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The Corroboree


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    coastal/subtropical nsw
  1. mulch

    Hypocotyl grafting

    hey auxin. what a great post. i love it. i've grafted lophs, epithelantha and ariocarpus this way onto opuntia, echinopsis and myrtillocactus sprouts, with the aim being the provision of a reliable root system for the desired species. the increase in growth rate was reasonable, not stunning, but my goal was for reliable specimens true to form, which the technique certainly provides for. in my limited experience the opuntia is preferable. The terscheckii will wanna grow up to 6 metres or so on it own roots. Your opuntia could do the same. they're both pretty hardy (depending on your location). i see no real benefit grafting the seedling terschekii to the seedling ficus-indica. if i was trying to find a use for the opuntia seed, i'd stick to grafting the globular dry climate cactii. i'd put the terschekii seedlings onto an established echinopsis spp. stock. WHHOOOSH! however, i think you should give it a go with 1 or 2. and i'd love to see some pictures of the results.
  2. mulch

    How are you at recognising placebo effects?

    Heh.. i've always liked this one out of PIHKAL Alexander wasn't actually the author of this commentary but... who needs to take drugs to have a good time.. GO THE CONTACT HIGH #33 2C-I DURATION: 6 - 10 h. QUALITATIVE COMMENTS (with 0 mg) I was present at a group meeting, but was only an observer. With zero milligrams of 2C-I, I was able to get to a delightful plus 2.5 in about five minutes after I arrived at your place, and absorbed the ambience of the folks who had actually imbibed the material. My level lasted about four hours and came down at about the same time as did the others. There were no after-effects experienced except for a pleasant languor.
  3. i've always loved this poem.. ever since i first read it in 1995... its warms my heart up and reminds me that simple things are o so worth while. the first stanza hits me in the guts.. gives me a feeling of anticipation, excitement, gratitude and delight.. i'm sure you know the one... it casts a spell that speaks to something i am. Homo Suburbiensis - Bruce Dawe One constant in a world of variables -- A man alone in the evening in his patch of vegetables, and all the things he takes down with him there Where the easement runs along the back fence and the air smells of tomato-vines, and the hoarse rasping tendrils of pumpkin flourish clumsy whips and their foliage sprawls Over the compost-box, poising rampant upon the palings ... He stands there, lost in a green confusion, smelling the smoke of somebody's rubbish Burning, hearing vaguely the clatter of a dish in a sink that could be his, hearing a dog, a kid, a far whisper of traffic, and offering up instead Not much but as much as any man can offer -- time, pain, love, hate, age, war, death, laughter, fever.
  4. mulch

    Carnegia Gigantea (Saguaro) grafting

    carnegia works fine on trichs SaBReT00tH. growth rate is definitely improved. heres one i prepared earlier....
  5. mulch

    weeds interlaced with bacopa

    theres an old trick for getting rid of onion weed using sewing machine oil. a couple of drops into the centre of the plant letting the oil run down onto/into the bulb. seems to suffocate the bulb. onion weed nemisis defeated!
  6. mulch


    sugeshotcha - there's only a couple of mm depth taken out of the loph, not the whole central bit. i guess that wasnt made all that clear. don't be dissapointed mex , i'm not doing it for prestige or for value adding - merely to ensure the (limited) genetic variation available to me can be maintained and thrive, and ultimately utilised to produce viable seed. If i had some big fella lophs that i'd been looking after for ages i'd be posting pics of them too.(not with the tops drilled out tho')
  7. mulch


    they're inside under sunlight at the moment (they were outside, but started to burn) they will return outside when they toughen up
  8. mulch

    Carnegia Graft

    Grafted carnegia gigantea seedling 1. 0 weeks old 2. 3 weeks old 1. 6 weeks old
  9. mulch


    thanks! as for the technique.. it very technical -buy a nice new 2mm drill bit (or sterilize a sharp one) -sit your recently taken, bulging babygraft in front of you -smile and think happy thoughts -holding the bit gently between forefinger and thumb - like you do when you roll a cigarette, -place the sharp end in the centre of the graft and spin backandforth applying a little presure. if the drill bit is sharp this will work very nicely. -done. ( optional: sprinkle some sulphur/mancozeb powder in the wound and blow out any excess) -keep dry for a week or two. The drilled scion will pup like crazy, and the overall growth rate actually seems to increase. i dont know why. My initial reason for trying this was to create a few more avenues for the growth to take so as the growing scions weren't so distended. i assume this would work with amplified results with peresk.... from 1 seedling to 10 small buttons in a couple of months? i'd like to see that! i love cactus grafting .. -------- disclaimer: cactus grafting is addictive----------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. mulch


    hello everyone, just thought i'd share a little trial i am doing with loph baby grafts involving the application of meristem drilling to the very young grafts. The difference in volume/size between the drilled and nondrilled is quite phenomenal. and i'm sure this has all been done before but the following illustrations are quite beautiful and unique. i hope you enjoy them. The last image shows 3 grafts in the foreground 2 of which are drilled and the other not.
  11. mulch

    L.williamsii graft

  12. mulch


    mmmm mams ^_^
  13. mulch


    Friedensreich Hundertwasser: viennese architect / artist / legend. :cool:
  14. mulch


    :cool: beautiful art!... to me they are like a cross of huichol yarn art & hundertwasser...all cooked up in a tasty mushroom flavoured soup.. :D i love em!