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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by Sheather

  1. Sheather

    Why did we lose our fur?

    It took me a few seconds of confusion to realise that didn't mean children playing fiddles My girlfriend doesn't like it when I shave, though now I amuse myself by shaving unexpectedly and having her moan about it for 10 minutes. I don't mind either way, shaven is cleaner seeming, smooth, but unshaven feels natural, it's how you're meant to be eh? If I had to pick though, I probably would lean towards shaven. A little bit of OCD on my part. I would think with the development, that the clothes came on after fire, initially during cooler weather only, and as we utilised them, the need for hair died off. It seems ridiculous to me that any animal would evolve to become less adapted to its climate, requiring it to wear the skins of other animals and build homes to keep out the weather. EDIT: Humm I didn't think of sexual selection. That could have played a rather large role...
  2. Sheather

    Perpetual Motion

    Who said anything about usefulness? Since when was a dislike (or like) of just about anything "useful"? I don't like it. Big whoop. I don't like lots of shit. I bet there's a lot of stuff you don't like that you're not going to work to better too. What do I get out of trying to improve it? Years of intense research and study out of my life into a science I don't really enjoy studying, so that I can fix a bug? Sorry, that isn't going to happen, I would call that a waste, despite the potential of future generations from benefiting. If you don't like something, must you always work to fix it? You're essentially saying it's idiocy to not like something if you can't do better, but that's a ridiculous statement. I'd think it likely that it's immensely hypocritical too. I'd rather not continue an argument about this though, so I'm going to leave it there. I will pay attention to anything you have to say though PS. Sorry if I came off as "touchy" but it seemed to me that you cracked the shits with me for saying I don't like something.
  3. Sheather

    Perpetual Motion

    Ah, I never did say that I had superior theories, nor did I say that I had all the answers. I don't need to surpass and upgrade something to hold the opinion that it is flawed(take the government for example). I never said that special relativity wasn't the best we had, just that it doesn't feel right for me. No need to attack the shit out of me for this statement. I'm sure it could be said to be true for many others also.
  4. Sheather

    Quotes of the day.

    "One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings - Diogenes" -Banksy
  5. Sheather

    Perpetual Motion

    And yet the mass of a proton is 1.67x10^-27 kg. It's a really, really huge amount of mass if this is in relation to simple chemical reactions. I get what you're saying with E=mc^2, but that surely isn't the only theory that operates in every reaction that produces or consumes energy. I have a question for you. If energy is mass, and light is energy, and to accelerate any mass to the speed of light requires infinite energy, how does light travel at light speed ( c)? And how does it travel at c for all observers, despite their relative speeds? Modern physics doesn't do a lot for me, despite my minor interest in the class...
  6. Ewww not lossy format if you're still editing.
  7. Sheather

    Perpetual Motion

    Due to what? I've just done a module on atomic bonding in physics and it contained nothing that would lead me to believe that mass is not conserved in the bonding of two elements. Sharing electrons doesn't make them lighter, they retain their energy level. I understand what you said about mass being energy, that was an oversight, but I was under the impression that fission reactions utilized E=mc^2 because the net reaction resulted in a loss of... something. Unless that is just the breaking of the bonds within the nucleus. EDIT: Oh, and be careful with that ballzac. H20 is not the same as H2O I do that frequently too. And the hot stuff rises due to increased kinetic energy - decreases density. Less density floats. It's not because hot stuff actually contains less matter.
  8. Sheather

    Perpetual Motion

    This should not be true. Combustion breaks atomic bonds, and new ones are formed, the same atoms go in as come out though. If you burn H2 gas in oxygen, you get H2O, same principle applies to the combustion of all fuels. The formula you have mentioned is only in practice in the conversion of matter to energy, or vice versa. Said conversion can be observed in atomic bombs, or nuclear reactors. Noodle does make it seem like less energy is placed within the system than extracted, but he is merely saying that less energy is used to extract a greater amount from the fuel inserted into the system. So long as you continuously feed fuel into the system, you continuously generate power from it (this works for all living things, and engines...) He is wrong that in the current understanding of physics, perpetual systems cannot exist, because theoretically, they can. If you have a system with little to no energy loss through friction, sound, etc, then there is a potential of the system operating perpetually. Preferably no loss.
  9. Sheather


  10. Sheather

    The Corroboree top 100

    Any negs in this thread seem silly to me. Unless someone tries to embed hardcore porn and try to trick people into viewing, then none of these should be negatised... To keep up with the thread, how about some Daft Punk...
  11. Sheather


    Balls (chocolate salty balls )
  12. Sheather


  13. Sheather

    Flood control while searching

    Spamming time! Woooo!
  14. Sheather

    A new Laptop

    Hullo, I'm thinking of getting a laptop for my birthday, it will be helpful for studies, and writing, and just a bit of everything in general, but I'm not sure what to get. I'd prefer something that was high-spec at a decent price. I've been looking at these, but they only ship inside the US! (with upgrade to 8Gb RAM being only major mod) Looking for suggestions on either an alternative laptop available within Australia, or a way to get it shipped out to me here. Preferably the latter... Looking forward to any input, if we have any tech-heads hereabouts...
  15. Sheather

    A new Laptop

    If I wanted a Mac OS, I would get a cheaper, Asus or Dell, or somesuch, and install the Mac OS on it, giving it the lack of viruses, which I shouldn't need anyway, because I'd be using regular virus scans etc. They work, yes, and are slightly more reliable than other computers, at approximately 2x the price. Thanks Mac, will be looking at them over the next few days
  16. Sheather

    A new Laptop

    Yeah I'd get a PC for gaming, but I can't afford both, and this one is starting to sound like it's going to cark it. So it's pretty much just a laptop. I need a laptop more, for uni and such, and would like it to have the capability to play some games and be functional with Adobe products like Photoshop and Illustrator. So I have the choice of a crappier laptop that will work for note taking and not much else, or one with powerful parts that I can use for everything. For the batallion I'm looking at 1200 dollars, which is about the limit.
  17. Sheather


  18. Sheather

    Perpetual Motion

    There are super-secret solar sails orbiting the planet with energy feeds down to the robots... Shhh dont tell
  19. Sheather

    A new Laptop

    I don't know of any reason to get an Apple laptop. At the worst I can get a laptop with better specs for cheaper and install an Apple OS onto it. And I wouldn't even do that. If using non-windows I'd make it a Linux of some form. From my experience Apple is paying for the brand name, not the quality of the products. An SSD would be nice, but they're selling at $1-2 per Gb... for 60 bucks more, I can swap a 500Gb 7200rpm disc drive with a 64Gb SSD... Perhaps I should go with SSD and get an external for data storage? Kinda on a budget to some degree though, don't want to be throwing money all over the place.
  20. Sheather

    A new Laptop

    Ewww. That sounds awful. Thanks for the advice there Psylo, the one I'm looking at has the choices of Win7 Home Premium, Win7 Professional, and Win7 Ultimate. If I can get this one to Aus then I don't need to worry about it, but I'll be looking at others so I'll keep an eye out for that sneaky crap.
  21. Sheather


    I think I will sign up also. Not sure how much of a player I am in comparison to you lot but I might be able to hold my own. Will edit in acc. name when registered. EDIT: Username: Sheather I added you chnt, and a challenge.
  22. Sheather

    Perpetual Motion

    It would be graphable as a sinusoidal function (that of a sin or cosine curve) if it were a zero-waste setup, as is I can't help but think that it would just wear down to a still magnet though. You could position it in a way that the trampoline is between the magnets too, each setup would work in similar ways.
  23. Sheather

    Perpetual Motion

    In discussion with my dad, he recalls that the Romans used bundles of reeds to this effect to power aqueducts on an incline, or flat. If you broke surface tension at the top, the flow would begin, and as it continued it would pull water behind it in to flowing too perhaps?
  24. Sheather

    Perpetual Motion

    What about trying to use water's ability to "climb"? I was of the understanding that the cohesive/adhesive properties of water allowed it to effectively "climb" up through (glass?) microtubules. Could a static structure be developed that was extensive enough to utilise this effect towards the idea of infinite energy generation (gravity being the driving force of course) EDIT: A quick google turns up with Capillary Action, I'm not familiar enough with this concept or the physics behind it to know much about its feasability, but it was an idea I had in high-school for an aqueduct that doesn't require gradient, or had the ability to flow against said gradient. Anyone have more knowledge on it? The equations show that thinner tubes exhibit greater rise, would a network be useable in some manner?
  25. Sheather

    1000th Post Giveway

    So, have you reared it to be handled, or does the aggression take over in situations like that. I have a snake, Sita, who is a children's python I believe. She's grown to about 70-80cm at the moment, and we don't expect she will get much larger, but I'm a real... I would say reptile nut, but I have soft spots for lots of animals. Except spiders, those I dislike.