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The Corroboree

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[bSo let me get this right... killing cats and drinking their blood and having sex with goats before cutting their throats is a (quote): "very longstanding religious tradition", which religion would that be then? And I suppose thats OK then is it??

Well, you definitely shouldn't have sex with them after cutting their throats...


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Edited by Teljkon

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I think it is a quote, with some grammar missing? It sounds better to me if it says

in the Beginning was The Word, and for Blake, at least, the universe was the metaphor.

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I like this thread and i like the amount of self-censorship this forum has.

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It sounds better to me if it says

in the Beginning was The Word, and for Blake, at least, the universe was the metaphor.

yeah, that's better.

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In the beginning was the word and the word was with god

Is a curious anomaly from the bible in John 1:1

The book of John is full anomalies and that particular one is thought by some to be a reference to the power of incantions or the spoken word.Theres been a lot of debate about that over the years and it gets regurgitated from time to time.

Some say it's a reference to how the universe was magickally spoken into existence in a similar way to how Australian aboriginals believe the world was sung into existence .

Words have great power - how much ?

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I can make a girl cry with 4 words. Break her heart even. I would say that words have quite a bit of power Dude.

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Edited by Teljkon

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THE TYGER (from Songs Of Experience)

By William Blake

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright

In the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eye

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

In what distant deeps or skies

Burnt the fire of thine eyes?

On what wings dare he aspire?

What the hand dare sieze the fire?

And what shoulder, & what art.

Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

And when thy heart began to beat,

What dread hand? & what dread feet?

What the hammer? what the chain?

In what furnace was thy brain?

What the anvil? what dread grasp

Dare its deadly terrors clasp?

When the stars threw down their spears,

And watered heaven with their tears,

Did he smile his work to see?

Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright

In the forests of the night,

What immortal hand or eye

Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?


The Ancient of Days


William Blake (1794)

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The Ancient of Days


William Blake (1794)


This image was done by a freemason..... Notice the set square. The picture is of God, the great Architect....

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Edited by Teljkon

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Does this look Familiar?

It is an entrance to the Rockefeller center , an ice skating ring in the states.

"The image is featured in Blake’s “Book of Urizen”, released in 1794. This obscure English author is known for his rich mythology, cryptic poems and prophetic imagery. This particular piece represents Urizen, the god of the material world. His traits are almost identical of the Gnostic god called “demiurge”, an inferior creator deity, who built a flawed world which imprisons man into the material realm. The Book of Urizen reflects the basic tenants of luciferianism, where the Good versus Evil struggle as described and Judeo-Christian philosophies are inverted."


Blake is remembered as a poet and painter, but in his time, he was not considered to be an artist. When he became apprenticed in 1772, his master engraver was James Basire, who lived on No. 31 Great Queen Street, opposite the Masonic Grand Lodge. Quite a few of Blake’s friends would enter Freemasonry, though there is no record that Blake ever joined. Blake’s biographer Peter Ackroyd states that Blake never joined any organisation, but according to the lists of grandmasters of the Druid Order, Blake was a grandmaster from 1799 till 1827. Of course, such lists are often grand claims with little substantiation. Still, when he lived at No. 28 Poland Street, between 1785 and 1790, the “The Ancient Order of the Druids” convened merely a few yards down from Blake’s house, in an ale-house apparently established by the Order itself. Too close for comfort?


It seems there was at least some connections..... I keep telling people look for the symbols.

Edited by Slybacon

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Fk yeh u start some good discussions, Nabraxas.

Magick is, eventually everything.

But initially, and it can even seem blatantly retarded (that we hadn't yet understood) when experientally understood..

or even as and after it has begun to psyhcedelically integrate,

that magick.. enlightening or cursing one or another

bending reality.. or 'high magick',


is really just about words. its, words, all about words.

Even buddhism is just about stopping the words. the objects. the distinctions.

The separations are grammar.

so is the problem, and the solution. To everything, and to nothing. haha.

Thanks for allowing the inference to be simply so easy.

Without words, we can become and experience in bliaa

everything that we crave beyond them.


Speaking seems some times to be just too easy. too simple.

and then, like magick

the true practice is in the middle pillar, contained by the average

of stepping this fine line of paradoz

Edited by mud

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While I'm an active member of the OTO, and an admirer of Crowley, I have my own criticisms and I find it perfectly understandble that many people cannot digest his work. I believe it's important to question and to criticise and to be skeptical, and I'm quite certain Crowley would applaud and encourage this.

As far as I know Crowley never really commits to the belief that any of the beings or whatever described by him or other occult writers actually enjoy any sort of objective existence. Even Aiwass he admits at times could very well be a fragment of his own psyche. Consult Liber O.

What disappoints me is the lack of sophistication in the rhetoric of many of Crowley's detractors. There's a lot of outright slander and very little understanding about the man or his work. There can be an uncomfortable level of homophobia in many criticisms of him as well. We hear the same assertions over and over ad nasueum "He sacrificed children", "He killed goats", "He worshipped the devil", "He hated women" and so on.

Now the goat story is true, to the best of my knowledge he did ritualistically kill a goat. But it was only after he tried to get it to have sex with his wife. I have no idea what the fuck was going through his head when attempted that. But anyone who looks into the rituals of certain hindu and buhhdist tantrics will find similar things. Do I necessarily agree with such an act? No I don't, but, I acknowledge that it does take place and it is part of our religious inheritance. I don't really understand it, but I also don't condemn people for practicing their religion.

The sacrifice of a child can be read as a metaphor for the spilling of sperm, somewhere he writes that he sacrificed hundreds of children in a year. I believe, as do others, that Crowley was implying he had spilled a lot of sperm (this is also a certain magickal practice though). Which is funny considering many people use this as a criticism against him, when in reality it's joke taken out of context (also perhaps a veiled reference to sex magick, nothing to do with killing children however). So really, the joke is on them!

Crowley experimented with worshipping many Gods and Goddesses from many Pantheons, was Satan one? probably, but as he writes in Magick in theory and practice chapter 5:

"This "Devil" is called Satan or Shaitan, and regarded with horror by people who are ignorant of his formula, and, imagining themselves to be evil, accuse Nature herself of their own phantasmal crime. Satan is Saturn, Set, Abrasax, Adad, Adonis, Attis, Adam, Adonai, etc. The most serious charge against him is that he is the Sun in the South. The Ancient Initiates, dwelling as they did in lands whose blood was the water of the Nile or the Euphrates, connected the South with life-withering heat, and cursed that quarter where the solar darts were deadliest."

As for hating women? Every man and every woman is a star. Get your facts straight brothers and sisters.


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Just to clarify, I'm not accusing anyone here of being homophobic towards Crowley or saying he hated women, I'm merely pointing to some common themes in criticisms of him.

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Isn't the 93 thing a rehashed jewish ideal "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" that serves to disassociate one from any guilt associated with their actions, a way to justify anything no matter how immoral ?

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Even after death, Crowley still remains a trickster. Clever bastard...

Isn't the 93 thing a rehashed jewish ideal "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" that serves to disassociate one from any guilt associated with their actions, a way to justify anything no matter how immoral ?




Edited by synchromesh

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Yeah Synchro a lot of the secret societies have that as one of their tenents, the Rosicrucians deliberately don't teach it until later when you can make a true judgement of what it really means.

Many of Crowleys followers take it out of context as "do what ever you fucking want" and many have argued that Crowley himself used it in that manner and he qualified it with "Love is the law, love under will" which has created a lot of confusion as well, given some of his actions.

Speaking in riddles was one of Crowleys habits, as it is with many alchemists or those from the hermetic tradition.

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"Do what thou wilt" and "Do what you want" are very different things. Will in this sense is True Will, which is something that is earned through work with oneself. "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" & "Thou hast no right but to do thy Will" and so on really just mean "Find your purpose in life, then do it with all your might. Be tolerant of others doing the same."

"Love is the law, Love under Will" is a bit more esoteric, love in this sense could mean "Bhakti" the love for god. Truth be told, I don't really know.

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This image was done by a freemason..... Notice the set square. The picture is of God, the great Architect....


that picture.... reminds me of a strange image in a far out acid trip, a part of the trip that didn't seem to convey any meaning to me. basically there was a bizarre stick-man with a kind of coat-hanger shaped bottom, a bit like a human stick figure but different, and it was god, and that image reminds me of it very much.

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That is pretty powerful magick, if some alleged acts (as confessed on paperback... the home of fictitious writing) still shakes you to your emotive core and insites somewhat of a diatribe (i like the word) then his spirit has just channeled you! FOOL! He is still working his magick through yours and my fingers by the very act of us thinking / remembering and physically recording his memory again and again.

His ego, his personal self is etched into the collective memory and whether you like it or not, it's leached some more life off you, me and others meaning the Crowley-an Beast meme may live for eternity if we continue...

long live the beast

muahaha! :devil:


And he is still working his magick today.......Dude, I just loved reading the above....something just resonated inside me.....

The Corroboree will hopefully keep me eternal....maybe long after I'm gone some one will read something I have said and get something out of it and maybe not... but I will still be living on.....unless Torston pulls the plug....then I'll be lost in oblivion with those who went before...tongue.gif

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yama and yami

niwa and nuwa

osiris and isis

kala and kali

adam and eve

call them what you will

they have many names

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