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No opt-out web filtering


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Actually the fact that pedos are so easy to catch, but still rarely hunted down, just proves that the governments dont really give a rats ass about busting the pervs- in fact they need them there as boogey men to fuel draconian laws like this.

Absolutely. It amazes me how lax our laws are on paedophilia, considering the opinion that most people have of paedophiles. If a stranger abducts a child or molests them in a school toilet, they are likely to be dealt with pretty harshly, but the smart ones becomes friends with people who have children, or have their own children and molest them, and when they are caught, they aren't dealt with very harshly at all. I think most people think less highly of paedophiles than of murderers, so why are the jail terms so much lower? I think a lot of people convicted of murder are truly remorseful, and would never kill again. I don't think there are many paedophiles out there that show the same remorse.

I don't see how this web-filtering will prevent what is actually the real paedophile threat on the internet, and that is the networking of paedophiles. That is what is putting the most children at risk IMO.

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But wait, there's more!

Family First Senator Steve Fielding wants hardcore pornography and fetish material blocked under the Government's plans to filter the internet, sparking renewed fears the censorship could be expanded well beyond "illegal material"
http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2008/10/...4955916155.html (aha JD, you beat me to it while I was using too many words to say too little, as usual <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_rolleyes.gif No wait, actually it is a similar, but different article, never mind. ).

I knew that Fielding had to be mixed up in all of this somehow. Still, maybe people will finally start to get the message regarding what they are about to lose. The Whirlpool forums are going to go into meltdown over this. Someone has pointed out however, that Labor needs the Senate support of Steve F, Nick X and the Greens to pass this as the Opposition will (apparently) probably oppose the bill. Ironic that we might (temporarily) be saved from this by the Coalition. On the other hand they might just throw in with the Gov and screw us over.

So, I'll be checking out (while I can) this site, as the tools it's offering to people in other repressive regimes such as China, Burma and Iran, might come in handy for us: http://www.internetfreedom.org/

Edit: Think before you type Yeti!

Edited by Yeti101
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Funny this seeing as how a lot of gov't officials and the like are a large proportion of porn and fetish users.

take it from me I used to work for the gov't in the courts doing IT..and I can tell you some stories..make your cactus crawl up and die some of them.


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Looking at the Toben case here,looks like those people are too.

Over here the justice system has been instructed to protect paedophiles from justice,too many paedophiles and other undesireables inserted as trojans into government departments.

Big old Heist going on too...

The politics of deviance by an Anne something or other i picked up a few years back,her remarks about US subversives shed a lot of light on the growth of dangerously demented persons and their influence and opinions in England.

Watching the whole sorry story unfold.

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It has little to do with preventing child abuse.

No, I have it on good authority that it really is only to protect children. They are not the least bit interested in spying on you or preventing you from doing things that are legal. Well, unless those legal things are the sort they disapprove of. But government has only your best interests at heart. They have no desire to gain more power than they absolutely need and only do it for your own good. They told me that themselves. I'm sure you can rest easy now.

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I'm sure you would look great in uniform Garbage <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

Unless you've been under a rock you will have seen that the debate on this has continued on at a good pace, but there has been little mention in the print media. As to what will be blocked, the word is still simply "illegal content". I've sent a few emails and a few more letters with no reply yet from various MPs. If anyone has any bright ideas, now is the time to bust the out!

I thought I was having an idea, but it just fatigue setting in <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_wacko.png . Too much activism, not enough sleep.

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also, don't forget that the print media has a vested interest in this sotory NOT becoming big news. The internet has become the main competition to the cash-cow print media and anything that hurts the internet is good for print. Slow services and dull content on the WWW is certainly one way to make print more attractive

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What you want to do is substitute the government's will for your will, the gov's opinion for your opinion. If they take something from you, just quietly go along. Don't make a fuss over your legal rights, just give them up. Gov officials would not be in their high post unless they knew better than you. Be glad they allow you to keep a portion of your income. It really belongs to them and they are being generous in letting you spend part of it. They know better than you what you should be allowed to read, consume, or think.

Be a good citizen! It's for your own good.

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also, don't forget that the print media has a vested interest in this sotory NOT becoming big news. The internet has become the main competition to the cash-cow print media and anything that hurts the internet is good for print. Slow services and dull content on the WWW is certainly one way to make print more attractive

Agree but...

surprising though how many of the crappy mags and gossip papers have become available on line.


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In Oxford only white rapists get a custodial,immigrants walk free.

They also never sentence Paedophiles to jail time.

Those are the Judiciary who hobnob with the councillors who stashed several million in a Bank operating out of Iceland.

Their embezzlement only became public knowledge when they thought the cuffs were about to go on.

It then became those nasty Icelanders stealing the money!

It's because they are liberal/socialist and recent immigrants themselves.

One of them was previously deported as an illegal immigrant.

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Blasphemy, it's never too early for midget fisting!

At this point I figure they probably have the intention of allowing X18+ rated porn if you choose to 'opt out' of the family friendly mode. May not be legal to buy in the states but it is legal to view & possess. Problem is because of the strictness of the X18+ rating, they will probably end up having to ban almost all hardcore porn sites to prevent the OTHER porn on those sites from being viewed.



Note: This classification category applies only to films. This classification is a special and

legally restricted category which contains only sexually explicit material.

No depiction of violence, sexual violence, sexualised violence or coercion is allowed in the

category. It does not allow sexually assaultive language. Nor does it allow consensual

depictions which purposefully demean anyone involved in that activity for the enjoyment of


Fetishes such as body piercing, application of substances such as candle wax,

‘golden showers’, bondage, spanking or fisting are not permitted.

As the category is restricted to activity between consenting adults, it does not permit any

depictions of non-adult persons, including those aged 16 or 17, nor of adult persons who look

like they are under 18 years. Nor does it permit persons 18 years of age or over to be

portrayed as minors.

Especially with role-playing and acting combined with other mild fetishes that are seen as mainstream in Netporn but would be refused classification here. It's good because the censorship will be so obvious to a porn loving majority, and so niche information and news resources that a smaller percentile care about may become more relevant. Although porn is very mainstream now, those that would want it back are more likely to champion other causes for why the compulsory filter is a bad idea. Porn the victim and the saviour.

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