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nitrous bulbs and dispensers

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Any tips or advise for someone who's never experienced N2O before?

take B12 supplements

a good store is www.finewhip.com.au

ensure a good collection of music

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also, what's the legality of ordering medical grade nitrous? it says that it's a schedule 4 drug for therapeutic use, so does that mean non-therapeutic use is unaffected by this?

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take B12 supplements

a good store is www.finewhip.com.au

ensure a good collection of music

Thanks for the response Twix. I have read that B12 is depleted by N2O consumption, I will be sure to let him know. As for cream whippers, is there a preferred size for the units (there seems to be 0.25, 0.5 and 1 litre whippers) and do they require modification for filling balloons? How is it done using one of those whippers? If mods are required, can the whipper still be used for cream (it'd be good if it were the best of both worlds)? Also, is there a generally 'better' brand between iSi and MOSA (for both whippers and chargers), or are they a matter of personal opinion?

Sorry for the barrage of q's, but there only seems to be a certain amount of info in the archives. I'll tell him to keep searching google too.

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You can also get your B12 back from beer, from what I hear.

I'm pretty sure any dispenser will do. I guess the smaller ones will compress the gas more. I doubt there'd be any significant loss if you used a big one.

No modifications needed to get the gas into a ballon, just slip it over the dispenser. Inhale from the ballon and exhale back into. Repeat til high. You get more 'bang for your buck' 'cause you don't absord all the N2O the first time 'round, just like we don't absorb all of the oxygen we breathe.

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Regarding bulb crackers:

You can make a cool little bulb cracker out of brass plumbing fittings,

Hey ACE if you want you could have mine i have no use for it any more!!! ( dude i'm not an advocate for NO2, you must always have someone present when you decide too "nang". Although i must say a FOAF reckons its pretty far out while shrooming, kind of like dreaming, but only much more pleasant )

I could trade for a nice little catus cutting or some thing, it was made for 'isi' bulbs ONLY , comes with spare high tenslie screws for firing pins, but the one that is in it is pretty sharp any way!!

Its even got a few adjsutments hehehe !!

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I am also looking for nitrous bulb dispenser thing. like those crackers in america will swap for cactus and other stuff.

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a friend of mine has a nitrous dispenser or two that work...also has a bunch of boxes of cartridges that he no longer requires..reckons he has come to learn they have little spiritual benefit...more for kicks...however they are quite mind blowing when you combine them with certain things....very mind blowing indeed. he said he might be willing to trade for cacti cuttings or whatever especially if they are bridgesii.. he doesn't use them these days...certainly doesn't endorse them but agrees they may be worth a bit of experimentation if one is looking for a booster of sorts for their journeys.

Edited by holymountain

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you can buy them from any big shop that sells cooking stuff. myers etc.

the bulbs from finewhip are a bit more expensive but it saves the awkward... "hmm, urrrr 10 boxes thanks" at the counter with the myer staff. I'm not sure they would sell you ten boxes anyway?

I have bought from finewhip before and would recommend them.

as a word of warning - bulbs can be lots of fun but when you get carried away I think your lungs can suffer. (noticably for a few days)

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There is a convenience store up the road (Surfers) that sells them buy the block if you don't mind paying $8:50 each for them, LOL.

I asked him about it one day and he said Thursday-Sunday they are the best seller in the store! LOL.

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Limit of 2 boxes per customer per purchase last i checked.


Never understood that kind of thing. It's like they're saying, "you can only get high 'this' much today." I once tried to buy two bottles of Robitussin DX at one time. The lady said she could only sell me one, so I bought it and then went three shops down and bought another one. It's weird, one bottle is enough for two first plateau (recreational) doses, but one whole bottle is only enough for a second plateau (too much to be that recreational, but not enough for a full blown psychonautical journey) dose. It's like they're say it's okay for me and a friend to trip out a bit on half a bottle each, but it's not okay for me to astrally project from my couch with some good music and communicate with God. Back to nangs, two boxes with get you just as far as 150 boxes, they just won't last you long. Maybe it's not to stop people experiencing that feeling, maybe it's just to stop hippy-crack addicts from blowing all their cash.

Edited by ballzac

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Soda siphons work as well as cream dispensers. Buying a new one is better than second hand opshop ones which may have mould spores in them!- pretty bad for lungs. Home made crackers I would be wary of. The compressed gas coming out is extremely cold and can burn... as nitrous oxide has an anaesthetic effect you might not feel it at the time but afterwards you would. It's possible to fit more than one bulb in a bulbinator, just be very careful of the pressure as you release the trigger. If you and a friend are journeying together, you might like to try rebreathing. Kind of like a kiss but you breathe the gas back to your friend. In the right circumstances it can be mind-blowingly, hilariously, special. Nangs are best enjoyed sitting or lying down as you may suddenly lie down or keel over, so be safe, have some cushions around and avoid small tables with sharp corners etc. Nangs on their own are not so special, but piggyback them off something else for a very different effect. Hint, every kind of something else, gives a different effect- it accelerates from where you're taking off from.

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Soda siphons work as well as cream dispensers. Buying a new one is better than second hand opshop ones which may have mould spores in them!- pretty bad for lungs. Home made crackers I would be wary of. The compressed gas coming out is extremely cold and can burn... as nitrous oxide has an anaesthetic effect you might not feel it at the time but afterwards you would. It's possible to fit more than one bulb in a bulbinator, just be very careful of the pressure as you release the trigger. If you and a friend are journeying together, you might like to try rebreathing. Kind of like a kiss but you breathe the gas back to your friend. In the right circumstances it can be mind-blowingly, hilariously, special. Nangs are best enjoyed sitting or lying down as you may suddenly lie down or keel over, so be safe, have some cushions around and avoid small tables with sharp corners etc. Nangs on their own are not so special, but piggyback them off something else for a very different effect. Hint, every kind of something else, gives a different effect- it accelerates from where you're taking off from.

Actually the idea is that you use your homemade bulbcracker to crack several nangs into a bag, then put down the cracker and inhale from the bag (with someone else around so that you don't suffocate yourself...or use a balloon), so I think you'd be aware of burning yourself :rolleyes: . I've only ever heard of people hurting themselves with store bought soda/cream dispensers. On this note, please don't encourage people to put more than one nang in a dispenser, they're designed for the pressure created by one bulb, and have heard of people getting glass in themselves or being injured when the seals blow. I think there is a pretty simple rule with homemade nang crackers, "Use your tools to make one. If you ARE a tool, leave it to the experts."

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thanks for the warning. I'm not handy with tools so I don't make things, and I think the people I've seen with that kind of burns weren't good at making things either but were just keen to crack into a bulb and didn't have a good cracker. I feel pretty safe with my bought one cos it's pretty new, but yeah, when you put it like that, it does make balloons seem the safest option. I just don't like the taste of rubber...

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Yeah, I don't like using balloons because is't kind of annoying having to use energy to breath back into the balloon when you're trying to relax. I just use a garbage bag and make sure someone's with me. Most homemade bulb crackers I have seen are safer than bought dispensers IMO.

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I agree, you shouldnt put more bulbs in a machine than its designed for, you can get double and triple soda/cream dispensers, they are in the shape of a big ball instead of cylindrical.

Not to mention, sucking more than 4 or 5 bulbs either from one machine/bag or from multiple machines starts getting to the point of asphyxia.

Watch out for blue lips on your friends when they are indulging in N2O

Also one should be careful of constant use for more than 15-20 bulbs or so, ice builds up which can shoot out an cut your throat and lungs, and the rubber seals degrade/freeze leading to blow outs.

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One should be careful of constant use for more than 15-20 bulbs or so, ice builds up which can shoot out an cut your throat and lungs, and the rubber seals degrade/freeze leading to blow outs.[/color]

Another reason to use a bag. There is no way I would put my mouth over a pressurized container.

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So what size garbage bag would be suitable for a single n2o bulb (and/or possibly 2 or 3)? Would a huge black plastic bag be too big for one or two, or is there that much gas in there? Would a regular shopping bag be more suitable? Also, can any balloons be used, or are there special large ones? Helium quality balloons would surely be better than the average cheapos, yeah?

All hypothetically speaking, of course. Thanks :)

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A large kitchen bin bag should be enough for three of the regular sized bulbs. If you're using a bag that could hold much more gas than what you put in it, wrap your hand around the neck of the bag and pull the bag through to bunch all the gas up in one end. If the bag is floppy, once you start to get effects, you'll end up sucking a loose bit of bag against your face and have trouble getting any N2O in...really frustrating. I must emphasise that you need other people around when using a bag, as it would be so easy to suffocate yourself.

I don't think it matters what balloons you use. Helium balloons are made to prevent the small helium atoms from escaping through surface of the rubber. N2O is quite a larg molecule and won't escape, besides, you're only going to be using it for a few seconds at a time. Even if it was helium not much would escape. I would choose balloons based more on how ease they are to inflate. Although it depends on what you're using to fill it up. If your dispenser has a wide output, you can easily rip the end off a balloon trying to stretch it over. In this case better balloons might be the go.

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Well it clearly does matter what sort of balloon you use. :P

Everyone knows multicoloured balloons are the way to fly :bootyshake:

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