other self thats hassling me to get up!!! i just think thats so cool!! without fail for the first 2 weeks this has occured, where ive been 'woken' 2 mins befoe my alarm (my mobs in my bed with me) goes of.

anyone else experiene this phenomenon? maybee its the urgency- i love my job and dont wanna be late, and theres alot riding on getting my skool work done and handedin on time?? anyways whatever it is, its cool, and i dig it, and its totally drug free!!

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yeah happens to me a lot, we are pretty precise machines :wink: but it is fascinating, particularly the more complex it gets.

I'm the opposite with positive reinforcement being a motivator lol maybe i wake up a couple hours earlier than the alarm 'cause my consciousness wants time to itself before the man steals yet again another day of my life away for no real return.

I can often get it associated with multiple times over a period of dropping in and out, that's pretty cool.

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Yeah, used to happen to me all the time, when I had a job I liked.

I reckon its cool as well.

"my mobs in my bed with me" :wink:

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its called your circadian rhythm. wish i still had one... years of night work has destroyed it.

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cheers CT!! ill have a good google on that one!

mobs in bed as its my only source of alarm.

i also, when im lonely, like to shelve it and receive lovely midnight calls from faustus :wub:

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I'm the opposite with positive reinforcement being a motivator lol maybe i wake up a couple hours earlier than the alarm 'cause my consciousness wants time to itself before the man steals yet again another day of my life away for no real return

yeah i can understand that gerbs. I love my job but, and i guess i subconciously wanna get to work on time so i dont let my 'man' down. Im lucky that ive got one of the nicest, coolest bosses, and the feeling of respect is totally mutual :wub: which is nice ..fo now and hopefully for good 'touch wood'. i get alot of retuns, tis what keeps me sane. totally co-dependant :P

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loads of interesting hypnagogic/hypnapompic experiences that i won't go on about

haven't experienced exactly what you describe, was weird though only recently, you know when you snap awake? my eyes opened SNAP then my alarm went off, all in about one second.

my alarm goes off and i set an alarm 5-10 minutes later, then go back to my dreams within about 15 seconds. then i sometimes keep dreaming that the alarm has gone off and i'm fidgeting in bed, hoping i don't fall asleep cuz i know there are no more alarms set. then i ponder whether the alarm really did go off, then after a while it really does go off.

the one i've struggled with all my life is that i bide my time in bed by thinking about what i'll have to do when i get up. then i'm dreaming that i'm doing those things, getting ready for work, then i realise it was all a waste cuz i'd been in bed the whole time.

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I have experienced that same thing. I never had such a regular routine, but I still often found myself waking up moments before my alarm would go off! It was kinda freaky, especially as it was at different hours of the morning each day...

But yeah, circadian rhythms are the cyclic variations of various neurotransmitters throughout the 24hr day. Melatonin is the major one - its production is inhibited when light hits the retina and therefore its concentrations peak during the night (normally). Serotonin (5HT) is also involved in sleep patterns and is commonly interfered with by drugs. There's lots of information out there, but of course it's still not fully understood

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I have experienced that same thing. I never had such a regular routine, but I still often found myself waking up moments before my alarm would go off! It was kinda freaky, especially as it was at different hours of the morning each day...

thats it, mines been set at all different hours of early morning, night, and day, over a broad range of timeframes of sleeping times from 2 hrs to 6 hrs. its cool, i dig it. and yeah i sleep like a baby. nothing wakes me up anyhoo. from the time my head hits the pillow to the time i have to get up i sleep like alog. a really heavy sleeper. im one of those dudes who gets his eyebrows shaved off and shit (not drunk lol) but yeah this phenomena is getting me up, on time, 2 mins b4 z alarm.

Edited by incognito

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i'd give my eyebrows away if it meant getting that kind of sleep

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I definately used to sleep better when I was younger. Anyone else found this?

I've mostly always found it hard to get to sleep, including when I was younger, but back then I just stayed there till whatever woke me in the morning... I am lucky to sleep all the way through the night a few times a year now :scratchhead:

(could be the benzo's though :wacko: )

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light and bodytemp are the 2 aspects to our bodyclock.

light has a 24hr cycle intune with the sun, body temp has 2x 12hr cycles, which explains overseas siesta.

even tho they have a 24hr cycle, if i for eg. Don't do a thursday night shift, i'll still be up all thursday night unable to sleep... its like we've trained ourselves not only 24hrs of each day, but each of the 7 days of the week.

like alot will stay up fri and sat night. interestingly enough, i do believe our body knows its friday again (an example)

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Snooze button for me, again and again and again.

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Annoyingly, whatever time I set my alarm for in the mornings (usually 5:30), my body keen waking at earlier and earlier times before the alarm in increments of around a minute or two every morning.

the one i've struggled with all my life is that i bide my time in bed by thinking about what i'll have to do when i get up. then i'm dreaming that i'm doing those things, getting ready for work, then i realise it was all a waste cuz i'd been in bed the whole time.


LOL I do that occasionally. Boring waste of dreamtime! Had it happen a couple of times to the point of WTF when trying to wake up from restless legs syndrome medication. When you're "waking up" into a mostly normal house but there's an elephant in the corner of the room and someone's throwing machetes around, you hope that this time you've "woken up" isn't for real.

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i would get this a lot on tour which meant lots of driving and staying up late and getting up early. you'd have to sleep when you could often in two hour snatches. i'd find i was able to somehow sleep whilst staying awake and aware and when i knew i needed to get up i would automatically snap out of it. yet somehow feel really refreshed even though i had felt like i was still awake the whole time. weird states of semi sleep and consciousness. all sorts of visions and flights and stuff going on during those states. it was pretty cool. i'd get to go on little journeys yet also feel totally refreshed and energised afterwards.

there are some techniques which involve sleeping for 20 minutes every two hours or something like that...and just doing that forever. theres some cool stuff on the net about it. supposedly puts you in a permanent altered state. would give it a try if i didn't have to participate in standard life.

damn you standard life!

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^^^^^ yep it's interesting, the different types of awareness that can be kept or abandoned during sleep. i've had so many types of sleep i can't describe half of them, i've gotten out of bed under dream pretenses (spider/s in my room/bed) and don't realise it was a dream for twenty minutes, i've woken up delirious from sickness, spent all night repeating mini-tasks involved in a computer game in my head or doing the shit i do at work or whatever the previous day involved, been part awake watching a simple (by the standars we lot are used to heh) colourful animated mandala (kinda like a CEV), fallen into sleep paralysis and forced myself awake about 10 times in a couple of minutes.... there is so much going on there, it's fascinating. i've even felt a painful electicity-like shock going through my skull for maybe 25 seconds?? which i thought was caused by a wayward energy/entity, and when i mentally raged at it, the shock intensified greatly. then to my astoundment, a nostril that had been partially closed for ages was magically fixed!!

i really, really like the hypnagogic state (nodding off, or, the "waking mind" interpreting the sleep state). sometimes the onset immediately triggers me back awake, but usually it means that sleep is imminent and i won't remember any of it. it is the kind of state i think some meditators can enter and remain in

CT would probably tell you the 20 minutes thing wouldn't work and i'm inclined to agree.

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strange things happen when your sleep deprived, thats when weird hypnogogic hallucinations or sleep paralysis is most likely going to occur.

i wouldn't sleep 20 mins every 2hrs, thats asking to screw up your body quite badly.

we are designed to sleep 6-10hr (8hr average but there's short and long sleepers). every 90 -120 minutes we complete a sleep cycle, so... if you HAD to, sleeping in 2hr slots or 4hr or 6-8-10 etc is more intune with our sleep cycles.

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when i was having trouble sleeping after a relationship breakdown, i started hearing voices talking to me coming from within the whirr of my electric foot heater in my room.

ill never forget that. either it was a hallucination, or it was an actual voice from dun dun dun.. the other side.

mind you this was just on the verge of a plummet into suicidal depression.

but yeah, i will never forget it. was getting an hr sleep if that a night for 2 months or so. and anything with an electrical hum in it i was making out voices coming through out of the humb. weird.

ive always caused some kind of electrical interference with tvs and radios, which can be verified by a number of my family and friends, but this really went into overdrive during this time of sleep deprivation, to a point i could make out voices in electrical static, often it was directed at me. ah the slip into madness.

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i also, when im lonely, like to shelve it and receive lovely midnight calls from faustus :wub:

FFS incog, this infatuation with me needs to end. it was one night, i was totally drunk and confused you for my dad.

re: sleep-related shit.

my mate shannon has a pineal cyst which his neurologist reckons fucks with his sleep regulation. he only needs to sleep about 4-5 hours a day but will quite frequently go days without sleeping and not get tired. weirdest shit ever. the only downside to this is that from the lack of sleep he's immunocompromised, and will constantly get infections, quite frequently throat infections from smoking. but that's ok, cos then he just gargles cocaine solution and his throat doesn't hurt so much.

when i was regularly using my sensory deprivation tank, i would always go for hour long sessions. the accuracy with which i could predict when my time was up was impecable, usually +/- a couple minutes. still impressed by that. apparently with extended meditation practise this is also a common phenomenon.

i also believe that there are "clock" mechanisms within the body for physiological processes such as cell division, not sure if this extends to something like sleep regulation.

me and my sleep problems... let's not even go there girlfriend.

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FFS incog, this infatuation with me needs to end. it was one night, i was totally drunk and confused you for my dad.

you want me to call you this time??

dont pretend the infatuation isnt mutual.

you seriously have ur dad masturbate you between his oiled bald head and left armpit?

i thought that was really special man. :(

i so cannot watch jurrasic park now without cumming in my pants at least 4 times and now you say this.

you chat cunt.

Edited by incognito

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i think it's not so uncommon to experience the voices? perhaps not exactly how you described, coming from an electrical device.

for me it's just the voices of people i know nattering away nonsensically. not words, although i did have the theory, if it was ESP related, that other peoples's heads might possibly be so overrun with inane thoughts that their minds actually sounded like that???

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I think it's awesome how an autonmous aspect of your conciousness has manifested as a spiritual guide (concious aspect) that encourages you to wake-up.

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its called your circadian rhythm. wish i still had one... years of night work has destroyed it.


Mines busted up too. On saturday morning I want to sleep in - I wake up at 7.30. On sunday morning after going to bed at 3am after a night drinking - I wake up at 7.30am. Monday morning I sleep through the alarm and wake up at 9 :(

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UCLA scientists teach cultured brain cells to keep time

PhysOrg.com, June 15, 2010

Networks of brain cells in a petri dish can learn to generate simple timed intervals, UCLA scientists have found.

The research sheds light on how the brain tells time and will enhance scientists' understanding of how the brain works.

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