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The Corroboree

withdrawl clinic

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Everything posted by withdrawl clinic

  1. withdrawl clinic

    Pics of Urmenetea atacamensis (coca of suri)

    I missed this thread, because of my absence, so I BUMP IT, in hope that, there are exciting developments.
  2. withdrawl clinic

    plant sale 4 aa's memorial

    only 2 posts and this member might and up with an incredible collection already!
  3. withdrawl clinic

    plant sale 4 aa's memorial

    we got a 400 already has to be at least 401 aud!
  4. withdrawl clinic

    Phalaris Grass

    I save time by not quoting posts... good info here! in a nutshell: forget phalaris, you spot in the wild, many people have worked seriously in this regard, with empty results. what get's traded at times and is known to be cultivated is quite good, up to surprisingly good!! ;) gramine, is not very soluble in our favorite solvent, so no problem. somebody writes a book with wrong info, and it takes years to re educate.
  5. withdrawl clinic

    what i've been up to, in my abscence...

    say's one late stonedage human to another, those new copper blades suck ass big time, bring back the flint and opalite, hehehe.
  6. withdrawl clinic

    what i've been up to, in my abscence...

    I remember when you kanchoed me the 1st time, and by doing so, healed my Myochosis coli.
  7. withdrawl clinic

    Plant sale

    i will pm you regarding the piper! I had once as well a big one, and taking cuttings from it worked well. now I live somewhere where it frosts, but 500m away it hardly does, so i will buy it for a friend!
  8. withdrawl clinic

    what i've been up to, in my abscence...

    kancho, thx 4 that halcyon, I learned. flint napping, gimli you say, me too, just traded the best flint napper in my are, some big jasper and other stones for an antler and some smaller stones! niggles, tanning is as well on my list, and like a surprisingly high number of members here, hunting even with a sophisticated weapon is alright for me, definitely if pest animals can be utelized. pitty they see roo as a pest, in oz, it was here before the cattle.... roo meat is yum! what we don't like with it is the fact it is so healthy (no fat cholesterol just a bit in the tail, the best part). I would like to learn how to stuff animals, but again the laws in oz are well meant but at times just stupid, made by pollies and not experts of the field. as well I would like a home foundry, casting art work, but the list goes on...
  9. withdrawl clinic

    Bunnings finds

    they do sell good plants, but the distributers pamper and grow them too fast/much, so you get plants which carck it once you plant them out. there plants like a lot of professional nursery plants lack hardiness. they don't pay well there stuff, and many of there workers, fall for me in the eeh? category. eeh? means like at maccas, when I order "one cheeseburger please" the stuff goes, " eeh?" one cheeseburger please, reply goes eeh? my record is 4 times getting an eeh? and as some of you know, my accent isn't that strong, and I know more words in English, than those low class workers. this happens only at Bunnings, mc donalds and other big brand outlets, not happy jane...
  10. withdrawl clinic

    looking for these cacti cuts

    I had a juules, the only one in oz. than I rented out my place, gone.. ;( blanket law, made me kill most of my collection, I did not surrender my blue, don't know if it's sharxxs... pissed 4 the 1st time in weeks..
  11. withdrawl clinic

    plant sale 4 aa's memorial

    hi! I want to remember that, you all are bidding for the whole lot! meaning, the last bid is very good, but maybe still as a whole, extremely cheap. the arios I offer are producing a lot of seeds already, and arios and there seeds are still very rare in oz. those ario seeds have a variety of offspring, retusus, agavoides, fissuratus, and maybe intermidiates. the lophs as well are good seed producers. I overlooked one possibility, and that is that, the recipient, might have too much work on his/her hands after receiving the parcel. so I will ask the receiver, IF THEY THINK, THEY MIGHT NOT PUT DOWN THE LEAVES OR IBOGA SEEDS, RIGHT AWAY, TO SAY TO ME, DON'T BOTHER SENDING THEM. in short, I want to make sure, nothing of the above gets wasted. TO GIVE THE WEEKEND SABER'S A CHANCE THIS AUCTION WILL CLOSE ON SUNDAY, 13.05.2018 MIDNIGHT!!! I got no calender, hope it's right... and remember, IT'S FREE POSTAGE.
  12. withdrawl clinic

    dual polies blanket law illegal?

    me thinks, I get your drift, so I add: at times, one has to even break up with good friends (loose mouth friends) to protect the knowledge!
  13. withdrawl clinic

    dual polies blanket law illegal?

    hi! I wonder if, the current blanket drug law, could be fought in court, because some of the law makers, at that time were dual citizens?
  14. withdrawl clinic

    Sick green catha

    yes I am ph. (q, can we still change member names?) I agree partly, with the opinon, of you who favored white oil, and it certainly can save you the bacon at times, I use very rarely. I am far too lazy to use white oil, add iron, check ph and so on, I guess that could make you a better grower, than the lazy approach. glaukus your chilly plant story, is a very good one, and nothing beats the anger, when you know you got the pest from somebody else. my mom always sprayed plants before giving them away as present.... my 2 cents are, if the soil and environment are ideal, pests will be minimized. I have seen mites flourishing, under dry weather, and problematic soil, and than just disappearing once the issues were rectified. and lets not forget the lady bugs, I was doubt full when I started learning about plants, regarding ther abileties, but a single lady bug can save a small plant!! late edit: dicko even with renting, I would recommend planting her out. it will avoid most of the issues, we discuss in this thread, and grow rate will increase. than you can take cuttings, for trade and to have a few plants again in pots. against planting out is the size they might reach after only a short time (detection and legal status)
  15. withdrawl clinic

    RIP andyamine

    he was a realy awesome bloke, extremely generous, well spoken, and like cs a very beautyfull person on the surface and in the heart. he was very active, creating meetings, and burning cd's for you, and at times he lived a life, we all would be jealous of. when I close my eyes I see him at the camping ground. I loved him from the start, and I know he loved most of us.
  16. withdrawl clinic

    heimia salicifolia preparation

    in other words, you haven't read anything, what has been posted in this thread! the whole thread is only about, refining the resin, without any other solvents than water!!!!! but, to put the whole topic in just a short sentence: DARK GOO, PUT WATER ON TOP, DON'T DISTURBE, BE PATIENT, GOOD STUFF GOES TO FRESH WATER, AND IS SYPHONED OFF, SEDIMENTS STAY BEHIND, AND GET DISCARDED. if you want to try differently, copy orbs salvia divinorum teks, or pull the alkaloids with an a/b alchemica, I will read your reply again, and than post a reply. different solvent do pull different active materials. this tek, could maybe improofed by modiefying the ph of the water, at different times (sorry dyslexia).
  17. withdrawl clinic

    Galangal, refinding the Healthy Masculine

    fresh don't know (I haven't read the whole thread) the pink tubers, like the have in the supermarket don't know, 5 slices galangal, and halve a lemon (home grown lemon, no oil no spray) there is a good chance, I could feel other water kefir mixtures (without known psychoactive plants added) as well crossing the bbb!! I only ever made the galagal, with one exception.
  18. withdrawl clinic

    Sick green catha

    there is no need, to use anything with a Catha, you again obsessed using oil. if this plant gets mites, which is very rarely the case and if, only in the very young stages, it's because you did something wrong, believe me. anyway good luck with your plant, and I stay away from your thread. the oil doesn't fix the problem, just fixes the symptoms mostly for a short time only.
  19. withdrawl clinic

    Sick green catha

    hmmm, you have done something wrong, for sure because, the pic shows that suddenly, all the new (growing) tips are effected. my hunch is as well wrong ph ( I mean the base acid scale, not the fabulous member ph). I further add, that reading your post, one can tell that you obsess too much about your plant, and theer is a high chance you caused those symptoms by trying this and that, far too often. leave that plant alone and if you can plant it into the ground. the natural soil will, help the plant get over that issue. first I thought it might be the red narrow leaved qat, created by planthelper, which often displays curls, but without loss of virgor....
  20. withdrawl clinic

    Galangal, refinding the Healthy Masculine

    I used galangal, preparing water kefir, and it seemed to cross my bbb, and mild psychoactivety was noted, at different times!
  21. withdrawl clinic

    Meteorite Sale

    search meteor junction, that forum connects all the meteorite crazy people. as far as I know, it doesn't matter where you find the meteorite, in oz it belongs to the state, same as vert fossils. however, exemptions are often made. at above mentioned meteorite forum, one can read a story about an Australian, who got massively ripped off by the government. I make up numbers here, but he got hundreds of dollars, and a plaster cast, from the state, for a x time thousand of dollars worth of "fallen star". (: I would buy it of you as well, pm me!
  22. withdrawl clinic

    I need suggestions for a memorial tree

    Agathis robusta is a very good choice, it is one of australia's most impressive trees. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agathis_robusta what makes you think Wollemi would not grow there, it would, but I think, it's not as a good choice as kauri. if climat would permit, and we can source it, I would plant a giant redwood tree for Christian, they live for 1000 years and after 50 yaers people would come from far to see it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequoiadendron_giganteum I only found out recently about his death, via the forum, I cried heaps, but the shock made me post again here, some of you might guess who I am. watch my future posts, I promise to sell good stuff in the future, and all the money should go towards his memorial.
  23. withdrawl clinic

    Out of body experiences & spirituality

    welcome to the forum, brian! I never had a out of body experience, whilst using plants, it is though often reported with ptsd sufferers. I remember leaving my body at least once, and it was caused by extreme fear (but not rape). leaving your body could be confused with, astral projection (travelling with and without the silver cord), this is a shamanic technique which can be learned by meditation. it's a sensation like lucid dreaming, but it's done during the day. it's a very, very power full experience and sensation.
  24. withdrawl clinic


    a jolly good day! a refuge for withdrawl excists, send any questions to the privat message folder. in case you had enough of acohol, cannabis or nicotin, i assure you m support and a place where to do it. taking drugs is good, abusing them isn't. time to be free again! the feeling not to have to buy tabaco or alcohol is a very rewarding one. you can have even very little willpower, i will make you quit. don't use your body as a smoke stack or alcohol disposal unit, it ain't worth it.
  25. withdrawl clinic


    tort you took the words right out of my mouth by describing the levels of what i would have felt confident to deal with... aswell it might be said that for strong alcoholism there would allways be the doctor or hospital available... and i could have helped simply with the after glow and the re programing. the main idea was to put the client for a while into a new surrounding, as i believe that this helps a lot, as drug abuse is closely linked to well established patterns, like i have to have 5 cones after work or so... if the pattern is changed, the habit changes aswell...