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The Corroboree

Smiling Cloud

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Everything posted by Smiling Cloud

  1. Smiling Cloud

    Negative Poppy Experience

    All my gnomes poppies got mistaken for weeds (still in lettuce stage) and got sprayed with round-up!!! I could've cried when I wsa cheerfully told that my garden had been sprayed for weeds so I'd be able to plant things now. I washed them but I think it may have been a bit late...3hrs Last year it was ducks.... I don't think I'm meant for this plant somehow. Anyone know if its too late to start again.... this lot were planted really late anyway.
  2. Smiling Cloud


    My naughty little gnome's friend came home with some special K. We snorted away on the brekky cereal and it was wuite an interesting experience. Anyone know of any plants that may give a similar effect to that cereal? Can't get anymore of it atm so I'd like to grow something similar... or just a plain plant tranq. cheers SC
  3. Smiling Cloud

    we ARE the shamen............

    I think the greatest satisfaction from studying entheogens is when you introduce your friends to them. I used to get "whats this herb shit supposed to do" but now my friends eagerly await what I can pull out of my bag of tricks. I think the more me share our information from person to person, the faster that info will spread. Practising is better than preaching. SC
  4. Smiling Cloud

    delospermum boseranum

    I LOVE this plant. I grow heaps of them so that I can have a harvest every now and then. I like to smoke a bit in a rolly with lions ear and some rustica and that is quite relaxing. Also chewing a larger amount is also nice. Stimulating but then sedating. I've only chewed the root once... I slept for 15hrs but that could've been because I was EXTREMELY tired. anyways this plant is great. SC
  5. My Friend Funky A young boy with money and fire in his eyes The money burns And the herbs burns And he burns And everyday they burn together He’s not an addict “I just like it” “I’m stressed” “It gets me to sleep” “I’m expanding my mind” And he does expand his mind Until one day it doesn’t fit in his head And the fire in his eyes dims The doctors medicate him To shut him up And because he’s so sedated no one has to worry No problem any more, everything is great But its not Because when I look into his eye There is nothing Not even a smoulder of the fire Its gone out And the Funky I knew won’t be back
  6. Smiling Cloud

    Mitragyna in the clear- I think

    how would one go about getting a plant just in case it IS scheduled soon.
  7. Smiling Cloud

    My friend Funky

    he's doing better. He's like talking to someone whos come off a bad mushy trip... still working out whats real and whats not, a bit confused. BUt I think the meds may actually be helping him... they stopped giving him valium so he's not as doped out as he was. all in all his future is brighter
  8. Smiling Cloud

    My friend Funky

    I know it wasn't the herb, I know many people from all different ages who toke up and they are fine. I actually wish it was, then he could stop and everything would be dandy again. But as it stands its not so everyone can deal with it.
  9. Smiling Cloud

    Bulk fresh Calea herb

    The bag is gone... but still have the seed cheers SC
  10. Smiling Cloud

    Bulk fresh Calea herb

    I have 750g of fresh calea leaf and flowers for $80. Wuld be ideal for making extracts because it is so fresh. Also have a shitload of seed for $20...calea seed is very rarely viable though. BUt be quick because I'm moving soon... was moving tuesday but am pushing it back so I can make some cash peace SC
  11. Smiling Cloud

    BULK Tobacco seed

    I have 25-28g of viable venezuelan tobacco seed... thats millions of seed... any offers?
  12. Smiling Cloud

    If you buy drugs you support terrorism

    There's no such thing as somoeone who uses speed for 20 yrs, they either die or go crazy. And its not the speed that fucks people's minds, its the lack of sleep. My gnome stayed awake for 5 days on ice (or so it seemed to him, apparently he just dropped on the 3rd and 4th day/night) and by the end of it was starting to hear voices. They stopped when the ice did though. But I agree that MA is GREAT for work, study and any other situation that needs constant attention and a fair bit of alertness. BTW the above gnomes situation was purely for study purposes, and he went fairly well in his exams... YAY THat gnome of mine hates the shit for recreational purposes but has no hesitation in using it when it is called for. Or work, work, work society needs it I think.
  13. Smiling Cloud

    nicotiana tabacumXrustica

    removed the anthers before the flower had opened. I also removed all other tabacum flowers from the plant and all other tabacum plants. Pretty sure that this would prevent self-pollination, will find out for sure when I start the plants. I'm not sure if this works in nicotiana but I've done it in citrus before and it worked then. IN the citrus it was found that some varieties can set seed without pollination at all... I think. Should be an interesting mix, its the venezuelan strain which is fairly strong crossed with a strong rustica.
  14. Smiling Cloud

    nicotiana tabacumXrustica

    Is it legal to sell tabacum hybrids if it is crossed with a legal to grow relative? Made some crosses 2 weeks ago and the seed pods are forming nicely so I'm assuming it worked. cheeers SC
  15. Smiling Cloud

    THings for sale. Calea, HBWR, baccy, MG

    heavenly blue gone. More khat though. $15 each for big ones. $5 for little ones. cheers
  16. Established calea plants $5 each. Unrooted HBWR cuttings 3 for $5 Larger hbwr plants(approx 1m) $30 Venezuelan baccy seed $5 MG "Heavenly Blue" seed 50 for $5 MG muelleri seed 10 for $5 Withania plants 3 for $5 1 HEALTHY red stemmed khat plant $25 (only because I don't really want to sell it ) rooted hbwr coming in a few weeks. Prices aren't fixed and trades are welcomed (although cash is preferrable, I'm BROKE). cheers SC [ 22. June 2003, 22:08: Message edited by: Smiling Cloud ]
  17. Smiling Cloud

    Disease in Argyreia nervosa

    One of my plants show swelling at the branch bases, some of them even exploding revealing a dead core. Should I spray with fingicide? cheers SC [ 20. July 2003, 00:03: Message edited by: Smiling Cloud ]
  18. Smiling Cloud

    grafting penis plant

    I managed to graft a penis cockti onto another trich. Unfortunately the only green material that was available for the graft didn't have any spikes on it so I'm wondering now whether branches are going to grow. cheers SC
  19. Smiling Cloud


    I was just wondering if it was still running? I've been trying to access the seedlist for a while now but its no longer there.
  20. Smiling Cloud

    Khat from cuttings

    I've been making cuttings occaisonally for friends with about 90% success rate now. If you dig all the dirt away from the bottom of the mother plant a sucker with some roots can be carefully removed. It has to have SOME roots, even one, otherwise it doesn't work. Trim the suckers leaves a bit and plant this in some soil with a humidity dome over it for 2 months and, hey presto, new plant. The cuttings don't really need that much care, I set mine up at home before I go to uni, and check them whenever I get back in the hols. My little sister waters them for me but thats the ONLY attention they get. cheers SC
  21. Smiling Cloud

    Fox traps

    If you use a traditional fox trap you most likely won't get the fox. Most self-respecting foxes prefer to chew their foot off than stay in one of those traps. YOur best bet would be a pig trap with fine mesh, bear in mind that foxes are incredibly intelligent and any trace of smell that you leave behind on the bait and trap will deter the fox so try to not touch anything. good luck SC
  22. Smiling Cloud

    THings for sale. Calea, HBWR, baccy, MG

    khat sold...
  23. Smiling Cloud

    qat book

    Off-topic I managed to strike a khat cutting. It was the only one that I tried and it lived!? cheers SC
  24. Smiling Cloud

    suggestions for calming pleaszze :mad:

    try delosperma. I get a leaf and roll it up in with my tobacco, gives a real chilled out feel. I didn't think htat the leaves were active, only the roots, but it works. I read somewhere that is also a DMT source as well as containing the Aizeocae class chemicals, incliuding oxylic acid.
  25. Smiling Cloud

    Woodrose cuttings

    I have a CRAZY vine that is taking over everything. $5 for 3 unrooted cuttings plus postage. It is the fractal strain. cheers SC