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The Corroboree

The wandering thread

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told divinersage he was up much too late and he would regret it tommorow!

then he threw hypothetical stones and fled in a mist of shits and giggles.

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Some of the stones hit the DJ booth where DJ sighadelick was about to mix in a track my ellesdeecoolasfuck..the track skipped and the crowd went...

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...absolutely nuts because it sounded so hardcore. Then the digital...

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...penetration began. Thousands of fingers, all working as one, towards the single goal of...

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shelving hunabs wanton rectum with 2 kilos of shredded caapi and 100 fresh chacruna leaves and a small poodle

the crowd lay await in beconing silence in aticipation of the effects that would take hold of him when......

Edited by incognito

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the poodle named Dolphi guided Jim, Max and Phat through the rippling rectal regions too an estonishing vista the like of which..

Edited by husk

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had only ever been seen once before when aliens contacted Incognito via a satelite dish that was up his arse. A rippling 2k sine wave thundered through the crowd and ripped all the hippy chicks underpants off and ...

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the stench of psychoactive hippy poon fumes filled the air, & the croud was overcome & started writhing & jirating all in unison,

jim, max, phat & the poodle all engulfed in the enormous dank, dark, putrid rectal cavity...

Edited by mac

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when all of a sudden were suddenly shot out of the cavity....a huge roar came from the crowd... Jim and Phat and Max and the Poodle.. where back on the ground dancing like some freaked out crusty..

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Lets Recap!

Once upon a time there was a guy called Jim who lived in a Giant dildo with his wife sally and two children max and phat. He also had six donkeys that

everytime he arrived home from work would Pack him a fat chong, and organise for grapes and cheeses to be served to him after he had charred it

down. After the snack, he and his wife sucked my giant, throbbing red dildo which looked much like their house. When that was said and done the

donkeys laid eggs for Jim to cook, he liked eating the eggs because he had heard of an old peruvian myth that if you make love to a donkey while

eating it's eggs it makes you pene grow longer. So he mounted the donkey & to his dismay his pene shrunk & withered whilst shagging the donkey his

wife and two children max and phat, went to church and dropped acid behind their eyeballs. After about fifteen minutes Charlie turned into a monkey,

then went out to change the oil ';wink wink' came back 2 hours later only too Discover his testicles had swollen to the size of oranges. "Am i tripping or

are my balls really that big" he thought. But then the priest also noticed the size of his balls and proceeded to say “no my young devotee it appears you

have a severe testicular infection that will only be cured by An exorcism by my mouth”. But as he went to perform the exorcism Charlie smacked the

priest and yelled 'stop playin with my monkey balls' and then the priest pulled out his shlong and said “its okay I don't have a prior conviction”. He

produced a bottle of ointment from his back pocket and proceded to rub it into the eye sockets of Max and Phat. That was when Max and Phat joined

their powers to become the swollen fig sack gang, arming themselves with penis pumps, cock rings & butt plugs they turned to the priest & said "We

may need you for some exorcisms and possibly the odd circumcision. Do you have any apples? we need our energy”, to which the priest replied, “who

needs apples, i got weed”, and produced a sack of buds, but they had no bong, just the penis pumps so they stuffed some weed and apples really far up

into one of the main artery's in their testicles & forcibly plugged the priests rectum with one of the but plugs , & yelled Weeeeeeeee! before they knew it

Jim was peaking from the acid he dropped earlier. Also realising they were in a packed church having just degraded a priest they took jim and left for a

few minutes so they could spank charlie. Max and phat were worried about jim, so they logged onto shaman australis to document their story. when all

of a sudden a huge pride of rabbies infected lions stormed the church. It seemed like they were after the donkey jim had freckled earlier in the day the

head lion moved towards max , jim & phat had trouble logging on and had to reboot their neural networks. At this point, Sally was being rolled into quids

for the psytrance party later that night at The south pole, when they got there they decided to stick the sally quids in their pockets for later and and

shelve tbm pups instead but in order to do so they needed to skin them thats when max and phat realised that in order to reach a higher plane of

existence they would also have to lick their own balls which unexpectedly had been infected with a previously unknown virus which they were very soon

to realize was instantly fatal. as death overcame them & the last flush of endogenous DMT flooded their brains they saw the light in the world and

realized shagging a donkey while eating it's eggs will not make your pene longer luckily they remembered they had the antidote and began to

administer it. They realised in their enlightened state that the phallus is also a symbol for life, meaning that by eating the eggs of the donkey that they

loved so regularly their life would be extended. This realisation immediately sent their souls hurtling back towards their bodies, however due to

decreased visibility from a snow storm they could not see the enormous Astral entity that was now engulfing the shells of their former selves, Luckily Bill

Murray from Ghostbusters ran up and farted on their elbows..this had the desired effect, so Bill Murray disappeared again back to the world of wrinkled

old actors. The snow storm started to ease and the guys could now see the outline of the the astral entity. It was not unlike A dragonfly with millions of

multi-faceted eyes glowing in every color of the rainbow (and colors beyond) all at once. The Dragonfly Goddess spoke the mystickal langauge,

sounding something like "eye- e - doe" or "eye - re - doe" (which neither Leary nor Crowley could decypher). This was the trigger unfolding a huge

origami swan made of blotter paper dipped in somnambuline, which is a concoction of lsd, ketamine, nornicotine, and a lethal dose of phats wee. They

chewed the blotters & the effect was approximately a negative ++ on the Shulgin scale. This not only sucked their conciousness back to sobreity - they

quickly published some misinformation about the results of various bioassays, for a certain government agencies latest scare campaign. The almost

forgotten quids of sally in the pockets of the youngun's jumpsuits started to subconsciously speak to max phat & jim they knew it was time to watch

playschool, but didn't have their portable scooters. Then they saw peaceful_son and he was all like "hey don't y'all be up in my grill"! They were

like "yeah that's cool but can you help us by giving us all your money or we'll kill you." Peaceful_son then pulled out a hundred dollar bill and snorted a

huge fat line of Yopo. He then handed over the bill and said "When you need me, i shall return". He the dissipated into the air. Max and Phat took a step

back from all that had happend, looked at jim who was tripping balls, in the middle of the south pole and decided they need drastic action. They

collected themselves and set off for Madagascar to meet those crazy animated penguins and surf some waves with them, when they got there they

realized that there wasnt much useful herbs on the island, Vinca was there but its usefulness was still debated and untested , so they thought fuck it ,

lets take a 5 hour plane trip to Gabon where they decided none of them were really up for an Iboga trip, considering their epic, sleepless voyage and

perpetual substance (ab)use. After a brief nap They decided to chase the pygmies through the bush and Run them through with their sharpen sticks and

then cutting of the tops of their heads to reveal the holy igobrains. Breakfast was served and with food in their belly they now felt awake,clear headed

and energetic, so they thought they would go for a run through the jungle..(which unbeknown to them inspired a great rock song)..they ran and ran and

ran until they came across a large UFO. They rubbed their eyes and looked at each other, they couldn't believe the inscriptions on the side of the UFO, it

was of Donkeys and eggs. They pulled out the quids and walked towards the UFO when all of a sudden jim dropped his pants & yelled to the inhabitants

of the craft !!probe me !!probe me!! The next thing they knew jim was beamed aboard the craft so max & phat decided to shelf their sally quids before

begging for a probing and being beemed up too Nimbim so they could score some more sally. When they arrived in Nimbim a beautiful hippy chick

approached them and offered some poon. They politely declined, asking for some sally instead. The brief moment of insult ended when the hippy chick

realised 'sally' did not refer to another hippy chick, and decided to show them what tasty poon they were passing up. The meteorite which had been on a

crash course with earth suddenly broke through the atmosphere & obliterated all life on earth as we know it then max and phat realised that they had

simply been overcome by psychoactive vapours emanating from the hippy chick's underpants, and the Earth and its inhabitants were in fact still all

intact. However something fundamental had changed in their very psychology & they knew life would never be quite the same again. all that was left to

do was to get on with life, integrate this new understanding & share this poon which had been brought before them. The Psytrance doof had been

pumping along now for 30 yrs and the guys where to keen to get back to it. Soon their favourite DJ was about to play...DJ Brain. Max and Phat were

about to hit the mosh when Jim started coming down. After a few minutes and some water jim joined his two sons and spent the next half an hour

dancing amongst dirty hippies who offered him some Datura tea. Jim accepted and drank a whole jug of the putrid potent brew. Jim then went and

wandered around the doof and came across a fluorescent pink pair of bib & brace rave overalls & assorted glow sticks. Jim put on the overalls & rifled

through the pockets where he found a sandwich bag full of eccys, a 1/2 of skunk & a 1/4 oz of old school red cellophane gold stamp black putty.

Meanwhile Max , Phat & the hippy chicks poon told divinersage he was up much too late and he would regret it tommorow! Then he threw hypothetical

stones and fled in a mist of shits and giggles. Some of the stones hit the DJ booth where DJ sighadelick was about to mix in a track my

ellesdeecoolasfuck..the track skipped and the crowd went absolutely nuts because it sounded so hardcore. Then the digital penetration began.

Thousands of fingers, all working as one, towards the single goal of shelving hunabs wanton rectum with 2 kilos of shredded caapi and 100 fresh

chacruna leaves and a small poodle the crowd lay await in beconing silence in aticipation of the effects that would take hold of him when the poodle

named Dolphi guided Jim, Max and Phat through the rippling rectal regions too an estonishing vista the like of which had only ever been seen once

before when aliens contacted Incognito via a satelite dish that was up his arse. A rippling 2k sine wave thundered through the crowd and ripped all the

hippy chicks underpants off and the stench of psychoactive hippy poon fumes filled the air, & the croud was overcome & started writhing & jirating all in

unison, jim, max, phat & the poodle all engulfed in the enormous dank, dark, putrid rectal cavity when all of a sudden were suddenly shot out of the

cavity....a huge roar came from the crowd... Jim and Phat and Max and the Poodle.. where back on the ground dancing like some freaked out crusty...old bogan. After about 35 hours of dancing they saw what looked like...

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torsten riding what looked like a

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machine elf that had taken the form of...

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an astronaut with a boom box on his shoulder...he rode him good and hard until....

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...the ecstasy of dance caused the machine elf to explode in pure light, revealing...

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Benny Hill and the little bald man ! they couldnt believe their eyes, they then had the sudden urge to run around in fast motion patting the little bald man on the head as they passed, all to the glorious sound of "Yackety Sax". Just as they started winding down from this orgasmic experience.......

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Mr. Roarke and Tattoo turned up, drunk as cunts & tooled ready for a street fight. They were pissed & had a bone to pick with Benny Hill & the little bald man.

Max & Phat realized they had been transported back to 1978 they singled to Jim who was ........

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helping Jim Jones fill syringes with...

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smeg juice and ear wax. These will then be inserted into benny hills..

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