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Societies fear of plants.

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I guess this can go here...

I was reading some of the replies in the "WA Repeals Cannabis Laws" thread, Chiral mentioned the following:

There is something very sinister and malevolent about these peoples views about plants and ethno's...it goes real deep and they are really starting to freak me out

This is something I wonder myself on many occasions - the fear of ethnos, where does this fervor come from?...or am I just imagining it? I am referring to something deeper...something beyond political/health issues.

Things I can think of off the top of my head:

- Policy and law makers from religious right honestly believe what we are doing is evil and we need to be saved.

- Said people believe we should just be good little consumers/worker bees and only partake in culturally accepted norms for relaxation - e.g. TV, beer, barbecues etc.

- Parental fear that our sorts will somehow corrupt their children.

Something that comes to mind is a section from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Duke is in a bathroom and spills LSD on his sleeve, so a musician starts sucking on his sleeve when a straight laced guy walks in the bathroom and catches them:

With a bit of luck his life was ruined - forever thinking that just behind some narrow door in all his favorite bars, men in red Pendleton shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he'll never know.

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Fear comes from the media!

My mum fears ethnos and has gone completely nuts because she thinks im a druggy when she is the one on bulk prescriptions that cure her "problems"..

that's my uneducated view anyway...

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and people are always scared of the unkown.

i cant believe the fear people have on magic muchrooms!! when they have never even had them!

My dad is adamant that magic mushrooms will kill you.

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My dad is adamant that magic mushrooms will kill you.

Define "Kill" I heard along the grapevine that a proper dose WILL kill you... you will be re-born and your ego will go through a much needed death!

Swim has died a few times now from ingesting 'heroic' doses of mushrooms and wishes everyone else on the planet could experience the same thing!

People are scared of the unknown, some people would be less worried if they knew you were on drugs coz atleast then they know what your getting into...

Taboo of anything within society creates a fear within every individual who is too scared to think outside the square [baaaaa] :slap:

and this is exactly how the Government want it!

Public opinion sways a lot of Government legislation to a point.... ie If a law is passed against a particular plant and the 'general public' either 1) don't know anything about that plant and will therefore mostly beleive what the 'media' tells them or 2) are too scared to research things themselves and out of fear of the unknown will directly support the prohibition of whatever that plant may be!

We need a national wattle day where we can all celebrate life and partake in massive ayahuasca [in our case wattlehuasca] ceremonies! :P

My mum fears ethnos and has gone completely nuts because she thinks im a druggy when she is the one on bulk prescriptions that cure her "problems"..

We both have that in common kramer; my mum was diagnosed with Bipolar generations ago and she is now on more medication to treat the side effects her original medication created.... it's a disgusting, appaling, hard to swallow reality what psychiatric drugs and the psychiatric industry in general are doing to people who would otherwise be fine if ethno's weren't taboo and they received the sort of treatment nature offers.

Not to mention a good chat.... imho therapy is more important than anything you can put into your body having someone to talk to is the difference between life and death when quite often its the medication that causes the death not the depressive state the person is in.

With a bit of luck his life was ruined - forever thinking that just behind some narrow door in all his favorite bars, men in red Pendleton shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he'll never know.

hehehehehe I love this movie lost count how many times i've watched it now i've read the book a few times aswell! The look on this dudes face is so friggin hilarious! Pure terror spewing out of his eyes with a hint of curiosity of something he will never know!

Edited by herbal_hindsight

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I understand chirals point, i thought my mate who introduced me to a catha edulis tree many years ago was a fruitcake. The copper who pulled him over with a shopping bag full of khat leaves called him a koala. There was a couple of tough guys i met the other day the subject started on UFC to Joe Rogan and to DMT, i think they thought it was a joke.

A show some of you may know called 'Beauty and the Geek' has a male contestant who really is into mushrooms and discovered a new species, guess what.....he is a GEEK. Most people consider places that sell plants like waldecks completely boring and avoidable, if you try chat up some chik in a club and explain the difference between a rivea corymbosa or a HBWR see how far you get.

Ask a few friends or family members if they are going to the EGA. When they say "the EG....what" you will need to explain to them its a 4 day camping sleepover where the main focus will be on psychedelic entheogens knowledge music and celebration. Possibly they might get a picture of some crusty unwashed hippy with tan pants, a bob marley style jamaican beany hiding some unsightly dreadlocks, dancing barefoot around a fire with lots of other weird people listening to outdated boring 'the seekers' style music. Im sure its not like that at all, realistically thats what mainstreamers think.

Its the same sort of feeling as when you are waiting for the traffic lights and the window washer starts squegeeing your windscreen. An underground person has tapped into some harmless personality fear you have. People fear what they dont know and understand. Why is this dude freaking you out, surely you can give him 15 cents...the person in the car in this analogy is mainstream and a 'entheo' is the window washer. On the subject entheo, what a aweful word. Whilst it is scientific and smart sounding to be classed as a entheo would be twice as bad as being on "beauty and the geek"

However dont take that as bad news. Society really doesnt want to know about us. Whilst having stated in the past, been asked in a poll, seen many a member point the eletist finger at you/me in actual fact they forgot to add a D at the front. Thats right not eletist, we are deletist. Like your computer keyboard a entheo is like the INS key on the top right hand side, you know its there but it doesnt effect you, dont know what it does, dont really care and dont want to learn.

So here we are, on the forefront of Australian underground knowledge, rich with information, botanically gifted, smart, funny, diverse, known in the corners of the globe and what......................10+ years only 6000 members of which 3000 probably only really exist. The population of Australia stands at 25 million so our percentage is 0.00012 of the population. 1 in 10000. Realistically who gives a shit, eletist-deletist-hippy-high, some members with good collections and knowledge could lay claim to the fact that in actual fact, they are 1 in a million.

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This place is awesome!! I finally fit in somewhere!!! Never before has this happened haha!

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you will need to explain to them its a 4 day camping sleepover where the main focus will be on psychedelic entheogens knowledge music and celebration. Possibly they might get a picture of some crusty unwashed hippy with tan pants, a bob marley style jamaican beany hiding some unsightly dreadlocks, dancing barefoot around a fire with lots of other weird people listening to outdated boring 'the seekers' style music

from what i hear it's exactly like that, even down to The Seekers style jams... :P

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Great thread..this topic is well worthy of some deep consideration.

I thought Tst Tantra touched on a very good point in that other cannabis thread when he said..

"your only value to society is as a worker/consumer!

drugs are seen to reduce your productivity and add to the health bill?

This is no doubt a part of the equation. What I have trouble believing in is that the authorities fear plants so much..something like.... that plants will kill or do so much destructive damage to a population...

Are they really worried so much that some guy that just smoked some DMT is going to go out and drive his car and smash it into a bus full of children, nuns and fluffy bunnies.

Sometimes I have some far out thoughts like Aliens/other dimensional beings have warned the leaders/masons of our planet that if ever the majority of people ever found out about the truth..the hidden messages and meanings that are hidden in alkaloids in these plants, then these leaders would lose control...and they need to be in control...for what ever reason. I have no idea other than some form of slavery..or to keep people in a state on ignorance till a certain time comes then the leaders will have done their job and some kind of change will happen...this is obviously some pretty far out thinking but so is the way these fools in office who are creating these ludicrous laws and scare mongering think too...no really.

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To me its way deeper than a fear of plants - it’s the fear of what it means to be Australian. Fear of the Larrakin. These politicians were the twats who probably never had a girl to take to the drive in during the 70's.

“Soaring over them all is the larrikin; almost archly self conscious- to smart for his own good, witty rather than humorous, exceeding limits, bending rules and sailing close to the wind, avoiding rather than evading responsibility, playing to an audience, mocking pomposity and smugness, taking the piss out of people, cutting down tall poppies, born of a Wednesday, looking both ways for a Sunday, larger than life, sceptical, iconoclastic, egalitarian yet suffering fools badly, and, above all, defiant." Manning Clark

"Crime has played an integral part in developing our much-lauded larrikin spirit. It has given us our universal identity as a nation of convicts. " Paul McDermott

The Australian stereotype is intertwined with notions of larrikinism.It is a stereotype of a fundamentally good person that tests the boundaries of dubious rules

I like sailing too close to the wind and will continue to do so. Taking drugs increases cultural productivity.

Edited by botanika

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"A larrikin is not concerned with the opinion of other people" - Wiki

If that is true, then i wouldn't consider Australians(Sydneysiders) larrikins, in fact quite the opposite.

Bare in mind that I only speak of the people ive come across in sydney.

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?? Back in the day most medicine used plants and herbs for cures and relief. But even then the lady who was a bit different and grew other plants was labeled a witch and burnt at the stake ffs. The majority of people dont see plants as our equals. Really, what are plants to them but decorations of their McMansions and a way to gloat, having bought a $400 grass tree.

When someone starts talking about how a plant can make life easier, or act as a spiritual guide what are they going to think. That the person has gone off the deep end. Really, in the western world it's not a part of our culture, never really has been as far as i know. Entheogens are nothing more than a documentary on TV.

I might sound like a conspriacy theorist here, but thinking about what tst said, i'd think the higher ups are scared that if we all catch on to our true calling, what life is about is really about (which plants deffinately help with) then we're going to realise that this existence of materials and mundane repetiveness is all bullshit. Hence no workforce to shovel the dollars into their mouths.


Edited by Yawning Man

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Maybe that's the real reason cannabis is vilified so unfairly. Many hardcore stoners are terrible citizens because they don't have jobs? That's more offensive to the System to be unproductive rather than a hardworking wife-beating alcoholic?

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Put simply, there are huge misconceptions surrounding entheogens due to firm socio-political legacies of the past which are struggling to maintain particular value systems. Maybe we could substitute socio-political for religious-spiritual -- keeping in mind that the humanistic western paradigm and its popular culture worship consumer fetishism silhouetted by deranged prophets and a misleading quest through profits.

Peoples hearts and minds are tangled up in a series of lies and, like a tumble weed, are aimlessly bouncing around a vast lifeless environment desperately trying to bring some meaning into life. Popular culture is a dust storm suffocating peoples hearts and drying out their souls.

There is a lot invested in this dry landscape, this is why it is soooooo dry, and this is precisely why we are not allowed to grow so many plants in the barren garden beds of our culture.

But there is hope. Each moment of your life, in your own heart, you can open up waterways, storms, rives and sunlight to enrich our communities into becoming fertile cultural landscapes - you know, like a desert turned rainforest







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Maybe that's the real reason cannabis is vilified so unfairly. Many hardcore stoners are terrible citizens because they don't have jobs? That's more offensive to the System to be unproductive rather than a hardworking wife-beating alcoholic?

LMAO..what's funny about your comment is that there is and always has been an element of truth to it...my father was an alcoholic hard working family basher...totally accepted by everyone in the neighborhood. My next door neighbors oldest son listened to cheech and chong, had extremely long hair, wore tight black t-shirts with band names on them and smoked pot...never hurt anyone but was shunned by the entire community...I used to ponder him a lot when I was growing up...how his hair flowed behind him as he walked out of next doors house and down the street with a big grin on his face and blood shot eyes...he would latter become my mentor and gateway leader after much hassling and bugging him...he showed me pot...I was in awe....my dad showed me his fist..I had seen it many times heading my way.

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