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The Corroboree


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  1. Great plants... medicinally good for stomach cramps and nausea, as well as smoked as a bronchodilator (used to mix it in spliffs rolled for asthmatic friends) when you're with someone who is in a bind without a ventolin and freaking out. In terms of experiences maybe have a read of this. Was written by somebody I used to know in his youth, whom I barely recognise anymore, but anyway people told me it was well written and I can assure you it wasn't embellished. There is a key point though - the alkaloid content is dramatically variable. Same plant, same quantity, picked at different times of day caused dramatically different levels of intoxication unless there was a compounding effect where it built up in my.. I mean his.. system.
  2. My wife and I burn and bubble about a half o per week through water. PM me if you want it - I normally pour it down the drain Nah but seriously I'v always wondered if that would work.
  3. Yeah it's kinda beyond me why it's so much at first thought but that's probably just how it is if you want somebody else the infra and the app etc for you. Wouldn't cost much to spin up whats likely a LAMP or similar stack.. But the cost I guess for managing the forum app, SEO, security patches, support, DNS/SSL and infra it makes sense. I'm in a position these days where I would be happy to chip in for hosting, but I'm also in a position where I have skills and expertise in this area that willing to be offer. For example things can be modernised and save costs but that still takes in investment in time, risks current stability. and probably is just way easier to pay for it. I'm hoping the backup server isn't perpetually running just waiting for the primary to fail as I'd rather help re-arch so it can be scaled up/down on demand. Otherwise if there are any other sites, services or integrations people would like a hand with just ping me. I suck at front end and UX stuff full disclosure, because I have very little interest in it, but always happy to help with anything related to Coding, (linux) Systems, Networking, Infrastructure (physicals, embedded SBCs, VMs, containers, serverless), CI/CD, security etc. Would it help if there was a better integration for donation? Perhaps one that supports different payment types including crypto? I'd be happy to help with such an integration.
  4. Will never forget that first time we did the Sydney camping trip in the long since forested G-Spot out in Oberon...surely too dry for subs we said - been no rain. But frost alone was enough to fill a big metal pot to he brim but was definitely the first time I've had a thaw a chop bowl out by the fire. Fun times. Hopefully my posts actually actually get approved but I'd be down for the next Sydney region meetup.
  5. Yeah that's a weird one. Even at the most extreme examples of people who mix cocaine and heroin, there is still nothing inherently contraindicated with that particular combo besides that both are dangerous enough on their own and thus combined becomes risky due to masking of the effects of the other for short periods of time which can be dangerous in scenarios where the amount of CNS depression is severe and apparent 10 mins later when the coke wears off. So nothing vascular/CNS coming to mind.. nothing in the neurotransmitters like other risky combos involving serotonin makes sense, and nothing really I can think of in terms of liver enzymes either that is immediately dangerous i.e. one isn't going to cause the other to end up in toxic levels from liver metabolism pathway changes. This looks to be the only reference on the topic and it's kinda baseless. Nothing wrong with telling people it's not a safe idea from common sense alone but the arguments listed are thin at best.
  6. I learnt that there were people out there who were able to see past the fact that I was 17 when I went to my first meet up. And treated me like a peer even if they had children my age, which was a big deal for me at the time since it wasn’t a hobby shared with my regular friend circles. i learnt how you can use the colour shades from making a chocolate milk to guide pH levels lacking measuring strips etc to get dem jars of apple cider vinegar and root bark tea ready. I learnt that you can keep a ratty Pach cut in complete neglect for years and it’ll still grow roots. I literally just planted a 30x4-5cm cut I took moving house 4 years prior and neglected completely so it’s bents 40degree from stretching, and the tip is weird a half esten clump of pups…. Anyway its trying to pup one out after <10 days in soil and roots were starting growing just sitting under the deck so now with soil it’s taking up water aleady. i learnt that if you’ve got asthmatic friends they appreciate a lil pinch of brug flower in spliffs as it’s a nice flavour and a bronchialdilater Also learnt that the strength of tropanes in Brug flowers vary dramatically between flowers harvested on the same tree at different times of day so if you have to use small oral dosages for nausea etc then only use leaves as a little piece of flower one day might be perfect and the next day talking to all your disappearing friends from the same amount. I learnt that when a subculture picks and chooses when they want to apply science and when to apply alternative theories, the result is pretty hilarious. “I only take plant sacraments’…*5 mins later* “…Oh yeah I’ll have a drop and a cap too” -“Didn’t you say only plant..” “‘No they are made with organic chemistry. Besides they start from a natural plant derived precursor..’ …. *offer my tube of sunscreen whilst sitting in 35deg direct sublight* - “oh no that shit gives you cancer” I learnt that commercial cactus mix is absolute garbage... just improve the aeration and drainage of regular premium potting mix. I also learnt that all anyone needs for propagation etc is premium potting mix, peat, prop sand (ideally coarse grade), perlite, and fine grade vermiculite. Otherwise all seed or cutting mixes can be made to appropriate material type based on ratio of peat, sand etc, and any mixes with specific drainage requirements can be modified by adding in stuff for drainage or stuff for retention to the potting mix. But if you're using natives, you'll need a native mix because they can't tolerate phosphorous and leads to toxicity. If anyone wants a guide of how I make my mixes and do my seeds/cuts then I'm happy to share. It's all derived from what I learnt doing Wholesale Nursery Hort when I was 17, but the skills are still there and the stuff I learnt in bio/chem subjects at uni only strengthened a lot of my knowledge. Though none of it has any use to my job in tech these days, but never a day I regret learning those skills.
  7. Hi everybody… Figured I’d do a first post and introduce myself. Long time interest in this stuff but dropped off my radar for a bunch of years and now wanting to pick up the trowel again so to speak. I used to post here in another life, as well as the EBA forums many moons ago… if anybody has been around long enough to remember those forums besides our gracious admin. No doubt will be a few old timers that might remember me from an EGA, meetup or party. First part of my handle was Indigo… used to be active in Sydney/Central Coast/Newcastle. Anyway don’t intend on being anywhere as active as my younger days but looking forward to gardening again, and hopefully maybe do some bartering with some of you for seeds n cuts so I can begin collecting again.
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