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Everything posted by Chullii

  1. Chullii

    HURR GURR pesky surveyz

    Hi everyone. I have created a -somewhat biased :/ - 7-question-long,reallyeasytodo survey on drug-use. I'm going to incorporate it into a report i've chosen to assign myself to in Media Studies (I'm in Year 12), the topic being "To What Extent Are Youth Attitudes Towards Drugs Affected By Anti-Drug Media Coverage?" If people would be kind enough to complete it, i'd be verreh grettfall. Edit I am quite possibly the largest knob ever. Here's the link; http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=B2_2...juZCmIcrw_3d_3d
  2. Chullii

    What are you currently listening to thread.

    dude, what'd you think of the new Sunn? I reckon everyone hyped it up way too much... they made better albums years ago. Lately i've been listening to alot of... -Fire on Fire (amazing folkist group) -The Notorious B.I.G -Dirty Three -WEEEEN yay.
  3. Chullii

    Export of Ipomoea spp. items on website

    thankyou thankyou thankyou
  4. I'm incredibly unaccustomed to net shopping and got a bit worried when i saw the 'NO EXPORRRRT' warnings next to these seeds. http://www.shaman-australis.com.au/Website...ageframeset.htm <there. Does this just mean they can't be shipped overseas? Or does it include like, everywhere else as well?
  5. Chullii

    Tobacco and ciggarettes

    ...other way around..?
  6. Sort of had reservations about starting a thread, figured i should stop being a wimp, so.. I take it we all have some kind of deep-seeded interest in entheogens, yes? Especially if you've gone as far as to join a forum devoted to the discussion of such things How did you all come about these interests? What exactly was it that made you want to keep coming back to these things? Was it a particular experience with a particular substance? Are we all just products of our 'rebellious' teenage years? Tell mee. (hope that wasn't worded too dodgily)
  7. Chullii

    CNN reports positive drug story

    hahaha, this really made my day man
  8. Chullii

    Heavy Metals Family Tree

    hahaha, i guess you could say that. I'm listening to "Conqueror" at the moment, a record by the band Jesu. It's pretty big, but very relaxing i find.. Nadja is a sort of similar band. Shellac is a pretty good noise rock band ("1000 Hurts" & "Action Park" - great records) or anything by Big Black. SWANS' record "Filth" is absolutely bruuutal as all golly. It almost hurts my feelings to listen to. I'm not entirely sure, i think you might be after something like Biosphere. They're not really noise per se, but it's very ambient stuff.
  9. Jeebus, do you know what triggered them?
  10. Chullii

    12 overdose at Melbourne dance party

    hahahaha, my exact reaction when i heard this news report. Happen to be in the back seat of the car with the mother driving, so i tried to keep the grin as discreet as possible. Though mayhaps it really is it's streetname..? I wouldn't know, I'm not savvy in that area..
  11. It's almost like holding candy just out of arms reach of some kid. God gives man plants. God lets man rule the land. Man screws man over. is that referring to the times you spent hyperventilating in primary school?
  12. Oh i agree, i'm glad i've been exposed to at least one intense religious point of view. I feel as if i've covered that base now, and i can delve a bit further into different parts of this huge world (because i've only just discovered that there's a heckload of alternative avenues to take a walk down, despite their objections) and perhaps return to what i learnt with my time spent there. Actually, i felt pretty gypped when i took the first steps to leave the place. There i was being fed someone else's interperetation of the holy book, and my family was actively preventing me from forming any other kind of opinion on anything in my life. Everything revolved around this church's idea of 'justness' and 'rightness' and the Over-seers of the church, via my parents, were suppressing even the smallest argument against their ideologies. Something that really spun me out was that this was just one of a bunch of denominations (let alone religions) that were all jumping up and down, claiming to be the right one. That said though, i have no right to complain. That's just how churches work, yeah? Just seems a bit lofty of them to snob those who decide to work things out for themselves. I have a question that's been nagging at me for a while now. Is there anything specifically mentioned in the bible about the use of substances being evil? Or is it all hearsay that's been assumed through other controversial scriptures that might've, maybe somehow indirectly been talking about those things?
  13. Hey man, i can really relate to that. Almost down to the exact age too. Were you also shunned by your religious sect?
  14. Chullii

    Heavy Metals Family Tree

    I suppose it has something to do with the baggage that goes with the endless different opinions and misconceptions about the genre. It sort of does suck though when people around you hear the stuff you dig, and just dismiss it as something that it really kinda sorta isn't. I should stop though. It just starts to get ridiculous. Ummmmmmm... you after ambient noise, huge brutal noise, or epic foundation shaking noise?
  15. Chullii

    Marijuana legalization No. 1 at Obama's Change.gov

    Hey, if you're still following this, do you reckon you could give us an update on the outcome..?
  16. Chullii

    Biodynamic 500

    sounds like a very moving experience.. What was wwith his sporadical use of 1's instead of i's..?
  17. Chullii

    Ecstasy pills 'were for dog birth control'

    Hah, this was on the front page of our paper today/.
  18. Chullii

    Heavy Metals Family Tree

    nah, it's been strictly american noise for me up til now I suppose the radsomely hardcore noise-listeners would shit bricks if they heard it being categorized as 'metal' though. It does sound kind of out of place (funnily enough). I wonder if they'll end up disregarding all the pedantic little sub-genres that we've gone through..
  19. Chullii

    Heavy Metals Family Tree

    I imagine 'Noise' wouldn't even have been considered
  20. Chullii

    happiness thread

    When I can maintain a certain degree of dissociation from my over-worked superficial mind and my surroundings, i find myself in a sweet little pocket of contentness It's really lovely actually. I've always thought of it like wearing the 'Blue Hat' after I was taught all that Edward de Bono theory stuff in primary school. It's also reassuring to know that i can reach that place (eventually) without the aid of substances, which makes me appreciate substances even more
  21. Chullii

    Yummy Smoke

    I keep going back to the coconut rollies. They're niiiice as
  22. Chullii

    Goji berry at bunnings

    hahaha, I remember being informed by a certain silly someone that they had attempted injesting what they thought was some kind of psychoactive cacti being sold at the local Bunnings. I'm guessing their 'trip' was pretty messy.
  23. Chullii

    See what I see

    This Hills company should be paying you for that.
  24. Chullii

    self exploration

    I believe our minds are way too complex to ever put a limit to our ability to explore them. Like genki pretty much said, everything around us is constantly changing, so we're yet to comprehend a heckload of things that life thrusts upon us.