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The Corroboree


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Everything posted by irabionist

  1. irabionist

    North America Buy/Sell/Trade Thread

    Sorry to intrude on this thread (even though I'm in Aus) but I was wondering if someone here from the US could do me a favor? I'd like to get some of the Priority Mail Labels sent to someone here and then have them sent to me. PM if you can help pls :D (I guess someone preferably with an account with USPS, unless you can get the stickers for free from post offices...?)
  2. irabionist

    3 rib bridgesii

  3. irabionist

    POCKET SCALES 0.01g ebay overseas??

    whatever you do, don't lose the weight that you receive with it to re-adjust the scales... mine is usually 0.05-0.3g off sometimes -_- the worst
  4. irabionist

    Lophophora Cultivars

    It's pretty much pick and choose which seedlings you like and then breed them for their genetics, etc. and they would be all from seed. Self fertilising seed have a higher chance of being unique as they are... well you could say... inbred. cv stands for cultivar. "(cultivar = cultivated variety) a form of a plant commercially or scientifically important derived from cultivation. Cultivar names are given when the mutation occurs due to human influence. Examples: a mutation occurs in a greenhouse (or because of human involvement such as breeding, applying mutagens, propagation, or by cultural practices) The abreviation cv. is used to signify that the mutation is a cultivar. cv. is placed after the specific epithet and is not underlined or italicised. Example: Astrophytum asterias cv. Onzuka or single quotes of cv. Astrophytum asterias 'Onzuka' How to write: 1. The cultivar name is written after cv. or within the single quotes ( '....' ). 2. Capitalize the cultivar name. 3. Never underline or italicise the cultivar name. Example: Astrophytum asterias cv. Onzuka or Astrophytum asterias 'Onzuka' Where a species' variation is great or strongly different from the normal and sufficiently mutated it is called a 'sport'." I would bookmark this page, very useful. http://cactiguide.com/glossary/
  5. haha that TBM looks so grumpy! Yeah defs a schottii Penis
  6. irabionist

    Bulk cactus seed

  7. irabionist

    TBM Clone B Australia?

    Heyo, yeah that would've been my mate that sold that to you. You didn't get ripped off, although it's still a clumping form. segments of that can grow up to 60cm though so you could say it's half way there! Myco posted pics of what a larger plant looks like. Although yours was from a collector here in Victoria who supposedly got it ages ago from SS.... anyway most likely it'll look like this with age!
  8. A lot of TBM's are mislabeled as Lophocereus schottii 'BIG PENIS CACTUS' Yours seems to definitely be a TBM though, will need a tip shot to confirm. They have a nice comparison shot here: http://www.cactus-art.biz/schede/LOPHOCEREUS/Lophocereus_schotii/Lophocereus_schotti_big_penis/Lophocereus_schottii_big_penis.htm
  9. irabionist

    Lophophora Cultivars

    Friend just sent me a picture of his loph ario hybrid.... Also found someone with diffusa kioke seeds might not be as unique as some cutivars, but it's a jump ahead! hopefully they still have some seed left!
  10. irabionist

    TBM Clone B Australia?

    Haha, you'd like pictures wouldn;t you ;P
  11. irabionist

    TBM Clone B Australia?

    A little update, It has started to grow and is re-hydrated, roots are growing really well, around 10+cm long Top areole has been BAPed although when spring hits, if the areole hasn't pupped, I'm thinking of cutting it around half way to force the pup out. But still weary of doing so as the top has no areoles and I wouldn't want it to stall.
  12. irabionist

    Meet up: Melbourne

    Next meet? Today would have been beautiful for one.... The weather is getting sexier and sexier!
  13. irabionist

    Free P. carthagenensis Berries (fresh) + question

    I have a few friends that would enjoy some seeds. Will spread the love further ;) PM'd
  14. irabionist

    Tricho crests

    May/Should have TBMC crests sometimes this season!
  15. irabionist

    Wanted Bulk Hawaiian Baby Woodrose - Buy or Trade

    MIght be geting a whole heaps soon, will let you know
  16. irabionist

    Show off your freaks

    Thanks heaps mutant! And a moment of silence for all rotting cacti out there :'( I too don't like using BAP, especially on my beautiful freaks, but there's a lot of what I have that either doesn't exist or is very very scarce here in Aus and I'm planning to spread the freaky genes all around, which sadly means I need to slice dice and fuck with my babies! But all in the name of SCIENCE... actually.... in the name of CACTI!!!!
  17. irabionist

    Show off your freaks

    The Myrt has been bapped and the propagation has started! (thankful it had one incy wincy tiny areole) I just hope it doesn't revert as my minima loph crest has been reverting with all the propagating Would a pach crest pup a crest? any crest owners out there that have pupped trich crests? I know TBMC pups don't revert... but TBMC's are a massive melty inermis mess so I'm not 100% sure
  18. irabionist

    Show off your freaks

    Myrtillocactus geometrizans monstruosa Trichocereus pachanoi cristata
  19. irabionist

    Show off your freaks

    Classic bridgesii monstrose.... always popping up with something new to dis-organise itself Such a sexy specimen
  20. irabionist

    Looking for Fumeric acid

    Looking for some fumeric acid I found this http://www.melbournefooddepot.com/buy/fumaric-acid-e297-powder-200g/F07020 however I don't need 200g and i don't have $50+ to spend on it so does anyone know where i can can get less or cheaper? Thanks
  21. irabionist

    Show off your freaks

    I really want to try make some, it seems to pretty much be grafting specific species together and hoping...
  22. irabionist

    Show off your freaks

    Sadly, none are mine, but some of these freaks are too beautiful not to share.... There's some Chimera's in there as well, not sure if the names will pop up but if not then ask and I'll EDIT them in! EDIT: Hovering over the photos will show the names
  23. irabionist

    Show off your freaks

    Sadly, none are mine, but some of these freaks are too beautiful not to share.... There's some Chimera's in there as well, not sure if the names will pop up but if not then ask and I'll EDIT them in!
  24. PLS, very interested in how it goes
  25. You should've tried to pollinate the turb with the loph