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The Corroboree

Betel Nut palms for sale


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Yes, i just got a few Areca catechu seedlings. not sure if this will be a regular thing, but anyway, there are 20 available for the time being at $10 each (plus express shipping).

Seedlings shipped bare rooted.

I should just point out that there are a few new things in the webstore this month. Check the 'new stuff' page for details.

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Hi Tripp,n

Did you know you can buy betelnut,sliced,

whole or crushed,betel leaves and lime paste to go with it in the asian supermarket in

Victoria st.,across the road from Bourbon Street.

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Yes please, could you put me on the list for two, having some cash flow dramas at the moment but will be able to settle with you in the nex fortnight, until then keep them well! Thanks

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Torsten, just thinking of the palms, do you need male & female to produce the betel nut, Have been reading of date palms, some interesting information surfaced regarding the female craving for male attention there are even reports of the palms in question leaning towards any males that may be present.

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In the "Species Data", To the left, It says, "The flowers are on the branching spandix. Female occurs solitarily at the base, The male is small, White and fragrent and SURROUNDS the solitary female".

Wouldn't this mean that you only need the one to produce fruits?.

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I should read the SAB site more often https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://www.shaman-australis.com/ubb/wink.gif&key=4919fe9fb0297038d452b640b095bc279f8cc68a37fc8152fee24836b0d8f0df

Yes, tripp'n you're right.

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Are you getting in the more cold tollerant Areca's as well?


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Pyro - Nice to see you back!! Yes, I still have a few and will probably get some more in. They are about 20-30cm and 1.5 -2 leaf stage. I even have some with zero leaves if required.

Ed - Probably won't get the others until I head up to cairns, which I keep putting off https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://www.shaman-australis.com/ubb/frown.gif&key=70d12add877ca586fd336fb5629c02d8e8e410c68bb2f9e5a70cfcf15d26ac5a It's getting cold around here though so Cairns is looking more and more enticing. You got one in your lot anyway. Is it there yet (if not email me please)??

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Guest reville

And watch out for the cold i used to have 2 but they croaked in winter.

Ill be interesed when someone offers A triandra and A Vestitia (spelling?)

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  • 2 weeks later...

yes. good old rusty's. you can still always find the gummy old islander ladies selling and chewing their betel nuts, betel pepper and lime. I bought a pile of nice viable looking nuts from there to propagate for torsten but left cairns before i finished fermenting the husks off so i could plant them. I'm in perth now waterdragon.

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Originally posted by waterdragon:

torsten - not sure how these are propogated but if you're in cairns try rustys markets (still there?gem?fractal?) the nuts used to be available there.

Yup, still here - been busy for a few days. You have an excellent recall WD - one can easily buy the nuts plus lime at Rustys (I couldn't bring myself to chew them though). I also used to (may still have) access to bucketloads of freshly dropped seeds from a mature palm.

Prolly. Meant to post that ages ago if anyone was interested. Bloody marshmallow brain...

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so there are no palms left?

what a bummer!

if there is i would like to put my

name down for 2



[This message has been edited by psycho0 (edited 06 June 2002).]

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A betel nut or two made the bus ride home from cairns to the northern beaches a lot more bearable (went a lot quicker) i remember...

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yep, there are plenty left... ie, I got some new ones in https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://www.shaman-australis.com/ubb/wink.gif&key=4919fe9fb0297038d452b640b095bc279f8cc68a37fc8152fee24836b0d8f0df

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