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Found 13 results

  1. Hi everyone like many other cacti nerds, i have a particular fetish for the freaky ones. Here are my mutated plants, i would love to see yours pachanoi oddity: thelogonus crest: unkown crest 1: unkown crest 2: TBM: another kind of TBM (grows much longer and fatter sections): pachanoi freak (this one is my boyfriends but i couldnt help but show it off ) my pachanoi crests: pachanoi crest which threw a normal pup: euphorbia ferox freak: mammillaria elongata crestate:
  2. From the album: Trichocereus Freaks

    I wanted to get an updated posting of these variegated crested pachanoi as someone has decided they are tired of watching these on their computer and has decided they want them in their own garden.
  3. Birthdate 19 March 2018 Today our grafted crested variegated Trichocereus pachanoi is 82 days old and starting to pup. Unfortunately, the pup did not choose the proper spot to pup! Is it cheating if you take a an areole that is starting to pup like this one and graft it or will that get you kicked out of the grafting union?
  4. From the album: Trichocereus Freaks

    1 month and 15 days and this little variegated crested pachanoi graft still refuses to die.
  5. From the album: Trichocereus Freaks

    1 month and 15 days and this little variegated crested pachanoi graft still refuses to die. A grafted areole dries out very fast if it has not taken at this size as there is very little tissue being used here. Sure, larger areoles could be used, but that would take all the fun out of it.
  6. From the album: Trichocereus Freaks

    Yet another reason everyone should graft. The freaks come out to play and here we have yet another Trichocereus seedling that has decided to crest.
  7. From the album: Trichocereus Freaks

    Crested variegated Trichocereus pachanoi.
  8. Howdy I have some crested Trichocereus Pachanoi grafts if you'd like them $30 ea or $100 for the 4 1, 140mm pot 2, 125mm pot 3, 100mm pot 4, 100mm pot postage and tracking for 1 graft is $10, Australia wide postage and tracking for the 4 grafts is $15, Australia wide plants are sent bare root, no pots or soil payment by paypal or direct deposit to bank account thank you
  9. I'm hoping this pic shows up, cause I want to hear what others say about this precious, I have been told it is probally the biggest badass astrophytum in the Southern Hemisphere. What do SABers think about this one?
  10. Are they going around in AU? I've never seen any available, but very interested to add one to my collection. PM me if you can help, I have lots to trade.
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