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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by oxydiser

  1. oxydiser

    Bridgesii Cuttings

    Faark! Thwarted again! By seven minutes! Ed, if there are any left I would (literally) kill for one I've been here since feb 05 and I think I've nagged you that most if that counts for anything.
  2. oxydiser

    Macrogonus competition

    me too
  3. oxydiser

    Ecstasy as a brain booster for Parkinson's?

    I had the opportunity to do honours in chemistry with a professor who is synthesizing analogues of MDMA to evaluate their usefulness in the treatment of Parkinson's... had to get a police clearance and was all ready to go but then I had to go ahead and enrol in a fucked up pharmacy course.
  4. oxydiser

    *** QUICK AUCTION ***

    30 dollars
  5. LOL I always loved/hated that about chemistry, the teachers and lecturers are all in on it, but the 'truth' has to be slowly leaked out over successive years of chem units... "OK kids remember what you learnt last year.... that was BS, this is how things really are" I second that notion, why did they have to start sucking?
  6. oxydiser


    EBA got hacked a bunch of of times and patched up, the security of the site was compromised and members got disillusioned, the founder of EBA was MIA and to compound these problems new members had a hard time signing up. The whole thing snowballed which is why the forum stagnated. ... but it's all good now LONG LIVE EBA! That place is a goldmine of information, I love reading through all the old DMT posts.
  7. oxydiser

    Yerba mate tea and paraphernalia in Brisbane?

    SAB has a mate kit if that's what you're after
  8. oxydiser

    Nurofen Plus

    A med student I know was sitting in with her GP preceptor when a guy came in with severe stomach pains. The routine diagnosis questions were asked and the guy mentioned he was taking nurofen plus. It turned out he was addicted to them, taking 3+ packets a day and the guy ended up on the methadone program to kick the nurofen! Stay away the the nurofen... bad nurofen... mess you up
  9. oxydiser

    Human species 'may split in two'

    I know a family that frequent the pharmacy which is sort of similar to the one that you mention foolsbreath. The mother and father suffer from slight mental problems but their three children are all heavily afflicted with high level autism and epilepsy and are heavily medicated. I think to myself 'why didn't they stop after the first' - it could have considerably reduced the suffering experienced by that family. But people don't think like that. The drive to generate more progeny isn't even derived from some thought related process. If you start to look at your body as a vehicle for the replication of your own selfish DNA, it can change your whole view point. I'm all for the concept of eugenics - but not in the egocentric, racist, country-specific notion as used by the Nazis. Rather a global eugenics as hinted at by the article posted by apoth. A similar process is performed to ensure that our cows produce 50L of milk per day, our sheep produce the finest softest wool etc etc. Sadly, the continued differentiation of the human race as some sort of uber-animal and those pesky 'morals' that hold us back will ensure that this never happens. But I doubt if eugenics could ever work in practice, we can thank the good ol' random recombination of DNA for that. Case in point: Ridiculously good looking people are born from ugly people, and vice versa. Woah... twisted
  10. oxydiser

    It's Twins!

    I would call one heroin and the other one cigarettes... in honour of two other very addictive things that rival cacti
  11. oxydiser

    mutated brugmansia leaves

    My brug did that around this time last year (wasn't sourced from SAB though). I left it to it's own devices, ~3-4 sets of leaves came out looking like that, then after a while it started putting out normal growth again
  12. oxydiser


    I have one lot of 30 melatonin 3mg capsules (non-homeopathic) and I'm looking to trade for trichocereus bridgesii and peruvianus cuts. PM for details/offers
  13. oxydiser

    psychoactive urinal bricks

    I read a news article about a guy (think it was here actually) about a guy that got busted extracting meth from urine... always makes me think when I'm at the urinal at a dance club
  14. oxydiser

    Melatonin... script???

    I worked tonight and thought you guys might want to know that the pharmacy I work at sells melatonin 3mg, I think the brand was thorne, and I think 30 caps were going for ~$60 but I can't remember (study has fried my brain). I checked the label, and this is bona-fide proper non-homeopathic product. It lives in a strange section of the pharmacy with the other 'practitioner only' products... things that are usually exclusively supplied through complementary healthcare practitioners. The naturopath next door is also owned by the same fat-cat owner as the pharmacy along with the pharmacy 50m up the road and I think he just wants to make more $ through the inflated price of everything we sell. People come in from the naturopath with a product scribbled on any old piece of paper, and repeat customers just ask for product by name.
  15. oxydiser

    Tightening sales of pseudoephedrine 'a success'

    These are both standard protocol for any pharmacy (in WA anyway). Multi-pack sales are not allowed and pharmacy assistants are told to question everyone wanting a pseudo-containing product with regards to symptoms, medications etc.... how else are you going to nut out a meth cook? The system really is a farce... as you were saying Naja, the best way to circumnavigate the BS would to get a script for it, once the pharmacist saw that they would sell it to you OTC no questions asked. Have you ever been to the GP for your hayfever? It sounds pretty bad, the doctor could prescribe some preventative meds if you get it regularly.
  16. oxydiser

    Tightening sales of pseudoephedrine 'a success'

    I think Qld has electronic recording details on a network between pharmacies, so if you try to buy multiple packs it flashes up a red flag. Over in WA, we have paper recording which has SFA chance of recognising 'pharmacy shopping' for pseudo. I have only refused sale to one customer on the grounds of them being a dodgy mofo. I have heard figures like "90% of the psuedo stock for the illicit trade is known to come from purchases from pharmacies"-make of it what you will I think that the system is cumbersome and an invasion of privacy, but I can't think of any better way of doing it. The authorities were trying to make psuedo-only preparations S8 and all combo-preparations S4!
  17. I currently have three strains of khat (red, white and narrowleaf), they are all sourced from SAB and they are all kept in identical conditions. Same size pot, same soil (premium potting mix with a bit of CSS), same position (full sun from 10am-4pm), same watering regime (approx 3 times a week, letting the soil dry out between drinks). The red and white strains are kicking ass and putting out new shoots all over the shop, while the narrowleafs (also have a 4cm seedling) are not. In fact, they are losing leaves at an alarming rate, they slowly turn brown from the tips and fall off. WTF am I doing wrong here? I understand that this may be caused by overwatering, but I am struggling to find why this would be an explanation because all plants are treated identically. Your thoughts on my dilemma would be greatly appreciated.
  18. oxydiser

    OH SHIT....HELP!!!!

    Awesome, what a cool topic to give a lecture about! As creach was saying, blood oath you should do it! What better way to get experience and stimulate some young minds! Humour can be used to really open up a crowd (not that the second years will need that, the topic is really interesting!!!) (the british-army-testing-of-LSD video sticks in my mind...). I shit my pants before every oral presentation I give, here are some things I use to reduce the amount of shit in my pants: If it's a powerpoint presentation, use lots of pictures (though not so many as to detract from your actual talk) Although the nature of clinical trials are relatively fact-heavy, don't get to caught up with them (protocol/methods) and try to focus on the wider picture (results/what was learnt?) Try not to over-rehearse your talk, and aim for 30 words per slide max, the talk runs more smoothly and sounds much more natural As for the nervousness... do you know anyone with high blood pressure that is taking a beta-blocker? EDIT: hehe, beat me to it eNo - inderal/deralin really is the shit!
  19. oxydiser

    Peter Brock RIP

  20. oxydiser

    Peter Brock RIP

    My condolences to his family and to the half of Australia who were Holden fans. Australia has lost a truly great man I had a quiet moment with chockito to reflect It has not been a good week for aussie icons
  21. oxydiser

    Phenergan, Stemzine, to cure HBWR nausea???

    Yar, the phenergan is similar in strength to dramamine for nausea, stemzine is stronger than both of these. They are both safe in use at recommended doses, and I wouldn't anticipate any adverse interactions with the HBWR, can't say much for any affect on the experience. If you are going to use them take before the nausea starts, IMO you should try HBWR without them first.
  22. oxydiser

    Auction:Ephedra Sinica

    Sweet, any clue as to when the next lot will go up on the webstore?
  23. oxydiser

    Auction:Ephedra Sinica

    Hey Torsten, do you not sell ephedra plants because of legality issues?
  24. oxydiser


    Check this, I think one of my tbms is reverting, usually they only put out two 'sets' of the skinny spines but this pup has already put out four and they are noticably thicker with more colour.
  25. oxydiser

    B.Caapi. (perth growers)

    Youse guys been getting good growth on your tropicals? I've had a psychotria that has been through hell over the last year and a half Originally was outside - got cold damage and leaves drop off then into one of those bunnings greenhouses at the start of spring... it was kicking ass until a massive fungus gnat infestation then into dappled shade in summer... only to get covered in scale ...currently inside and the same size as when I got it geez I suck at plants