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deepthroat, mouthfuck

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I have since clarified..

Now, it is simply that I dislike the projections that gay men place onto me. I am in control of my response. My response is that I move away from that hunger, and the perversion that often undresses me as I am speaking.

Men do it to women all the time. Men also do this with men- it makes me feel yukky, and I dont much like it.

i sometimes feel like my energy is yukky and at one time or another everybody i know has probably felt yukky. it makes me try to defend my energy and if mary jane is in the room it can become a big nasty fucking headfuck. proximity can just be uncomfortable, it depends on much, i can't personally divine the meaning from it and even if my impressions are otherwise, try not to attribute it to any particular fault of the other party.

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G*P your reasoning for your homophobia doesn't make much sense to me. Fair enough you're sick of sleazy guys hitting on you. But you are going to bars with sleazy guys. What about the non-sleazy gay guys that don't attend such bars? You're generalising the one type of person you're familiar with to all of them. A girl who gets hit on at a sleazy bar doesn't develop a phobia of all heterosexual men, does she?

my theory is that homosexuality is leaning toward evolution, that the male race will eventually die off and females will evolve into A-sexual beings so balanced they are not in need of the yin-yang paradigm.

That theory provides me with lulz.

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What are you neglecting to see in yourself, that you hurl at me, incognito?

what am i hurling at you let me see........

you proclaimed yourself a homophobe- to me that equates as ignorance- yet you put yourself forward as some learned shaman who has studied meditation practices for years. thats what shits me, your blatant hypocrisy. I am not a homophobe. I have great gay friends and i do go to gay nightclubs with them.

Yes i occasionally get hit on, however i like to take it as a compliment.

So no i cant really see the reflection of your ignorance in me, thank jebus. To be honest i feel sorry for you.

I do think your a spin doctor of the highest calibre, and can spin words to work your way out of the ignorance you spew forth when your picked up on it. But thats something that i cant relate to either, i like to call things as i see it, maybee thats a shortcoming of mine.

Yes i should hold my toungue, but your swarmy, cocky ignorance is something i find quite distasteful in the human condition.

Your no better than anyone else, brother.

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Hey......... I think G*P just trying to be honest about how he feels, he never said he thought he was above homosexuals just that he feels homophobic about them making sexual advancments on him (that it makes him feel yukky) lol

I feel the same when women make unwanted sexual advancments on me, and im almost certain that G*P may have unwittingly made some female feel the same way in the past. i think we all probebly have at some point or another

He does talk a bit about medative practices but i cant see anywere he claimed to be enlightened or even a shaman :P

Thanks G*P for the insight into the mind of a (Homophobe) straight guy its helped me to better understand some past circumstances, however i wouldnt describe your view on the matter as homophobic id know coz i deal with them almost evry day its not like you would cross the road to avoid one of us right? or hang outside of gay clubs and smack our heads in at 4am

maybe you could re-think your labeling homophobics a pretty strong word maybe homo-cautious?

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g*p you really do come across as very arrogant & unhealthily fixated on your own perceptions as superior to others. the arrogance you convey makes it clear as day that you have a great deal of work still to do & the superiority complex you seem to exhibit is very much inappropriate.

we all have a lot of work to do, thats obvious but not all of us regularly profess to be highly advanced shamen while simultaneously regularly conveying attitudes that make it obvious we are not as advanced as we think we are...

now i'm sure you've taken a lot of acid (or another legal psychedelic) & you've seen the nuts & bolts of the universe & you've gained some very deep insights etc, but man, thats really not that hard. the human mind is an incredible thing. the perceptions we are capable of having are incredible & the perceptions gained from these experiences may seem to set you apart from your average kid in the playground who never had some acid (or your average joe on the street) & it's not hard to think you're a bit special or something because you feel most people you meet don't understand what you do, but dude, let me tell you most people who frequent these forums are well indoctrinated into these things & it's simply insulting to hear someone spouting a superiority complex because they've had experiences that are extremely common & quite simple to achieve through the use of certain substances.

i don't pretend to be any guru or anything but i know the real test is getting over yourself. i know i'm going to keep trying to get over MY self cause i feel that not to do so is condemning myself to misery.

for your own sake i wish you well with this & i only ask you to try to not keep insulting our intelligence.

(edit after reading loftys post. this response is not really about what g*p has said in this thread but just in general & was motivated by his dialogue with incog)

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As soon as I read the initial flyblown [hey I looked this up in the dictionary, dunno if it's dismissive enough of my original intentions] post of G*P I wanted to express more or less a similar to incognito thought: so you are so fucking enlighted and shamanistic and 'I am so fucking cool I eat 10s of psiloshrooms guy' and totally control it, that you go to gay clubs and simulataneously admit you're homophobic. LOL what a jerk

Well, there's no question about it if you ask me, a smaller or bigger part of you is gay, and so is your friend... no doubt I tell you...

as far as what 'homophobia' is, well..

1) racist dicks might be homophobes for a variety of reasons:

a) hate for anyone being different and seemingly weaker or 'appropriate' to mock or bully [this shows those persons real face, they attack a group that is largely a controversial group which is often hated, and it's a widely accepted racism] . IMO the great and enlighted people attack established fuckups of the world, and not the weak of any kind.

b ) their own homosexuality tendency which they propably supressed in the past.

2) other types of people might feel embarassement, uneasiness with openly expressed gay ness, which comes from the fact that some people , like me , are not accustomed with gay behaviour. This is not a phobia, nor is it hate related... Deeper reason for that might be the fact that gay sexuality is kind of, superior to hetero sexuality, and propably also because of the matcho man stereotypes and sexual tabboos and all.. In greece, one of the more openly gay cultures once, homophobia still stands strong, hence it's easy to spot the racist ones, specially if you got leftwing - related philosphy and an allergy to racism... Get this: racists cannot hide if they try to talk seriously about their man-made prejudices

... here it's G*P 's example, but interestingly, he at least admits his homophobia, and man, you're officially NOT enlighted... you're more propably an idiot , since you go to gay clubs and than wonder why gay men hit on you! Like inco says why not take it as a compliment, or why go there if you so much dislike gays? in any case, doesn't look enlightened, doesnt look shamanistic, it looks pretentious and pompous [and mean]. I know I also sound like this sometimes, but hey, my claims are down to earth and real, not imaginary nor mean and racist.

Bring it on! Oh, we are already in the bitches section??? Fucking cool ;)

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Once again i cannot find were G*P ever claimed to be either enlightend or a shaman, were is this comming from? just because he doesnt feel comfortable around gays doesnt mean his not spiritual.

His obviousley had an uncomfortable experience, maybe more than one. guys can get pushy even gay ones!

Are we going to beat him down for his supposed ignorances or show him compassion and understanding!

I dont think anyone on this forum is more self realized/enlightened/or shamanistic than anyone else and its really sad to see a thread come down to this because thats not what its all about. :(

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I dont think anyone on this forum is more self realized/enlightened/or shamanistic than anyone else and its really sad to see a thread come down to this because thats not what its all about. :(

i was posting off topic sorry. i wasn't saying anything about homosexuality or much to do with this thread

though you're right, but don't you remember what this thread was originally about? it's pretty low down there already lol

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its really sad to see a thread come down to this because thats not what its all about

If i had known it was gonna cause this much friction i would not have posted, but shit happens & hey i guess thats why i posted it in this thread, part serious part toungue in cheek & 3 parts pissed if i recall :huh:

next time ill think before i post :slap:

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I think this last bit of discussion has been really interesting/valuble.

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re-initating a healing response-> Its a common technique to stimulate the injury, before applying the remedy. In your case I wouldn't know where to start

humour me. please. i love being psychoanalysed by 'gurus'.

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I think this last bit of discussion has been really interesting/valuble.

yeah, IMO too

but I am thinking PH is now pissed off with what the discussion has gone, since he was last talking about sex toys, and actually I was the only one who contributed with the radiator thing lol. But returning to the original topic while staying where we currently are now:

I want G*P and all of you guys for that matter to picture this:

a gay couple doing oral sex, a man deepthroting another one passionately, like the best and extremest of deepthroat porn...

what does this picture bring you G*P ?

I am too uneased a bit if I think about it, but I don't get crazy. But shit, you imagine gay men would make the best blowjobs, no doubt about it.. !!!

I hadn't been in touch with homosexual behaviour and thinking up until these 3 last years, with only two exceptions from the longer past {i am talking about people with homo tendencies I really got to know well]. And because it was my friends and trusted me with their open up and so, I have come to understand them better ... my uneasiness has recessed...

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I love all your reactions. Particularly incog, and everyone else who was fumbling through their thoughts :)


(before Now)

my major life paradigm:

"All this is a mirror"

Especially you guys.

Ok fuck it- yeh, absolutely: I am enlightened. So are you. lol. Embodying this is something altogether different.

Isn't it.. sometimes a challenge to integrate certain knowledge into your life?

And Arrogance? And Ego?


There is no greater ego than knowing you are God! Nothing. No thing at all, is there? I mean, really..

lap it the fuck up bitches! lol (blows a kiss to all, with his dick in hand)

Crazy, useless medicated zombies might walk the streets screamin it out- but im just reminding you (some of you) of what you already know. On a forum, with (some) like minds.

Yes lofty, a distinction I have made reference to gaining over years of various practice- the same practice(s) iv found many other shamans are also into. haha.

I was the youngest to 'graduate' in Australia,the 2 year initations at 18yrs old. Cool thing then, though my neighbour then trumped me at 17- yeh, the ego (whooohh-better get scared of it!)

There's a good thread at Australian Ethnobotany on what is a shaman-


Those ideas seem to be far more elegantly expressed and understood, than the (few) here who would scream bloody murder through their own misunderstandings.

There's so much insecurity banging around here. So much judgement. Guys, words are just this- wheres the heart in directly baggin the shit outta someone? And being mean?

Incog- you've got a very long way to go, to find yourself here. But afterwards, you may or may not see how forwards a person can be.

With me- I'm grateful for being able to re-visit these ideas with people, and even more deeply.

Some people will read between the lines- and are even now- iv explained it all very well.

And others will just feel all kinds of discomfort. Double it. Double it again

ah well-not sure where this tone actually originated from. Sorry to 'insult anyones intelligence' . until ppl choose to see me and here me in a new way- there'l probably more of this crap. But please appreciate that it is now a dynamic, and far from an accurate reflection of me and probably many others here. its a dance, motherfuckers..



"g*p you really do come across as very arrogant & unhealthily fixated on your own perceptions as superior to others. the arrogance you convey makes it clear as day that you have a great deal of work still to do & the superiority complex you seem to exhibit is very much inappropriate"


Why does it have to appear like this? There is no 'other' as far i'm finding- Iv found superior ideas, sure- and its not that hard, cool- so whats your problem? Whats the problem?

there are so many soft spots arent there? things that shouldn't be said like this or like that.. political correctedness has gone overboard imo.

G(randeur)... can be delicious.. * but the P(ersecution) part, not as much so. If you promise not to be offended, il promise not to offend.

Im not sure, but maybe we can all learn from this stuff and the reactions that arise from it.

Except maybe incog :P



".. here it's G*P 's example, but interestingly, he at least admits his homophobia, and man, you're officially NOT enlighted... you're more propably an idiot , since you go to gay clubs and than wonder why gay men hit on you! Like inco says why not take it as a compliment, or why go there if you so much dislike gays?"


Haha :)

I've been hit on since i was 14. school, work, out in the street- Gotta be more careful with your words mutant- i never said I dislike gays- (this is a 'mind read') big conclusion jumping! I dislike the energy that can be projected sometimes.. iv probably got no idea about all the other gay men who I feel no projecting from- theyre not doing it, and i dont know that theyre gay! do u follow?

I dont go to gay clubs. Iv been a couple, a couple of times.

Thankyou for your official declaration :)

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^^^ Eh. You didn't really clarify your stance on homophobia; you just said when a dude hits on you, you feel yucky. ;)

Phobias are irrational fears right? I'm not concerned about who identifies themselves with shamanism. Shamans as much as anyone else I suspect could be victim to irrational fears about something or other, though maybe they'd be more inclined to help themselves conquer this useless fear.

What is there to be afraid about gay people for?

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i was trying to say you can fear anything, that's your right to self-preservation. fear is everywhere and shouldn't be confused with hate.

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^^^ Absolutely, TI. The emotion of fear is as you say for self-preservation. But that wouldn't include phobias would it? For what purpose of self-preservation would a fear of men who like men have? If you're afraid of rape then surely that's justified, but rape is not being hit-on.

And where do the homophobes who get off on women being sexual with other women fit in?

... just musing. I guess there should be a separate thread for all this so PH gets his back.

I hear cocaine is great for BJs as there's no xerostomia. All kinds of power play shits and giggles on good ol' Pepsi Cola. In country where legal of course.

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There is no greater ego than knowing you are God!

you make a good case for being an atheist.

i believe you have god mixed up with your ego. I got a big surprise for you buddy- you arent god.

unless of course god is a hypocrtitical and egotistical cocksucker, then you are a shoe-in.

last i have to say to this wank.

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What is God not.. or what is not God?

I think that you seem to be the one that is full of hatred and judgements, incognito.

I've just got an attitude- but you seem to have a problem :P

Anyway, thanks everyone for that chance to be an off topic ego-maniacal whateveryoucallit.

I've now discovered that im not homophobic after all :)

Perhaps i'm only scared of the mental residue that would create inaccurate meanings that distort my view of the world.


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I hear cocaine is great for BJs as there's no xerostomia.

that's just an old wive's tale. a cunning old wive's tale :P

i'm not gonna respond further even though you had a question. seems like a good time to withdraw.

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I've just got an attitude- but you seem to have a problem.

no problem, calling it as i see it.

your a troll man, pure and simple. people are awake to you, you would be surprised at how unliked you are here, ranging from peoples experiences with you on the forum, and from experiences people have had when they have met you out in the 'real world'.im quietl looking forward to the day that you are banned from the forum. : )

as for responding to you further i will not, as hard as it will be. feeding egomaniacs never accomplishes much.

im surprised that you are 27, i had always envisioned you as a teenager.

see im not the only one who winces and mumbles *dickhead* at comments like this one:

G(randeur)... can be delicious.. * but the P(ersecution) part, not as much so. If you promise not to be offended, il promise not to offend. [/b]

but anyways- i think the same old adage of 'if u dont like what hes saying dont read his postsuntil he really gets his foot in his mouth and gets his ass banned' is more than applicable here.

sorry to readers of the corrobboree for the kerpuffle, but i gues you are in the bitches and gripes section. Im pulling myself out of this already fucked up thread by the scruff of my neck.

have fun purveying ur bullshit spin GP. I hope this has given you a hard-on.

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I wouldn't mind him , and would actually like discussing with him if he didn't choose the 'easiest' negative comments to respond to and dismiss the rest... more substantial and hard arguements .... and then fill the rest of the pompous post with big mouthed words aimed to trick/trigger the psychedelic theists reflexes.

not mine though ... g*p you are clearly 'wolf b' [god b, etc] when you're sitting next to me , if you see that I might withdraw the declaration...

Remember this is the bitching section and everything will be alright

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Some arguments in here remind me of something I once read in a Psychology book from the 40's, where this guy was claiming in all seriousness that the homosexual man wanders from penis to penis, in search of the perfect penis, but he will never be satisfied because the perfect penis is in fact a vagina. LOL.

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[edit] rats, the Kanye pic is much funnier when it's not reduced




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