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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by rottenjonny

  1. Hi guys, my psycho0 has recently fallen over and I think it's from the heat, what am I doing wrong or not feeding it to cause this? Edit: Google tells me it could be because of all the rain recently?
  2. They never do what they're told in my experience. If I go to train the new shoots it will die off
  3. I've been seeing a bit lately in relation to using store bought pre cooked rice that you put spores or liquid culture into. It's already sterile and hydrated so you get to skip the whole pressure cooking part. I've never tried it but it could be a good place for a beginner to start also.
  4. Never got a 100% ID, they're most likely a gymnopilus sp. However not sure which. There's only a few genus out there I'm seriously confident identifying
  5. Awesome grouping of fungus nonetheless with bonus someone getting done double demerits
  6. A previous job of mine involved dealings with the taiwanese people who are prone to the giving of gifts. Luckily for me these gifts would often involve highly specialised and expensive teas. As someone who had only had black cafeteria tea before I was blown away by the range of subtle flavours and styles they had. a real eye opener.
  7. I've got some nexus leaf cuttings that should hopefully be rooted in the next few weeks I can send
  8. Hi guys looking for pink or blue or otherwise oyster cultures
  9. Steve might be better off commuting from Newcastle or Maitland.
  10. Strong words from ethnoob and not entirely incorrect. Made me laugh though.
  11. Hi Steve, I actually have some spots in that area. It's a great region and coming into a great time of year for your search. If you want to play with some though there's also a mushroom farm on Medowie road where they sell a few varieties. They're called navia I think.
  12. i've got a tray of pach that goes black in full sun but etoliates everywhere else. what am i doing wrong!
  13. People are generally helpful. I'm not familiar with the Reddit though
  14. .Hmm my current one is 8l and is just really restrictive. Definitely can't get a bag in there. I'll be considering the 12 just concerned I'll be shopping again in a month or 2. The presto is over $200 though so it's a big step up.
  15. Brilliant I just embarked on my own journey with this plant. Ordered one yesterday before even seeing this post.
  16. Looking to upgrade to a presto or similar large canner. Anyone want to sell me theirs?
  17. I'll get on this! best time of year to be a member the fruits are plentiful
  18. thanks to climate change the temperate zone is moving south at 10km/year so pretty soon I'll be right...
  19. well basically the idea was to take the healthy new 20cm or so off the top and hope that they both kept growing. the small cuts were just a shower thought. It this a good time of year to be doing that? Next photo right way up I swear ahha I think stripping the exif is what made it sideways
  20. I just wish I could get the photo to be up the right way haha
  21. forgive my poor cactus knowledge I'm still learning. The question relates to the attached photo which is of Eileen. She was root bound and had a funky top when she was very nicely gifted to me. Since then I have been looking for happy places around the yard and she has since taken off with new growth. I want to know if I can cut that part off so that I have 2 or I should wait till she is much bigger. total height maybe 60cm the new growth i'd say about 20cm. I then started thinking about some of the pachanoi I have that have come from seed. They are maybe just over a year old and only 5 - 10cm tall. Can they be cut? when is too young etc.
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