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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by chnt

  1. chnt

    doctor question

    find someone who is at least a semi regular weed smoker and get them to test it and see what happens to them and ask what they think
  2. chnt

    australia 21 report part 2

    pretty exciting developments with legislation in colorado, washington and oregon which i think are the 3 states with an upcoming vote for non-medical cannabis legalisation/regulation, on top of that the gallup polls show that the majority of US americans now support non-medical cannabis legalisation, on top of the overwhelming majority supporting medical cannabis legalisation, and the support is only going to keep increasing. on top of that all the shit happening with the americas. http://www.gallup.com/poll/150149/record-high-americans-favor-legalizing-marijuana.aspx
  3. chnt

    the greatest achievement of my life

    bitter sweet chnt
  4. warning edit: please see post #19 for further details.
  5. chnt

    I Hate Racism

    i agree that racism is part of a much larger issue.
  6. chnt

    Youtube vids

    extended version found here http://www.aljazeera...3039675592.html another WOD segment http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/countingthecost/2012/04/20124158040361814.html
  7. westnet uses iinet servers so the same would apply to them right?
  8. you guys... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aem9NlKm7BE (group hug)
  9. the zen state that comes after overcoming "the fear"
  10. chnt

    Favourite Vietnamese dish?

    sounds similar to phong vinh in northbridge, free tea when dining in, $10-12 for a lovely rice noodle soup, lots of salad, very satisfying.
  11. chnt

    Legendary coffee mugs

    get that mug that has a built in weed pipe. http://dangerousmind...e_cup_weed_pipe
  12. chnt

    jesus in india

    i dont see the importance either way. if jesus existed, so what? if jesus never existed, so what? he was just a man (or an idea of one) who cares what he had to say. plenty of people believe in peace and all that jazz,,,
  13. please consider the children!
  14. chnt

    jesus in india

    that means he's doing his act well. he's totally ripping the shit out of cunts, that is all, watch his show for a while and see for yourself
  15. chnt

    had a massive car accident this morning

    glad you're ok buddy. i thought i was gonna die once, waiting to turn right at a T junction (speed limit 70) a truck turned left and the back corner of it clipped the back of my car though it felt like someone had just smashed into me at high speed... for a split second everything slowed down and i foresaw the car getting smashed into oncoming traffic and braced myself for death.... kind of funny since the car only move several inches, there were 3 of us in the car and we all shat it, but it was nothing serious in the end. hope all goes well with insurance and stuff.
  16. chnt

    Youtube vids

  17. chnt

    Youtube vids

    how to talk a lot and say very little
  18. chnt

    Youtube vids

  19. chnt

    Post your track of the day

    for some reason it wont embed...
  20. chnt

    SAB & Koda got raided today

    yay for police resources, taxes, lawful injustices, invasions of privacy and oppression in general! i feel safer already
  21. chnt

    reducing the chat post time limit

    the flood control. say if you make one post and try to submit another quickly it'll say wait 5 seconds, so you might count to 5 and get it wrong and hit enter again and it says wait 1 second so you wait a second and get it wrong again and it says wait 8 seconds... it can be pretty frustrating if you get to this point.