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I've heard that some mammillarias are active...is this true, and if so, which species? More, what are the active constituents?

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According to Phikal Mammillaria Heyderii & Mammillaria Microcarpia are both active, but i'm not sure if it's mescaline that these be containing ;)

Plants of the gods also notes that Mammilaria Senilis is also active...

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Some plants worth investigating taken from:

Narcotic and Hallucinogenic Cacti of the New World

By Michael S. Smith


Mammillaria spp:

Considered the most important "false peyotes" of the Tarahumara. Used as visual hallucinogens which are characterized by brilliant colors. During sleep the partaker is said to travel great distances. The top potion of the de-spined plant is considered the most powerful part. 9, 10/P

Mammillaria craigii:

This "peyotl" cactus is known to the Tarahumara as "wichuri" or "peyote de San Pedro." It is split open, occasionally roasted, and the inner tissue is used. 5/P, 10/P

Mammillaria grahamii:

Used in special ceremonies by shamans. Fruits are also said to produce effects. 10/P

Mammillaria grahamii v. oliviae:

This peyote cactus is often called "hikuri." 5/P

Mammillaria heyderii:

"Mammillaria heyderi is a little discussed species, which is reported to be used by the Tarahumaras. We first encountered this species in the Tarahumara-English dictionary compiled by the Swedish explorer Ivar Thord-Gray. Discussing sorcery and black magic among the Tarahumaras, Thord-Gray reports, that 'only the shaman is umeru-ame (powerful) enough to locate wizards and witches. To do this he will make medicine from ball-cactus wichu-ri-ki, which is greatly feared for its magical powers. This medicine will clear his vision. It matters not how well the suku-ru-ame (wizard, witch) is hidden, the shaman can see him clearly' ...Not only is this cactus useful for locating wizards and supplying food, but it is also used as a medicine to cure or relieve headaches. 'After the spines are removed, the plant is cut up into two or more pieces, roasted for a few minutes, and then part of the stuff is pushed into the ear.' ...(This) is corroborated by Bennett & Zingg, who describe the same manner of roasting the cactus before 'the soft center in pushed into the ear in the case of ear-ache or deafness.' Thord-Gray also reports that wichu-ri-ki is an important medicine that will prolong life, 'make the foot light and increase the speed of a runner in a race.' The Tarahumara name for the cacti listed by Bennett & Zingg is witculiki. Witculiki and wichu-ri-ki are possibly related to wichuwa-ka, which means 'crazy, demented, mad, insane, etc." (Bruhn and Bruhn, 1973)

Known in Spanish as "biznaga de chilillos," with the edible red fruits called "chilitos." This species, and other latex-containing Mammillarias are often sold in the drug stalls of Mexico and are used as popular folk remedies. M. applanata, M. hemisphaerica and M. Meiacantha are generally believed to be M. heyderi. 2/P, 10/P


Mammillaria longimamma:

This cactus is sometimes called "peyotillo," or "peotillo." Once known as Dolichothele longimamma and sometimes still sold as such. 1/P, 5/P

Mammillaria pectinifera:

"Peyotillo," "cochinito" (little pig). Mammillaria pectinifera and Solisia pectinata are synonymous, Mammillaria pectinifera being the more accepted of the two names. 1/P, 5/P

Mammillaria senilis:

Synonymous with Mamillopsis senilis. Considered sacred. 5, 10/P

pharmacotheon states that:

m.heyderi containes N-methyl-3,4-dimethoxyphenethylamine which is the same alkaloid found in Arocarpus fissuratus

Plants of the gods mentions that Hordenine is present in many species of Mammillaria

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cheers guys :D

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Wandjina: check with Torsten, I'm sure he has actually been intoxicated from a Mammillaria before.

I seem to recall he reported an experience, from mammillaria, but then couldn't remember which species it was? (It must've been good :P)

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thanks b...

well, if anyone's got any of the aforementioned species, I'd be willing to trade for art. pm me

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