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Chocamine (Theobroma extract)


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Was wondering T about this extract sold in the shop, and can't find any posts about it

Has it been analysed for theobromine, caffeine content or standardised etc?

And does the extract also contain the antioxidants found in the cocao beans?

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'Until now tea was thought to contain the largest amount of these antioxidants but this new research indicates that dark chocolate has four times as much as compared to tea. The researchers found that dark chocolate had 53.5 mg of catechins per 100 gm, milk chocolate contains 15.9 mg per 100 gm, and the black tea contains 13.9 mg per 100 ml.

Chocolate like the red wine - which is said to protect against heart disease, also contains phenols. These reduce the presence of free radicals that damage cells and DNA. Phenols are said to prevent fat like substances in the blood stream from oxidizing and clogging the arteries.

Atherosclerosis, or the formation of plaque in the arteries, is caused by oxidation of LDL (low density lipoproteins ) that 's one of the cholesterol particles. At first this leads to subtle damage, and then eventually to the formation of advanced plaque. The buildup of plaque can lead to clogging of the arteries, a major cause of heart attack.

By acting as a deoxidizing agent , the phenols prevent clogging of arteries, thus averting heart attacks. The researchers also believe that the cacao plant, from which chocolate and cocoa is derived, boosts the immune system and also restricts the formation of the type of cholesterol which damages heart.

Researchers believe that most of the bad effects of eating chocolate are either overstated or entirely false. For example, chocolate also has not been proven to cause cavities or tooth decay. Rather, it helps thwart mouth bacteria and stop dental decay.

Tooth cavities start when streptococcus mutans bacteria produce a sticky molecule called glucan. This helps the bacteria anchor themselves to teeth and form plaque. These and other bacteria in plaque convert sugar to acids, which eat away the tooth's surface and lead to cavities.

Research shows that the cocoa butter in the chocolate coats the teeth and may help protect them by preventing plaque from forming. The sugar in the chocolate does contribute to cavities, but no more than the sugar in any other food. Scientists believe that antibacterial agents in cocoa beans offset its high sugar levels. Cocoa bean husk, the outer part of the bean, which usually goes waste in chocolate production in a potent source of these agents. Research has also shown that parts of cocoa bean, the main ingredient of chocolate, thwart mouth bacteria and stop dental decay.

Also, eating chocolate neither causes nor aggravate acne, as is the general belief. In fact recent research has shown that eating chocolate or not eating it does not produce any significant changes in the acne conditions in human beings.

However, as in the case of any other food, eating too much of chocolate may cause health problems. The cocoa butter in chocolate does contain saturated fat, which can increase blood cholesterol levels, and high cholesterol may contribute to heart disease.

Chocolate is high in calories and eating too much therefore make you fat, increasing your risk of heart disease. Over eating of chocolate can also lead to obesity.'

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never tried the stuff from the shop, sure it's solid enough though. I get a bag of the organic cocoa from my health food shop, dirt cheap, fresh, smells sweet and chocolatey not dry and dusty, nice bitterness to the taste rather than the pucker factor of the standard "baking cocoa"... I mix two or three tsp of this with cold water, stir like hell, knock it back with or without a coffee or a coke... the extra dilation etc certainly ups the caffeine effects of the other, even on its own its great if you are feeling a bit chesty or stupid for some reason. Or hot chocolate made on nice cocoa, with a heap of fresh ground mace and a smashed dry chilli stirred into it then filtered out... mmmm.. I dont know where those magic pixies came from...but I sure like their pixie drink!

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Even the large supermarkets around here carry Planet Organic cocoa. Tastes good and is reasonably cheap from a fairly ethical company. If you can't find any others it could be worth a try. Of course it is a different product from the SAB extract. I'm also interested to see whether cocoa and other refined cacao products contain the same antioxidents as the raw beans.

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Was wondering T about this extract sold in the shop, and can't find any posts about it

has me buggered too cos it is by far the best stimulant around.

Has it been analysed for theobromine




And does the extract also contain the antioxidants found in the cocao beans?

The target compound is clearly theobromine here, so I doubt that the antioxidants would come out in the process [especially considering not even the caffeine is there].

This stuff is great. 2g will keep you buzzing for several hours. It takes a while to kick in, but then it sticks around for a few hours, so if you take it before going out make sure you take it at least an hour before you want effects. Great for sex too.

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Possibly unintended, but Torsten you're becoming a pretty good salesman <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_biggrin.png

LOL, at least a third of all emails I get are related to 'is it good for sex?' so it just becomes natural after a while to take that into consideration.

we have anything from 200 to 500 products in the store at any one time, so excuse me if I get a little excited about some particularly good ones every now and then <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png

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  • 3 months later...
Was wondering T about this extract sold in the shop, and can't find any posts about it

Has it been analysed for theobromine, caffeine content or standardised etc?

And does the extract also contain the antioxidants found in the cocao beans?

I found info on chocamine on a US website! Check it out... gives a pretty good explanation IMO

and yes this stuff tastes great!!!

I made a milkshake last night using a banana, a small amount of natural vanilla essence, bickfords ice coffee essence and ofcourse chocamine!

WOW! It was a treat but it is a very effective stimulant and I didn't get to sleep for several hours afterwards.

Here's the site: Chocamine Description by David Tolson

Certificate of Analysis

and this image is from the following link which I thought was pretty spiffy!

Chocamine Powder

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Have used it on and off for a while but mainly for energy and focus to train. Actually used the exact product above.

Not a bad product except I just can't stand that taste anymore, which is why I stop using it for a while. Very bitter especially with water. Not so bad with milk and there is too much power to cap.

Mild stimulating effect that dies quickly with use. Lasts a while and no crash.

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There is no sugar in pure cacao beans, if I recall correctly.

At one time I had a bottle of pure theobromine from a chemical supplier, but I found there to be very little to no stimulation from even a dose of two grams of the pure powder. That did not stop a friend from obsessing over it until I gave him the bottle, though, and he confirmed my results. Perhaps there was something defective with the theobromine I had? Anyone else have good things to say about theobromine? I'm curious to see what others have found. I remember reading that theobromine has about 10% of the stimulatory effect of caffeine, but don't remember where.

I suggest there may be some synergy between the other components as well.

Anandamine is the compound in chocolate that reportedly (if memory, etc) binds to the cannabis receptors and produces pleasant effects. Has the chocamine been tested for anandamine concentration? This might well be elevated along with the other components. The name of the product implies something of that sort, in my opinion.

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Not so bad with milk and there is too much power to cap.

Mild stimulating effect that dies quickly with use. Lasts a while and no crash.

Too much powder to cap? How much powder are you using? The dosage is supposed to be 2000mg, I have been dosing at 1700mg in two

'00' size capsules (950mg) with very decent effects?

My guess is that like friendly said, the effects cannot be explained by a single compound, rather the synergy of all present compounds. To that end, if you are a regular user of any of the constituents (coffee, coke, whole blocks of chocolate, whatever) then tolerance to one or more of the specific compounds will eliminate the synergistic amazingess of this extract.

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Too much powder to cap? How much powder are you using? The dosage is supposed to be 2000mg, I have been dosing at 1700mg in two

'00' size capsules (950mg) with very decent effects?

I usually dose a level tea spoon. I suppose I should say i'm to lazy to cap

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Thanks. Slip of the mind. Again. I think it's time to try the Cognitol dry powder to see if that helps. I think I'll do that right now...By the way, I was so impressed with the testimonials on this thread that I ordered a bottle of the substance to try.

I looked up theobromine in the new sigma-aldrich catalog. It's listed as a phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Sound familiar? Thats what Viagra does.

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I have a jar of the stuff I got a while back but have never used it. I don't care for stims much. Cocoa and chocolate are another matter altogether. I put cocoa on my oatmeal and like it. I wouldn't have it every day but once or twice a week is good. High orac rating, very high. Another good one is goji berries which I've been looking for locally.

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I went to the Chocamine site again to see what else they offer. They sell a variety of amino acids--some banned for sports use--known to be powerful stimulants, i.e.; creatinine, taurine, etc.

There is a possibility some of these may have been included in the Chocamine, as I am not familiar with the effects of many they list, but several are listed in the Chocamine C of A, above. Some are listed only as 'present' which give no indication of quantity.

Synephrine rings a bell as does the PEA, but no clear recollections come to mind.

It might be a good thing if someone with the time would check out the properties of these amino acids' and report back.

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Those limits are well within the accepted norms for food products. You might be surprised to find out just what exactly is acceptable; it's not a pretty picture.

I just found a small packet of L-theanine crystals in a bag full of samples. You could pass this stuff off as the finest south american illicit substance by the way it looks. It's been opened; apparently I played with it at some time, but have no memory (!) of it at all. I wonder.....

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