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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by bogfrog

  1. Cheers team, good stuff to get the cogs turning.. Thanks very much for sharing your thoughts, esp. Sally! I am lucky to have had much of the plot, characters and themes revealed to me already through dreams and study of the archetypal and mythical symbolism within my own experiences and the inclinations of my imagination. It's a big world and a big story. It has been sitting there waiting for me to acknowledge it for a very long time. New ideas are morphing into existence to flesh out the framework at lighting speed, I just hope I can begin this and still continue having a normal human life...I already live in my imagination more than it is commonly accepted to do so. In-spirit, yep man you got it, I'm basically taking this on to grapple with the nature of my own fears, hopes and dreams surrounding the ever increasing depravity and corruption of human society, entangled with our obsessive complusion towards technological progress, which seemingly leads us to inevitable annihilation. The co-evolution of creation and destruction. The old ways eating the new. I won't say much more, other than yes there will be some heroics, and a regretfully large serving of tragedy. Wish me luck, and on-going sanity
  2. Hey bro, if you wanna have a chat about this sometime plz pm me, I thought about contacting ya after what I saw your post in the 'don't cha hate it when' thread recently, as I have some experience in these kinda situations but from a female perspective, I got suckered in and because of this I know some of the tricks they use. While I'm no expert, I just felt straight away that I should potentially talk to you about my experience as there were too many parallels for me to ignore. Either way tho, I don't mind not speaking to you about it, that's all g with me, but if you would appreciate a bit of insight from my hindsight then get it touch.
  3. bogfrog

    Have you seen any cool movies lately??

    The Fountain - absolutely incredible film. Highest recommendation from me. I am inclined to think this film is the best I have watched thus far Curse of the Golden Flower - visually stunning, but also full of really potent and deeply twisted, convoluted social dynamics. Edit to add: Mr Nobody, Great film. Do watch it.
  4. i agree with you mostly, but i also think *yes and no* i have considered this alot. in all honesty i have spent more than half my life around a psychopath and learnt alot from her about how to keep myself safe. what you say is correct, about their incessant need to connect (impose their reality onto your reality) and not allowing them to connect with you in this way is crucial, BUT you have to be careful not to polarize the situation by giving them any more or any less than any other joe average you encounter. i consider it similar to the way cats are drawn to people who hate cats. if they see that you are not willing to play their games, they will see a challenge, which (if you are not careful to be completely neutral around them) will intensify their desire to engage you. i think a form of indifference is the most suitable state. not giving them more, not giving them less, just treat them like they are nothing special and you wont be of much interest to them. when you find yourself in a space with them, avoid their engagement like the black plauge and they will want nothing more than to infect you. let them be, and leave when its appropriate.
  5. bogfrog

    Post a random picture thread

  6. Appearances can be deceiving man. if you can sense an air of psychopathy, it is most likely carried out through every area of the persons life.. they are probably just more well-versed in building positive perceptions of themselves in the context of their own family, perhaps even so effectively that their loved ones can be controlled and manipulated covertly and have little awareness of the abnormal power imbalance which dominates their lives. i am worried too. quite so. i think the best way to proceed is to be informed by our concerns but not let them entirely dominate our thought, feeling and action. kia kaha Zen Peddler.
  7. bogfrog

    Need to de-stress - clear my mind - any suggestions?

    river walking.. if you can find a stoney river somewhere in your week off. works great for me, especially if you can find a river which allows you to rock hop your way up stream. something about flitting from rock to rock ninja-style, against the flow of the water, centered in totality, not thinking just moving, seems to wash stress out of my system more effectively than anything else. i used to do this for hours. flowing water. fresh air. stretching your limbs. bare feet. bird song. who could hold onto their stress among that? ...although nz rivers dont have crocs, or dangerous spiders and snakes. not sure weather i'd be game for this off-shore. dunno about my suggestion now. but good luck and i hope you find what you need to zen out a bit.
  8. bogfrog

    Youtube vids

    i voiced some concerns to a friend yesterday evening about the reality (or seeming lack of) of all those blank eyed people i see out and about, she directed me to this.. no comment on where i stand now, im just confused but found it interesting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gc1mGdoHRg
  9. bogfrog

    My One Year S.A.B Anniversary

    *raising my metaphysical glass of bubbles to celebrate the continued presence of our most loved and revered, benevolent peace-keeper* you were the one who inspired my courage to speak out here when was i new and shy and had so much to say but no idea how to say it.. wish i had you're ability to say lots with not many words but hey, thanks for being you, i think we all need to be reminded how genuinely peaceful and fair human conducts themselves sometimes. you really truly are a pinnacle of good virtue, and i aint just saying that, you truly rock Amz. much respect and sparkly good-vibes to you gracious Spiritual Warrior.
  10. bogfrog

    What do you see?

    eewwwww.... but i really like moths...but eewwww, dunno if i will ever look at a moth the same now, thanks EG
  11. bogfrog


    Hi, kiwi person. ...whatever you wanna give me for them. i dont mind as long as i dont have to spend money getting them to you. too broke to do dat.
  12. EDIT: after attempting to sell these plants without much luck, i will now give them away. all i ask is that you pay postage, i am poor in $ but rich in cacti. need requires me to share the cacti riches, as i recently lost my greenhouse, meaning i have alot less space than i used to. first in first served. NEW ZEALAND MEMBERS ONLY! -sorry- Here's what I got: 2) Mammilaria mutant/crest grafted on pedro 20cm from soil 3) Trichocereus sp (sold to me as short spined peruvinanus) 25cm from soil 9) Trichocereus huasca grafted onto pedro 32cm from soil 11) Turbinacarpus sp.? Yellowish-green flower 8cm tall from soil 12) Mammilaria sabodae v. Haudeana (supposedly rare, I think this is quite old...) 5cm from soil 13) Rebutia sp.? grafted onto pedro, red flowers, 17cm from soil, 10cm across at the top If you wanna check out my trading rep to see if im a goodie or a baddie you can do so here: http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=29560 Buyer pays postage costs. All plants sent bare-rooted. Cheers.
  13. bogfrog


    *bump* see first post for change of scenario
  14. bogfrog

    The good vibes generator

    ^ sentiment shared and reciprocated, refracted, reverberated. good vibes and much aroha from me, to all thee wayward wanderers of this world.
  15. bogfrog

    how do you know if your dead?

    i dont know, but what you described reminded me alot of an experience i had after i nearly poisoned myself.. i came to an awareness of myself as a conciousness who had been idle, thoughtless, but aware, drifting in a deep, dark, limitless void of black nothingness for an eternity. it may have been a few minutes, a few hours, but for all i could determine, it felt like i had been there for eternity and when i die, it is to this formless emptiness that i (which is also formless emptiness) will return. i think knowing you are dead is harder than determining that you are not dead. reality checks. testing the limits of concieveable actions...can you push a spoon through your hand? can you see through walls? can you project your conciousness into the endless expanse of space and dive into a black hole, find out whats on the other side? i think writing on the corroboree is an unlikely thing for a dead person to be able to do...but then again, how would i know, i might be dead right now, surrounded by these dead-eyed uni students in a computer lab...i just hope my death isnt like this.. good question. hope you're feeling ok bud.
  16. yeah..unfortunately, and i was quite effectively manipulated by said psychopath under the influence, used as a pawn in a deeply twisted and terrifying game, designed to hurt my partner at the time, and announce to our collective group of friends that we had all been fooled into glorifying this person as a god, when in reality their true nature was closer to that of a demon. the thing that for me defined the psychopathy was the intent, the planning, the knowledge of what would inneviatbly take place, and the skill with which such a fissard was constructed and carried out until that brutal moment of revelation, where we all realised we were living in a nightmare. - plz don't quote me I might edit this later.. Still makes me feel yuck thinking about it. We all got through it physically okay, some higher protective force really was at work, but it mentally fucked all participants of the escapade for quite a long time after.
  17. bogfrog

    Quotes of the day.

    True Detective fucking rocks. Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence. - Alan Watts "You can't be a warrior part-time. You either are a warrior, or you're not a warrior" - Hone Harawera
  18. bogfrog

    NZ Salvia giveaway

    Hold it in your gob as long as you can bear it....it's harder to stick it out than you would think...all those bubbles.... edit: woops i forgot the all important part of that sentence: then you spit it out i was distracted by the potent imagery, my memory of my chewing time, and that luxuriant green slime, illuminated by the light of the full moon, glowing blue-white-green....
  19. bogfrog

    What did you do in your sacred garden today?

    Hi, welcome to the forum and Aotearoa! pm me if u looking to expand your collection any further, i can most likely help, esp if your interested in cacti ie: http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=38224
  20. bogfrog

    What did you do in your sacred garden today?

    Rats. Well I packed up the carnage from my very own greenhouse disaster. No more greenhouse-dwelling, cactus-loving bogfrog. So I did this awesome mushroom rain dance a few days ago..and then it rained ALOT ...torrential rain for two days and two nights.... tooooo much rain, all the water collected in the roof of my tunnel house and the weight of it snapped all the plastic connectors and the roof caved in. Kaput. Finito. Dead. Totally un-salvageable Luckily I didn't loose any thing too precious..just my favourite place to be but I guess I just gotta roll with the punches. Out with the old in with the new and whatnot.
  21. bogfrog

    State of the Cactus Scene - rant

    Come to nz and buy all my trichs from me Magical9 I have heard this is a problem in the US.. But I bet you'll find a way around it in time. I used to be frustrated with the lack of trichocereus available in New Zealand, but over time I realised there's no real lack, you just have to hunt around a bit and find the right people to talk to. Now I have too many and wish I could more easily pawn them off to other mad folks who want them as bad as I used to. Get sowing seeds in the mean time, if you want some trich hybrid seeds pm me, you can have em for free.
  22. bogfrog

    cutting is not conducive to flowering soonest ?

    As far as I can tell (no expert, jus a freak) the primary factors to influence flowering are an established root system and maturity. Every time you take a cutting, (say you have a single San pedro with a large root system) you are pretty much asking the plant to restart its programme, so if your single San pedro has been considering that it might like to flower for about 4 years, and it's finally getting to the maturity that it is feeling ready to bloom, and you chop off its head, it's probably not that likely to put it's energy towards flowering, because now it has other things to focus on, the tip cut has to focus on developing a new root system, so it will prioritise that, and the base of the plant has to focus on creating new growing tips, so it will prioritise pupping, and all thoughts on flowering will be postponed for another couple years when time is right again. That being said, there are exceptions to every rule (and this isn't a rule, just what I have observed and considered..which may be different to what people in other countries & climates observe and consider) and some cuttings can flower regardless of their small root system. I imagine there is probably a 'critical mass' point, where the plant has already put so much energy into making a flower bud that it will carry on in doing so regardless of other factors. You can take cuttings pretty much whenever, although the aim (for me anyway) is to have the cuttings rooted by mid-spring early summer so they can get the most out of the growing period. This usually prompts me to take cuttings in autumn, dry them indoors for a few weeks and then pot up, with the hope that roots will have formed by the time spring rolls around. Just ensure if you do decide to take cuttings in the colder months that you store the freshly cut plants out of the cold and rain so the extra moisture in the air doesn't cause rot. Hope this helps somewhat.
  23. bogfrog

    don't cha hate it when..

    Don't cha hate it when your brain takes a small piece of information, and lacking a clear picture of events calls in your imagination to construct a wild scenario which somehow seems plausible at the time, even though its not really likely and your imagination has blown things waaaay outa proportion ie: the other night I was lying in bed and I heard a loud scream, followed by a chorus of bellowing, groans and other screams... I freeze and focus my full attention on these noises, which continue. After a couple of minutes leaning out my window listening to this hollering, roaring and shrieking, I'm starting to get concerned. It sounded like ALOT of people, all going insane at the same time. The chorus of human madness continues. "Ok this must be the zombie apocalypse, get your knife" my brain tells me.. So I get my knife, check all the doors and windows are locked, then spend about 15 mintues contemplating how likely it is that this mob of zombies will be drawn to my house, and if so, where is the best place to barricade myself in..and how long I should prepare to be barricaded in for.. All the while thinking "for fucks sake, you should have known this was going to happen eventually, why didn't you prepare more thoroughly for this?" ..and then eventually I come to terms with the idea that its probably just some drunks having a wild party down the road, stick my head out the window again, notice the screaming and bellowing hasn't gotten any closer or louder, so it should be fine, and I can go back to bed.
  24. bogfrog

    My first apple!

    Is that just a casual variegated pachanoi chilling in the bottom right corner of that last pic Dreamwalker?
  25. bogfrog


    Hey Jox it's all good mate, I have been pretty busy but no need to worry I ain't gonna fall off the edge of the earth! just thinking I might like to go live in the north island in the next couple years and know it would be stressful to leave heaps of plants behind unattended so I'm just shuffling a few off to new homes so I can be more nimble in responding to life's opportunities I went OTT on the cactus thing, only now I'm truly realising to what extremes I pushed it lol. Sweet Dreamwalker, consider it yours. I'm not sure what you wana pay for it, I think it cost me about $20 but I'm happy to negotiate and am keen to sell stuff pretty cheap if you get a couple things.. There's just too much for me to look after now, and somehow re-homing them is much harder than buying them was