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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by rottenjonny

  1. rottenjonny

    Edible Cultures for Sale Australia

  2. rottenjonny

    Paul Stamets and the stoned ape theory

    because they have high levels of Agaritine and it's supposed to be a secret. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agaritine really upset the missus when i brought this up, we eat a lot of mushrooms. You should thoroughly cook all agaricus spp Now i wait for the man to turn up in his helicopters and take me away?
  3. Bravo. The world of mycology continues to amaze
  4. rottenjonny

    Vigorous Climber

    Done. Passiflora's incoming. Has ticked both the medicinal and gastronomic boxes. win win
  5. rottenjonny

    Vigorous Climber

    Hey everyone! Can someone recommend a vigorous climber that I could use to block out a neighbour. I'm looking for something that also has some use be it medicinal or simply gastronomic?
  6. rottenjonny

    Vigorous Climber

    Lower Hunter I have a caapi indoors that is going well. the leaves are a long way apart though so I'm not sure of it will be too sparse for using as a blockout. Also this side of the house gets blinding full afternoon sun all year. caapi edit: wow just looked up passiflora that's amazing flower
  7. rottenjonny

    Free energy

    There's some holes in this theory...
  8. rottenjonny

    Is it ethical to shoot someone in the face with a crossbow to prevent/parry a breach of the peace?

    I'm with halcyon, small poison dart, CIA style https://www.google.com.au/search?q=heart+attack+poison+dart&rlz=1C1NOOH_enAU532AU532&oq=heart+attack+poison+dart&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60.9351j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 gave the google ref because they're all shitty sources. Ethical though....probably not.
  9. rottenjonny

    Looking for fellow mushroom hunters

    The you will have to share@! Haha you'll do well though it is a great area for hunting.
  10. 15 although I'm not sure will grow in my area, recently got to try this plant in Indonesia.
  11. rottenjonny

    Lion's Mane

    they "say" a lot of things
  12. rottenjonny

    Lion's Mane

    Off the back of the stamets - Joe Rogan interviews I think there's a bunch of us that would be interested in some lions mane.
  13. rottenjonny

    ice cream bean

    Ice cream bean, how could I resist. Will pm
  14. rottenjonny


    I am also, let me know how you go
  15. rottenjonny


    That was deep man.
  16. rottenjonny

    Found growing off roots of tree

    Gymnopilus ventricosus maybe?
  17. rottenjonny


  18. rottenjonny

    few pics of some fungi in Laos

    Ha I did the same thing last time I was overseas trekking through the Bush looking at fungus
  19. rottenjonny

    Random Berries

    ID please. Let's play what are these berries and can I eat them?
  20. rottenjonny

    Your friend in the frudge

    I'm happy today because ay the end of summer last year I threw all the plates I was working on into the fridge and forgot about them. Couple of days ago I took a transfer and they've taken off! Bring on the warmer weather. Now who wants to send me some culture? Keen to grow some massive oysters over the next few months.
  21. rottenjonny

    Your friend in the frudge

    I'll have to go to the markets for sure good idea, the supermarket ones are too sad looking. I recently went to a mush farm chasing spores or culture but they told me they just buy commercial spawn.
  22. rottenjonny

    Kicking off

    I've managed to tick a few off the list, obtusifolia , nexus, all kinds of cactus, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, mint, lavender and many table herbs. The post title can now be taken to mean kicking off as in springtime. Such good timing to start up a garden as everything is shooting and I can watch it change daily! Including the attached valerian which I thought was dead but kept watering anyway. Happy daysdays