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Everything posted by TommyChesnutt

  1. TommyChesnutt

    Ebay cactus - expensive? You decide.

    lol i knew someone was going to talk about this here... in my opinion, the price is actually pretty fair, it's just alot to pay.
  2. if not here, try ebay dude. and auction the eileens. you'd probably get a pretty good deal.
  3. TommyChesnutt

    a request from any ACT member.

    canberra is evidence of political hierarchy. decriminalisation, paraphernalia... when i first moved here, the first thing i saw were the bongs in woden newsagent. hooray for sneaky whitey.
  4. uh, guys? it's new mexico. guaranteed most women have tasted 100's of varieties of semen, by the time they're 25. sad thing is, i'm not actually kidding.
  5. TommyChesnutt

    Ruscus aculeatus and Aesculus hippocastanum

    wow, bump... that's some really good info right there. well done on having the guts to try...
  6. TommyChesnutt

    scop x psycho0 (refined)

    a bump, for the weekend casuals.
  7. TommyChesnutt

    Giveaway: 10 FREE packets of 25 mixed LW seeds

    this is very generous
  8. TommyChesnutt

    scop x psycho0 (refined)

    will do the calculator thing tomorrow
  9. TommyChesnutt

    scop x psycho0 (refined)

    individual cuts are now up for sale guys ^
  10. TommyChesnutt

    scop x psycho0 (refined)

    righto, yeah he's definately sold the scop x bridgey before as well, also recommendable plants
  11. TommyChesnutt

    scop x psycho0 (refined)

    "Trichocereus scopulicola X 'Psycho0' (plant) A cross between two desirable Trichocereus species, both species originating from Bolivia in South America. Trichocereus scopulicola was the mother and Trichocereus bridgesii 'Psycho0' the father. Hybrid produced by Herbalistics." - quoted from Cacti and Succulents page 1, Herbalistics, 2012 (quantity 0 remaining, for those curious.) you seem skeptical incog! ... should i have reason to believe these aren't what i bought them as? seriously, if there is any doubt, then tell me... otherwise all other factors (growth habit, glaucousness etc) point to psycho0.
  12. TommyChesnutt

    scop x psycho0 (refined)

    well that may be the best way then. i'll give it 24 more hours guys, just in case... check back tomorrow
  13. TommyChesnutt

    scop x psycho0 (refined)

    yup, if i can't get someone to take the bulk off my hands, then i will sell individually, however at around $1 cm.
  14. TommyChesnutt

    scop x psycho0 (refined)

    hmm, well i trust darren (herbalistics), i think some people don't, but he's always done me right as a customer... if a herbalistics listing was wrong, the AE forums would point it out quick - i don't think he can afford to make that sacrifice. and considering what the ordinary scop x bridge looks like, the scop x psycho0 is visibly different in appearance... deeply coloured like psycho0, and richly similiar to psycho0 in bug-resistancy. preddy sure it's psycho0 doods edit - just say the word incog, and i'll trade you for some pretty kk339s...
  15. TommyChesnutt

    scop x psycho0 (refined)

    sourced from herbalistics, bought as very small seedlings.
  16. TommyChesnutt

    scop x psycho0 (refined)

    psychologists do it better.
  17. TommyChesnutt

    cactus for sale

    better than your ability to interpret a sentence. i don't see PC anywhere. i was referring to incogs' pricing proposal. beautiful cacti, and still very interested in the source of that last one. cheerios.
  18. TommyChesnutt

    cactus for sale

    that last one is very intrigueing... where did you source the cut? and i second what incog said... $1 = 1cm ...unless it's PC. then it's like, free. like a christmas fruitcake that no-one wants, it gets passed from person to person, until someone sighs and sticks it in an old pot with crumbly leaves for soil, forever forgotten and turning a brighter shade of yellow with each season, until the callouses and sunburn consume the plant and all that remains is a brown, dirty upright core... the little engine, that couldn't. but yeah... that last cacti up there... very intrigueing...
  19. TommyChesnutt

    Producing Seeds with Self-Sterile Cacti - How to do it

    EG, i am dubbing thee Tricho-Freud... for providing methods to psychodynamically and sexually confuse all cacti...
  20. TommyChesnutt

    Groundcovers with Trichs

    pretty sure i want a llama... they could get their long necks around the spines... actually, f**k it, anyone selling a giraffe?
  21. TommyChesnutt

    A Tricho made seed without cross-pollintion!

    well now hang on a second. is the cactus community absoultely sure cerei can't cross with trichs? and scops, in particular? or maybe the pollen from the cerei were good enough to trigger a fertilisation... and trick the plant into having sex with itself. poor bastard, that's two full-time jobs.
  22. TommyChesnutt

    Limestone in Perth?

    ^what's the drawback of using fine sand?
  23. TommyChesnutt

    Taking cuttings

    if the OP is referring to the sydney gardens' trichs, say, a particular scopulicolus, which is regularly hacked to shreds via thieves every year and regrows like the liver of a greek mythological cyclops, i think the darn plant has had enough. try legitimate trading, in our forum....!!! it is rude to steal peoples plants. simple as that. also, the groundskeepers of those gardens know of the entheogenic properties of those trichocereus - i myself have talked with one individual, in which he embarrassed and scared me completely by accusing me of showing interest in its' drug qualities. haven't been back since. but hey, if you feel lucky or whatever... go for it. i mean, that's crime for you.
  24. TommyChesnutt

    Pachanoi "Etienne"

    maybe it's a PC cross? those spines are a little different, but the rest of the specimen is similiar.
  25. TommyChesnutt

    Has love/sex become comodatiesed

    in my opinion sex has always had the option of being a commodity - we see this among monkeys, for the strongest male of the pack gets his pick, basically. however, sex can be whatever you like - a ways to a means, a fun way to pass time, or an explosive amazing sensual and mutual action of love for another human being. pornographys' prevelance in modern day society is what has turned sex into a drug, if that's what we're verging on here... kids are being exposed to sex too early, and thus don't realise that it actually has the potential to be much more than it is, and not just the gyration of hips and feel good secretion of bodily liquids.