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The Corroboree

Grafting Comp- Oct 2007


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Trade Secret, sorry guys.

Nah, i've pretty much documented everyting here allbeit in several threads. inside- well inside in an old fridge actualy, under 20W CFL's, temperature is the key I think, mine are only under 30 when the lights are off. Try to use the best peres stock u can, healthy growing well, 1 nice straight stem with lots of leaves & mine are pretty much in standing water the hole time, I've only used seasol for ferts.

Nice plants guys, thanks for sharing.

PS outside my peres does nothing no matter where I put it, controlled environment is the only way I can get these plants to do anyhting.

Oh yeah, the mix I use is what I tried on other plants & they hated, mostly coco coir & cheap arse potting mix some had a little cac mix but they all perform similiar no matter the mix.

Edited by shruman
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Trade Secret, sorry guys.

Nah, i've pretty much documented everyting here allbeit in several threads. inside- well inside in an old fridge actualy, under 20W CFL's, temperature is the key I think, mine are only under 30 when the lights are off. Try to use the best peres stock u can, healthy growing well, 1 nice straight stem with lots of leaves & mine are pretty much in standing water the hole time, I've only used seasol for ferts.

Nice plants guys, thanks for sharing.

PS outside my peres does nothing no matter where I put it, controlled environment is the only way I can get these plants to do anyhting.

Oh yeah, the mix I use is what I tried on other plants & they hated, mostly coco coir & cheap arse potting mix some had a little cac mix but they all perform similiar no matter the mix.

Hmmmm, that's interesting... my conditions sound similar to yours... cupboard, lights, temps etc..., except for the water situation!... mine are only watered a little , ie let them dry out for a few days in between - they are sitting in a large plastic pot dis, so i'll have to try this and see how they go... They don't mind excessively wet feet then? WICKED!!! lol

The next lot of grafts i had done were the straight stem lotsa leaves, the firt lot were a bunch i just wanted to start grafting with... they worked ok though...

That's great, thanks heaps for the advice, dude... Muchly appreciated.

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Hmmmm, that's interesting... my conditions sound similar to yours... cupboard, lights, temps etc..., except for the water situation!...

I had a some peres that were crawling along with tiny leaves - I fed them well but they didn't thrive. I have since moved them into a new environment with lots of water and repotted and they are going mad (like peres should!) They now have huge 8/9cm leaves. - I keep them in a tray and add excess water when the surface of the potting mix starts to get dry. Often water sits in the tray for a couple of days.

Looking forward to getting some grafts established.

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I cant remember which ones I grafted for the comp so Im out lol. must put down some more peres for grafting.

Im thinking there needs to be rules about how to measure, ie only biggest pup, or go by weight.

Nice work though shruman thats the kinda growth id expect <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_smile.png

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Hi everybody,

here are my contestents, they were growing under lights all the time because winter just passed in my parts, but nevertheless I still think my horses are still runing.

post-3859-1206706512_thumb.jpg post-3859-1206706803_thumb.jpg post-3859-1206706851_thumb.jpg

This is the first one which has from the very beggining growing with two heads, I ve never seen that a seedling can divide itself in so early stages as this one did and than grow without a dominant grow from one of the heads. on the first and third picture you can see a third head but that is just the one behind them so you dont get confused.

post-3859-1206706980_thumb.jpg post-3859-1206706991_thumb.jpg

This one puped after a while and the pup stayed secundary to its main head.

post-3859-1206707071_thumb.jpg post-3859-1206707091_thumb.jpg post-3859-1206707121_thumb.jpg post-3859-1206707132_thumb.jpg

And last the caespitoza which has pupped from every possible spot it could, I really dont know how to measure this one but once you make the rules I will tell you the measures.

I am aware that the qouality of the pic is very poor but I only have a camera on my mobile and its only 1.3 mpx with many disatvantages but still I thing it was worth while posting this shitty pics of magnificent plants.

I also have a qousetion, all of my peyotles are having this white stuff on them, they grow normally but when a part comes out and when its not a part of the grpwing pale green part it gets cotton-wool on itself. What is this and should I be concerned?

Thnx for any help and enjoy yourselves.




























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rules atm just mean measure the whole mass. In future I might change them but that would encourage people to pick the pups out of the cactus.

Possibly, but if it was judged on the size of a single pup instead of a mass it might encourage people to branch out

to other variations beside caespitosa. Not that there is anything wrong with L.W.caespitosa, but its nature to pup prolifically

does give it an advantage over single form variations that from my experience will reach sizes of around 5cm in diameter before pupping.

Edited by bob-bob
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Well, that fucked me up the hoohah, none of mine are caespitosa...

I have a huizache (currently the biggest one), tecolote, los colorados and a texensis in the comp. Not one caesp. No wonder mine don't look like the rest... At least that solves the mystery as to why mine haven't sprouted pups yet... Phew, thaks bob-bob...

Other than that, Bugger.

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None of mine were caes either & I had pups on grafts a month or less old.

My biggest loph has the biggest measurement from top to bottom, cheeky, LOL.

Nice plants diiv, real nice lumpy forms

Yeah I like the mass idea but that would mean u have to cut them off & I dunno if I would want too , that was why I asked the clean games Q LOL

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I realy do see mass being the best way. If we were to just measure one could grow a very etiolated single loph which should produce the most cm's. Or maybe rules of width only? (but u can sse my biggest is'nt etiolated but is very tall), I dunno its quite a connundrum though.

"I thought it was just the first to get one to flower?"

Yeah there are 2 categories, anybodies look at all like flowering?, mine do'nt.

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shit I wish I knew which ones I put in the comp cos Im sure all mine were flowering:( ohwell new laws put me out for good.

Bob Ive not actually grafted any caespitosa either, its generally only one or two big pups which grow in opposite directions thus giving alonger looking plant then the heads are.

Mass is a good one Ill consider it. It could be largest healthy plant as judged by me, so people can submit photos with lengths and I judge.

Wont matter for this comp though ;)

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there could be an anon vote from all involved based on such things as size,health etc. it takes the pressure off you Teo.

also, there is less chance of people feeling jipped by the decision - everyone gets a say?

what do ya reckon?

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yeah thats good idea. That way scars from removal of pups would be very obvious. Note that I have a number of huge plants which are single heads and that is how they grew so its entirely possible to get them like that.

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Note that I have a number of huge plants which are single heads .

Well, you DID have Teo, until you burnt them all... Remember? You now only have memories of them

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  • 1 month later...

Seed sown on the 01/10/07, grafted on the 18/10/08 and flowered on the 03/05/08.


Although the recent changes have cut down some of the competition, I hope that the

remaining people cultivate this plant on a scale to make up for the missing state.




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this is where the trophies are this weekend.

the first pic shows the flashing attached to the bronzes which has to be ground off.


the following three are of the almost finished - I have filed back the flashing - from here they will be sandblasted and patinated. they are then finished.
















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Congratulations bob-bob on the very pretty flower, bet you can't wait to recieve your trophy. Great work watertrade. They'll be sort after the world over .

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Cheers people. WT they are completely awesome, you should open your own store or gallery.

There is still one more place to take, so good luck to those still in the running.

Teo, will there be more comps after this one? I think grafting should still be encouraged, maybe trichs sp or Ariocarpus sp


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