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The Corroboree

Growing HBWR for dummies?


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Here are my plants after approx one month of growth.

Coming along nicely. Just my opinion, I could be wrong, but you might want to transplant to larger pots, or do you plan to go straight into the ground?

Heres a pic comparing a pot similair size to yours, with what mine have been growing in from the start.


Although I don't know how much growth yours'll put on now the weathers starting to cool. But I dunno, everything I say here is just speculation, I'm no expert.

Heres some more pics of how mine are going. Not to hijack your original thread, but if it's alright with you I think I'll adopt this as a place to keep tabs on how theyre going.



Its reached the top so I just work it around in a circle so its all clustered into one space. I'm thinking about doing what I just read in a post about caapi, run a string down from the roof and have it climb up that.

:blink: I just saw ants on it in my pic...what the hell are they doing there!?

Mine ended up being an Ipomoea

:blink: How'd that happen? Mis-ID'd seeds?










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How'd that happen? Mis-ID'd seeds?

Well I definately planted HBWR seeds.. But when what sprouted flowered I realised it was an Ipomoea.

I had planted some Ipomea seed the month before.. Somehow I'm guessing the soil I used for the HBWR seed had an old Ipomoea seed left in it, and that sprouted while all my HBWR seed failed..

Was quite a shock and had me confused for a while that's for sure!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Coming along nicely. Just my opinion, I could be wrong, but you might want to transplant to larger pots, or do you plan to go straight into the ground?

Heres a pic comparing a pot similair size to yours, with what mine have been growing in from the start.


Although I don't know how much growth yours'll put on now the weathers starting to cool. But I dunno, everything I say here is just speculation, I'm no expert.

I aim to go for bigger pots. Your post prompted me to repot which I did. I could have gone another while in the small pots...the roots hadnt reached the sides of the pot yet but it was still a good time to repot. What I am thinking of doing instead of spending a lot of cash on large pots is buying some plastic bins, about $10 each from Bunnings and put holes in the bottom instead. I want to plant directly into the ground but am holding off till I get my own house.

Heres some more pics of how mine are going. Not to hijack your original thread, but if it's alright with you I think I'll adopt this as a place to keep tabs on how theyre going.

Absolutely. Good idea. I'd like to see your progress and take on board whatever relevant info I can from your grow.

Its reached the top so I just work it around in a circle so its all clustered into one space. I'm thinking about doing what I just read in a post about caapi, run a string down from the roof and have it climb up that.

:blink: I just saw ants on it in my pic...what the hell are they doing there!?

:blink: How'd that happen? Mis-ID'd seeds?

Its looking good..I might buy some wire trellis or something when mine gets a bit bigger.

Edited by PhantomTurkey
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  • 3 weeks later...

I sowed the seeds about maybe two months ago, very slow growing!!

I did as guided, knicked the end opposite to the eye, soaked for about three days (excessive perhaps) planted 9 of which 7 sprouted

Pretty hard to go wrong really, only thing i found is the sprouts got a little damaged as you can see from trying to break through the tough seed coat, i gave one of them little hand and it came out pretty perfect! Also i was shocked when i came to repotting them last week, one of those tiny guys had already developed a massive root mass for its size! maybe 20 roots at least five times the length of the sprout!

Edited by Sphinx
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Looking great Phantom! Hope they start putting out a bit more height for you - perhaps the bin idea will help with that smile.gif
Thanks. Ideally I should plant them into the ground but I'm just not sure how long I'll be staying where I am. Hopefully the holed bins will be fine for a while after I repot.
I sowed the seeds about maybe two months ago, very slow growing!!

I did as guided, knicked the end opposite to the eye, soaked for about three days (excessive perhaps) planted 9 of which 7 sprouted

Pretty hard to go wrong really, only thing i found is the sprouts got a little damaged as you can see from trying to break through the tough seed coat, i gave one of them little hand and it came out pretty perfect! Also i was shocked when i came to repotting them last week, one of those tiny guys had already developed a massive root mass for its size! maybe 20 roots at least five times the length of the sprout!

Good luck with that. Looking good. Hopefully they will survive the winter in Melbourne.

Edited by PhantomTurkey
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Ideally I should plant them into the ground but I'm just not sure how long I'll be staying where I am.
If you do put them in the ground before you move you could always just take a few cuttings. I moved one of mine into the ground last week and thats what I plan to do whenever I move. And then again. And then again. Then I'll have plants everywhere
Pretty hard to go wrong really, only thing i found is the sprouts got a little damaged as you can see from trying to break through the tough seed coat, i gave one of them little hand and it came out pretty perfect!

I may have been too rough giving mine a helping hand, the one I 'helped' didnt last too long, I guess it wouldve came out when it was ready.


Also i was shocked when i came to repotting them last week, one of those tiny guys had already developed a massive root mass for its size! maybe 20 roots at least five times the length of the sprout!

When I first repotted one of mine it was about 3" tall, but the roots went down about 8". They weren't too big, but I was really surpised to find them that long.

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When I first repotted one of mine it was about 3" tall, but the roots went down about 8". They weren't too big, but I was really surpised to find them that long.

I found that the more root space (depthwise) you give them the faster they will grow. When I potted in a shallow pot the foliage started growing quicker initially but was not vigorous later. When I potted in a deep pot the plant spent more time sending down the roots and seemed not to grow much initially but once the roots had established it took off like a rocket.

My tip for today is plant in the deepest pot you have.

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  • 1 month later...

My plants are still growing reasonably well. The other day I decided to plant some of the spare HBWR seeds I had lying around and they have just started sprouting. I'll post the pics soon.

Edited by PhantomTurkey
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  • 4 weeks later...

I will post pics soon. Two of my plants have been damaged by bugs. I sprayed white oil on them yesterday but I should have done that earlier. No big deal...new leaves are still forming. Regarding Morning Glories and Rivea I might look at growing some later. I have some Lions Tail on the go and they are coming up quite nicely. I'll post pics soon.

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I sprayed mine with white oil when they got attacked, and they died within a day. Could've been because of the bug damage, but they weren't that damaged, so I've always blamed it on the white oil. I'm curious as to why you used white oil. I used it because I didn't have anything like pyrethrum handy and needed to do something quick.

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Here are the plants in their present state. 2 have damage while one is relatively unscathed.

Here are my Lions Tail plants. As you can see, some of my Coleus plants have also suffered some damage.

I used white oil on recommendation from talking to some local gardeners after describing what I am growing. I don't see why plants should die from using white oil. As long as you dont spray too close it should be OK.

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I thought maybe it kinda suffocated the leaves because it is oily. It is primarily used on citrus fruits, and they have a sort of waxy leaf that could explain why they aren't affected. But if you have had no problem with it, then I might have to put the death of mine down to the extent of the bug damage.

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Hi Guys,

do you know how long HBWR Seeds keep their viability? I haven´t found the answer by using the search but maybe i wasn´t using it correctly. I still have a few hundred seeds laying around and i´d hate to waste them because i´m too busy. But if their viability is limited, im going to plant them soon. bye Eg

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I thought maybe it kinda suffocated the leaves because it is oily. It is primarily used on citrus fruits, and they have a sort of waxy leaf that could explain why they aren't affected. But if you have had no problem with it, then I might have to put the death of mine down to the extent of the bug damage.

Yeah my Ipomoea got infested with bugs, sprayed with white oil and all the leaves died soon after.

Don't think I'll be using it again for such applications.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

there are many many many white aphid like bugs living on the local hbwr vine ... does this affect the plant adversely? or should these things be removed?

If anyone knows id love tp hear aboot it ;) cheers

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there are many many many white aphid like bugs living on the local hbwr vine ... does this affect the plant adversely? or should these things be removed?

If anyone knows id love tp hear aboot it ;) cheers

Hey man,

When you mean the local vine, ( in ground or pot?) do you mean its big and been there for a while? thats what i'm thinking, i wish i had a local vine to read a book under, cos if its an nice old established plant it may be attacked by aphids and other sap sucking insects at various times throughout the year, i'v seen aphids on my planties after warm dry windy nights from oct through til may (alot!)

BUT ussually accompanied by a dry spell (little water lately?), plants not liking dry hot wind + a bit of dry soil as well leaves the plant just a little stressed and unable to fend off aphids some times - a pic would be nice

What you could do if they were aphids or mite's (tiny creature) is you could give it a good drink and a little fertilizer then as an organic control spray behind most of the leaves with pyrethrum spray at 'sunset' as aphids hate a wet night, repeat in next night or so then see what happens.

Are they aphids?

happy growing man

Edit for bits left out - its still new years!!

Edited by GREEN HOUSE AKA spice1
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  • 2 weeks later...

local?? not as spectacular is it sounds, it's not a big tree yet, I took big thick horseshoe shaped cuttings from when it was a year or so old, growing up a tall palmtree, and put both ends of those cuttings in the ground, around the base of an an old dead Camphor tree.

here's when the vine was healthy ... (come to think of it it had grass clipping mulch then)

here's the original cuttings as roots:

now .... here's the bugs - or whatever they are.....


if anyone recognises the problem i'd be most grateful

Cheers :D

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i would not do anything like trying to fight this pest, but rather to improofe the soil in this area, and the overall condition of this plant.

i somehow have a hunch that the area of the plant in question, does not contain any top soil, but rather that earthworks took place there a while ago. so basicly this plant doesnt get good conditions.

i would:

water it well, and than foliar feed it, either with liquid fert or with a brew made with pellets or manures.

than i would carry some top soil to this area, so to give this plant a soil that contains more nutes and aswell is easier to penetrate with it's roots.

hbwr is a virgorous climber, it needs lot's of oompf to grow happily, the mealy bug infestation does not pose a threat, specialy if you increase the plants virgor.

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