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Im interested if other forum members have had any interesting experiences with telepathy. Recently I experienced some very weird situations with a friend after having some evening tea - elements I hadn't experienced before, beyond the normal quantum madness, that were quite incredible and innexplainable.

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I almost always seem to call someone right when they are about to call me.

I am pretty skeptical of such things as telepathy. However when you get at least a few mentions a week 'I was JUST about to call you!' it starts to get a bit freaky.

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I almost always seem to call someone right when they are about to call me.

I am pretty skeptical of such things as telepathy. However when you get at least a few mentions a week 'I was JUST about to call you!' it starts to get a bit freaky.

No this was not one of those incidences... this was under a heavy tea trip and my mate was answering verbally to things I was thinking. Not the usual psychedelic bag of tricks Im used to and this guy is quite a unique individual. At one point I was in another room to my friend and I felt like he was holding onto my mind like a blind person holding onto your arm. He had never had a breakthrough dose and was going through the whole re-birth thing. I felt like he needed to know why I wasn't as outrageous in behaviour as he was (he sat on the couch and laughed at 120db for 2 hours - it got kinda annoying after a while for me). I was mentally thinking about the situation contemplating to myself 'its because I have built up experience and a degree of tolerance with this substance'. He answered verbally from the other room 'fair enough, sorry man I didnt realise...'. In the afterglow he explained he had felt the weird communication too. Im level headed on a lot of things - but I can't explain how his conciousness appeared to 'spill' over into mine during the intense phases.

Ive experienced 'oneness' with other people while flashing but never anything like this!

Edited by botanika

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Sorry, I think I know what you mean now.

Depending on the tea:

Wasson made the assertion that a certain fungus had telepathic ability.

Look up 'telepathine'.

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ive always had weird coincidences with radios and tv's.

alot of the time the beginning of a song will pop into my head after the previous song has ended, then immediately that song plays on the radio, or the music of an add will pop into my head a split second before the ad comes on.

has happened since i was a kid, even with songs and tunes from ads that i have not heard before.

my head has always been notorious with fucking with tv's and radios reception,

i used to get very bagged out by stoner mates out west, cos when id come in for a sesh id have to sit in a certain place in the room to stop the tv or radio from fuzzing out, and my partner has always made me sit away from the tv to stop the reception going all weird. Really happens more noticibly if i am daydreaming, stoned, or in a depressed state of mind.Id think im paranoid if not for so many people including my partner couldnt attest to it happening-my heads interference with radios and tv's reception.

does anyone else here experience such phenomenon? is it common?

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lol, that explains things! :P

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Im level headed on a lot of things - but I can't explain how his conciousness appeared to 'spill' over into mine during the intense phases.

Perhaps because the notion of separateness, while apparent, is actually an illusion.

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ive always had weird coincidences with radios and tv's.

alot of the time the beginning of a song will pop into my head after the previous song has ended, then immediately that song plays on the radio, or the music of an add will pop into my head a split second before the ad comes on.

has happened since i was a kid, even with songs and tunes from ads that i have not heard before.

my head has always been notorious with fucking with tv's and radios reception,

i used to get very bagged out by stoner mates out west, cos when id come in for a sesh id have to sit in a certain place in the room to stop the tv or radio from fuzzing out, and my partner has always made me sit away from the tv to stop the reception going all weird. Really happens more noticibly if i am daydreaming, stoned, or in a depressed state of mind.Id think im paranoid if not for so many people including my partner couldnt attest to it happening-my heads interference with radios and tv's reception.

does anyone else here experience such phenomenon? is it common?

Me too man. But it was mainly happening when I was going drinking Gingko/Gotu Kola Tea 1-2 times a day for a few weeks. It somehow increases my precognition by approximately 5 seconds for things such as radio songs, and ideas other people are thinking and about to say. It can't be common because it has happened several times as completely different occasions to me and mathematically for something like that to happen so often there has to be more to it. I dunno, maybe it's some kind of increase of energy or flow in your third (psychic eye) chakra or something through certain herbs when you're taking them for a while etc. No one believes me but for me to know that it's real when I take those herbs long enough it is very very pleasing. I want to get into them again for my upcoming exam so I'll keep all posted.

Edited by SaBReT00tH

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Look up 'telepathine'.

You're referring to harmine right?

I've had numerous telepathic experiences, the most remarkable between myself and an old friend, one of a pair of identical twins.

It was yonks ago, at a party, and we'd consumed a considerable ammount of party favours. Sitting talking, I gradually realised we were anticipating what the other was saying...then it became increasingly apparent we weren't communicating verbally at all...it was all inside. We were inside eachothers thoughts and feelings.

At one point I was in another room to my friend and I felt like he was holding onto my mind like a blind person holding onto your arm.

That's kinda how it felt...no matter where we were spatially, I could feel a connection to her in my heart and head.

To be honest, it scared the bejesus out of me at first...it was quite intense...she was surpirsed too, but didn't seem perturbed because, as she explained, that's how she always feels with her sister, also a close mate of mine.

I've also had it with partners and other close friends, usually when serotonin system is modifed/enhanced, but also during 'normal' consciousness.

It seems to happen in certain circumstances, between certain individuals...where I'm at in my menstrual cycle also appears to influence receptivity/sensitivity.

Very interesting

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It seems to happen in certain circumstances, between certain individuals...

Yeah this guy is like a brother to me and we share a long history together. If it had happened in the same room I would be attracted to say it was our senses picking up minute facial expressions, sounds etc... but being in completely different rooms Im confused how we would be able to pick up anything more than basic 'vibes'. It was an intense trip for sure: jacinth universes coiling through infinate ruby lollies of joy - an electric maroon rollercoaster of time, space and memory. But I know my reality benchmarks and we didn't share any precise CEV worlds together...just emotive headspace. I actually tried at one point to show him what you can do with the CEV visuals, being his first time at such a level, morphing between mountains and eagles, fields and voids, colours and tones. He didn't see any of what I tried to construct - only his own fractals. It was much more communicative or linguistic in nature.

I have an mp3 talk from psychedelic salon, I think, where a scientist who had been doing lsd experiments in the 60's believed he experienced toddlers communicating with each other in the crib without any bodily signals or noises. Whether its something outrageously quantum, or a benign but rational part of our sensory perception (like animals knowing when their owners are coming home or when disaster is approaching), or a confused illusion - it still freaked me out!

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this isn't quite telepathy, but kinda related to the discussion. when i was around 10 years old i was convinced that the government could read my mind and was often worried that i'd get into trouble for thinking impure sexual thoughts (as sexual as it can get for a pre-adolescent!) ... about a year ago i was e-mailing a mate about things that might be misconstrued as illegal activity, and being paranoid he lambasted me for freely discussing this over e-mail. he wrote that the government can easily intercept e-mails and we could get into a lot of trouble, etc, etc. in response i wrote that maybe e-mails were the lease of our worries, and that maybe "they" can read our thoughts, and that "they" only make themselves known if you believe that "they" exist. i kid you not, just as i was typing this, the light bulb in my room popped off cleanly. as in the glass bulb popped off the socket and fell to the ground, with the bulb cap still attached to the light socket... never happened before and has never happened since. definitely sent a chill down my spine.

re telepathy, the real problem i have with all this that it's all anecdotal evidence, that could easily be subjected to an experiment. if your telepathic partner were assigned a number between 1 and 1000, and you were to get this right just three times in a row, the chances of it occuring by chance would be 1 in a billion. extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, yet something as simple as this has yet to be demonstrated.

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I have had a fairly strong telepathic experience.

When I was around 8, my mother followed a guru of the Siddha Yoga school of westernised hindu-based spirituality. Her name was Gurumayi. As an 8 year old I was very interested in spirituality and was myself about as dedicated a follower of the guru as any other kid of that age. She came to Melbourne for satsang and we went to see her. At the satsang I asked her for a spiritual name. She told me to go around behind her to her assistant. The guru and her assistants sat on a stage, and the easiest way for me to get to the assistant was to climb over the corner of the stage rather than go around because of a large vase that was in the way. I climbed up on the stage and instantly heard the guru commanding me to get down. I got down quickly, fought my way past the various obstacles, and got around to the assistant who wrote my name down on a piece of paper.

It was only at this point that I realised that the guru had not spoken verbally to me. She couldn't have, because she was speaking to someone else at the time and she was not facing towards me. However I clearly heard her voice telling me to get off the stage. There are many other examples of followers of various gurus being spoken to telepathically in similar situations.

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re telepathy, the real problem i have with all this that it's all anecdotal evidence, that could easily be subjected to an experiment. if your telepathic partner were assigned a number between 1 and 1000, and you were to get this right just three times in a row, the chances of it occuring by chance would be 1 in a billion. extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, yet something as simple as this has yet to be demonstrated.

you're such a postivist! :P

One thing I've noticed is that this kind of phenomena seems to occur when you're not trying, not looking, not expecting...I doubt it's amenable to empirical demonstration, and may never be...

I for one don't feel it needs to be. It just is.

It's like Strassmans DMT trials in a clinical environment...an attempt to satisfy 'gold standard' RCT criteria...

I think anyone who's auto-experimented with DMT would agree the sterile milieu of a hospital is not as conducive to 'peak' experiences as a more organic space would be.

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I dont know if you would dub this telepathic but when your having a conversation and your sorta just feeding of each others thoughts like you would think one thing and not voice it and the other person starts talking about the very thing your thinking about, But i suppose you could call this collective unconcious from Jung.

Its the only telepathic experience I can defintelly relate to and be able to constantly demonstrate over and over in any situation.

Maybe this is connected to self reflection and we can all pick up others thoughts if we stood outside our own self reflection like Don Juan taught?

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Once upon a time when i was a bad bad boy a group of us were snorting cocaine and watching film clips on random on a computer. We began willing the computer to show the songs we wanted and outa a few hundred songs we got it right a few times..hmmm scratch that one, thats shitty odds. :unsure:

On aya tho when in a group situation often some one starts chanting a tune and it is in perfect synch with the 'flow' of the visions that im experiencing. I generally have very common experiences where i think of someone and then they call or i think of something and then someone starts talking about it. not too uncommon for people. Ive never tried to analyse it b4.. they def seem to happen more often the more im taking various tryptamine like substances.

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back in school i had this black haired witch like looking german teacher.

one day she asked for a yearnummber of a very unimportant event.

none of the pupils knew the answere. after a while lot's of nummbers got shouted out, but none was correct. than after a while the energie in the classroom changed, somehow the pupils realized now that she tries somehow, something strange... i haven't had spoken out a single year nummber yet, and suddenly all my classmates turned there faces towards me, come on pachener they shouted... the teacher looked at me aswell, i knew i just had to do it. without thinking i spoke out a nummber. and sure it was the correct one!

on another note, i once communicated telepathicly with aboriginal people in a lucid dream.

and yes dmt seems to posess at times a telepathic vibe aswell, watching people smoking spice can one make having the sensation without having had anything...

Edited by planthelper

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i've experienced quite a few of the 'coincidental' telepathic moments throughout my life, however they do seem insignificant when compared to the communication my partner and i seem to have when tryptamines are involved.

we've had those moments too, where one of us replys to a thought the other had. i've also felt as if i was listening to both of our internal monologues, then while confused and trying to 'switch one of' my partner says "you should just get out of my head."

while not essentially telepathic, we've had numerous shared visions also; from seeing the same hindu gods in the clouds to reporting back very similar intergalactic travels while holding each other in the dark. we've grown up together and seem vibrationally synchronised, so to me this seems to be a very real occurance which can happen between individuals who are closely connected.

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i've experienced quite a few of the 'coincidental' telepathic moments throughout my life, however they do seem insignificant when compared to the communication my partner and i seem to have when tryptamines are involved.

we've had those moments too, where one of us replys to a thought the other had. i've also felt as if i was listening to both of our internal monologues, then while confused and trying to 'switch one of' my partner says "you should just get out of my head."

while not essentially telepathic, we've had numerous shared visions also; from seeing the same hindu gods in the clouds to reporting back very similar intergalactic travels while holding each other in the dark. we've grown up together and seem vibrationally synchronised, so to me this seems to be a very real occurance which can happen between individuals who are closely connected.

:wub: u two are so beautiful! :worship:

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Was it T. McKenna that said basically everything went down the tube when we invented "Language"? :P

Juicy bits first then the existentualist meanderings and B/S follows :wink:

Jono:Over the years myself many others have witnessed how much my energy can fuck with the radio or TV reception...in fact my ex used to be able to say "You're stressed of about something aren't you?"..as the radio station was waving in and out to white noise as I paced past the receiver...and it was only me who interfered with the reception.

Ok back with the thread...the most profound experience with telepathy was a few years ago when after not seeing or having contact with a channeller I met who attuned me with the Reiki 'station'.

This dude would have a smoke rolled waiting for me when I arrived totally out of the blue and would say things like"what took you so long?"-'Oh I decided to pick up something to drink!?' *stunned* I would reply.

"I know" he would say.."good thing because we have a lot of work to do tonight"...and we did B)

...anyway I had moved away from the area and had no contact with him since leaving the town 2 years previous to where I live now.

I made a 3 hour trip to see my Psychyatrist for assessment and consequentially for him to fill out some forms for centrelink re:DSP.

I arrived in Moss-Vale about 15 mins early for my appointment and decided to grab something to eat and headed for a carpark near the take-away and guess who was sitting outside the take-away?

He said G'day and we chatted briefly,the he said "you're here for the disability pension papers to be signed yeah??", I said "umm yeah",then he said "don't worry, It'll work out right,but you'd better hurry or you'll be late!"

You tell me how the fuck this guy knew this?????

I think that the Jungian ideal of the collective unconscious fits in well with what's been said and in fact this very belief has helped myself and countless other sensitives overcome "inapproriate" tie's or connections to people or life events to move on to the next phase in their growth.

A good expample is the recent departure of my ex-partner and how it affected me when she left.We had a very special bond,particularly in a very profound telepathic way and for many years...but how it all ended didn't make sense and left me devastated.So I went through a 2 week ritualistic process that's well known amongst broad-minded psychiatrists...and now I can walk past her and say hello and just keep walking without feeling that tearing-apart feeling and reacting physically with the flight or fight response encoded in my personal DNA.

I merely removed all "inappropriate" ties and retained all "positive" ties via connecting my personal or fragmented consciousness with the Hi-C or universal/collective consciousness(some may say "The Book of Life") and ritualistically removed and discarded the discomfort....much like removing an inflamed appendix but in a psychological way...no appendix=no appendicitis!

I believe there are Invisible ties and connections both strong and weak between all of us, but very real connections nonetheless.

I kinda feel that we are all fragments of the one consciousness and "invisibly" connected as illustrated in the Celestine Prophecy,Carlos's books and various other belief systems....that we know everything already because it has already happened and in an instant.

Films like The Matrix and Donnie Darko for me tend to enforce the idea that humans are inseparably one,have a destiny and together form the "One".Though we seem to strive for individuality yet it's always through connection and quantifying or breaking down of events and using a concept of time which is instigated by the ego "the one that binds singularilty" that one feels and gains a physical experience...thus my interests in altered states of consciousness and probably why I get so much from so little compared to some.

You might be thinking "so how come you're so fucked up atm mesc?"

My answer is because I need to understand what it's like and let others help me so I can take some of the burden from those who seek me out because I've been there.Sound's like a bad deal?...well for me healing others through my actions balances what has just happened to me...and I don't expect that I will ever be symptom-free and in acceptance of this things become clearer in the end....Yin-Yang...continual motion.

I'm intersted in WHY the "One" needs to expand and contract through us as individiuals...maybe the macrocosmic reasons aren't that dissimilar to the reason the heart and lungs expand and contract in the microcosm of the human-being without conscious thought :wink:

The day when is-ness is accepted and proof is not required it won't matter.

Then again I don't have a clue :P

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A good expample is the recent departure of my ex-partner and how it affected me when she left.We had a very special bond,particularly in a very profound telepathic way and for many years...but how it all ended didn't make sense and left me devastated.

Dang I find this very similiar to what happened to me accept it happened 5 years ago and took me like 8 months to talk to her again very uncomftable since we went to the same school and in the same classes but definetelly a strong conection that I cannot forget and makes all other relationaships but a comparison to that, dang luv can be a bitch.

and yes dmt seems to posess at times a telepathic vibe aswell, watching people smoking spice can one make having the sensation without having had anything...

Definetly agree

I also get the vibe sometimes after consuming :shroomer: and proceding to smoke grass that it is almost the same as dmt, or atleast the comedown euphria associated with dmt.

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Then again I don't have a clue

I beg to differ :)

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i see telepathy as BIO-RESONANCE

if your mind is tuned to the same frequency as the other person, then you will be more open to receiving. in the case of using the same substances people will also easier resonate with eachother.

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