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people accused of being witches are still being burned

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Children in Niger tortured and accused of being witches by evangelical church. People accused of being "witches" are beaten and burned alive.

WARNING do not watch the video at the very bottom if you have a weak stomach.

This is film is humanity going haywire. It was on British TV. I can't believe things like this are going on with not a peep in the US about it.

Board member exquisite reported about it 3 months ago

This video reported in the Guardian in the UK explains how the issue of witchcraft has everyone in a state of panic. Evangelical churches are telling them that to take away "witchcraft" they have to pay a priest a large sum of money but if they can't do that they have to burn people!


"In an exclusive report from the Niger Delta, in the deep south of west Africa, Tracy McVeigh hears the extraordinary stories of children who have been ostracized by their families and communities, and visits the parents who have abandoned and abused their own children because they believe they are witches"

People being burned alive by insane "Christian" religious people who think they're witches

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Thats disgusting! I could go berzerk when i see stuff like this! There you see the true face of human nature! Thats why i hate all religions without exeptions! bye Eg

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Thats why i hate all religions without exeptions!

Ya those people are really comparable to Buddhist or Taoist.

You might as well say "This is why I hate all people".

(If this post truly offends somebody I'll be glad to delete/edit it)

Edited by MindExpansion

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hate injustice, hate ignorance, hate fear of the unknown but dont hate people...that leads to the dark side of the force and once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny...just look at what happened to Mark Hamill :slap:

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This honestly brought tears to my eyes.

How does this go on in the world, how can humanity possibly sink so low...

And how many people have to die in the name of a god, how much better off the world may be if people did not hold those beliefs, my personal opinion is that any benifits religion offers, are far outweighed by the devastating acts that have been carried out in the name of god.

Peace...though I don't see it happening any time soon.

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Ya those people are really comparable to Buddhist or Taoist.

You might as well say "This is why I hate all people".

(If this post truly offends somebody I'll be glad to delete/edit it)

Teo what the hell are you on man...your racist remarks where the worst I've seen on these on these boards and what are you saying about Buddhists and Taoists...?


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He's sarcastically disagreeing with EG's statement:

Thats why i hate all religions without exeptions!

by pointing out that some religions are not like that. Thats my take anyway.

One might argue that they are more philosophies than religions but there are few exceptions to the rule.

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That sarcasm is not appropriate! Yeah, not all religions are violent. Thats right! But there are few who wouldnt use violence to spread their word if they could! I dont have a problem with religious people as long as they dont act like total psychos. And most religious people i ever met did. I agree that from all religions that are around, Buddhism or taoism are one of the less crazy ones. For me they are like the skin cancer of all the possible cancer types! You can live with it but its still cancer! I´m an antireligious person and i´m consequent about that! See, some parts of my family are very religious and i know what it means to suffer from violently religious people! Religions are not generally bad! Its what people do in the name of their religions! They are like a weapon! In the wrong hands they are very dangerous! In the right hands they dont harm nobody!

You might as well say "This is why I hate all people".

From a certain point of view, i did say that though i dont hate all people. But i am disgusted about how people sometimes act! I hate certain character traits of human! If you look at the history of mankind, some shit always repeats itself! And religions always knew how to play that instrument called human psychology! bye Eg

Edited by Evil Genius

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For me they are like the skin cancer of all the possible cancer types! You can live with it but its still cancer!

Might want to reconsider that similie given the number of people that die every year from melanoma. :P


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by pointing out that some religions are not like that. Thats my take anyway.

Yup thats it.

Sorry if my post offended anybody... it's been edited.

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Yer well, what can one say... I am a pretty strong person, emotionally etc. Gore and violence are not really a bit thing for me, back in the day I usta constantly troll orgish for all kinds of fucked up nasty shit as well as watching hardcore medical shows that show the full gore of the human insides.

This clip fucked me up. Never have a seen something that bought out such an emotional response and stirred up my misanthropic side. This kind so shit makes me hate humanity so much. Maybe not humanity, but what humanity is capable of.

I don't reccomend anyone watch this. Period.

It shows the worst possible side of humanity and the fact that it was in the name of a god... What kind of system of belief is that? Being some what of an anti-theistic person I don't understand how people can act like this? Murdering people in the name of faith?!?! Making another human being sit in a burning ditch to roast alive while you beat them with a stick... No dice buddy.

I am all for religion if it helps people, makes people more understanding of others and tries to make the world a better place. This vile shit is a cult masking itself as a branch of Christianity.

Humanity has fucking let me down again.


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Just a thought everyone...

The world has had absolutely ENOUGH of fear, hatred and anger..

It is because of these emotions that we see things like the above...

so please, PLEASE, don't let it make you scared, hateful or angry: you're only spreading the same energies!

I'm not saying that any of us are as scared and confused as the people in question, but the world in turmoil puts people in even more turmoil.... it's a vicious cycle!

Recieve everything with love and stop fear in it's tracks...

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Just a thought everyone...

The world has had absolutely ENOUGH of fear, hatred and anger..

It is because of these emotions that we see things like the above...

so please, PLEASE, don't let it make you scared, hateful or angry: you're only spreading the same energies!

I'm not saying that any of us are as scared and confused as the people in question, but the world in turmoil puts people in even more turmoil.... it's a vicious cycle!

Recieve everything with love and stop fear in it's tracks...

very wise words my friend :). this may sound very silly when it comes to something like this but really it isn't that silly at all. although it is very hard not to get pissed off!

how come this isnt all over the headlines or anything? has anybody else realised just how fucked up society is :huh:

Edited by misteek

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To be fair, it's not just christianity that causes people to do this sort of thing, it's stupidity and superstition in general whether it takes the form of christianity or not, Papua New Guinea would be the best example of this, many people (often little kids) are regularly killed there after being accused of sorcery, every time someone gets sick someone has to die in some villages apparently cause they have to blame it on someone.

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. Evangelical churches are telling them that to take away "witchcraft" they have to pay a priest a large sum of money but if they can't do that they have to burn people

is it religion or is it money? in this situation land of the scam :( and internet scam desperate fuckin greed?

im not a linquistical ahtletes like you guys

To be fair, it's not just christianity that causes people to do this sort of thing, it's stupidity and superstition in general whether it takes the form of christianity or not, Papua New Guinea would be the best example of this, many people (often little kids) are regularly killed there after being accused of sorcery, every time someone gets sick someone has to die in some villages apparently cause they have to blame it on someone.

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I have a feeling the white missonarys told them their village had witchs, then they asked the villagers to pay them and they would get rid of the witchs... well the villagers said fuck that, we'll do it ourselves and started gathering brush...


Edited by Teotz'

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This is film is humanity going haywire. It was on British TV. I can't believe things like this are going on with not a peep in the US about it.

link bellow here


nobody makes much of a peep about it - some of the worst human rights atrocities happen weekly in the Dafur region of sudan. mainly by the Janjaweed, a sudanese government tolerated group. (tolerated/supported)

every government in the world knows about it (there are heaps of observers there) but nothing really gets done about it. it wouldn't take that much (in the way of force) to wipe out the janjaweed. maybe a couple hundred trained soldiers with basic gear. but I guess its too politically sensitive a region.!

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To be fair, it's not just christianity that causes people to do this sort of thing, it's stupidity and superstition in general whether it takes the form of christianity or not, Papua New Guinea would be the best example of this, many people (often little kids) are regularly killed there after being accused of sorcery, every time someone gets sick someone has to die in some villages apparently cause they have to blame it on someone.

I refuse to watch the whole video, but I completely agree with baphomet here with the exception of calling what they are doing "stupidity." It is clearly superstition that causes such acts, but that has nothing to do with stupidity, but rather with ignorance, which maybe was baphomet's intent in using the word.

Civilization has been filled with such atrocity from the beginning, long before Christianity ever stretched beyond the near east and Europe, one need only read through early ethnological reports to find savagery from the natives of the Americas, through Europe and all of Asia, to the aboriginals of Australia and the pacific islands; from the murdering of witches, spouses and children, for either beneficence to be granted to the tribe or revenge, to self immolation and severe forms of self mutilation, and all of it in line with religion, and without Christian influence. There is nothing new under the sun, but with all this said there is no reason to hate religion, as it is a tool, though however foolish to us, for others to explain their universe when they are ignorant of that which sponsors reason, that being scientific understanding. Yes, it is horrible, but no more ignorant than laws that existed in Plato's Greece which demanded trial (with defense) and punishment for animals and inanimate objects which lead to the death of citizens. In a world were malevolent spiritual forces are used to explain every unfortunate occurrence there will always be acts taken which are deemed necessary to disband or influence those forces.

But what is a witch in the end but one who doesn't subscribe to the religious practice of another who though believing different still believes in the power of the witch? Could these people have been beaten to death, shot, or hacked to pieces? Of course, but when one starts to see the purifying nature of fire to the superstitious peoples of the world it becomes obvious why they were burned. Sad indeed, but out of line with humanity? no. Our responsibility to stop? no; that was already attempted with the colonialism that had us killing them instead of them killing each other.


Edited by M S Smith

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I completely agree with baphomet here

Shhh.. your not supposed to do that...

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