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"I can't believe it's not (hash, opium)" experience reports

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Hi FENRIS, sounds like you have a pain problem like myself and your feedback sounds very promising as i do take similar pharmacutical drugs but would rather not as you know Valium is highly addictive. Thanks.

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I've got a new pain killing product being released in about a month. It's mostly a sedative and bliss agent, but it also happens to be extremely good at killing pain. Not sure what form it will take yet, but ideally I'd like to make it smokable.

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I liked it, as it is inexpensive and legal. Strange aftertaste but much better than Tunera Damiana. Relaxed the muscles and calmed the arthritis so must be something working. All i can say is give it a try !!!!

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That new pain killer you mentioned sounds very interesting. Is it in our human nature to like burning stuff, but smoking it would be extremely good too, Will keep checking your product range,Any idea what it will be called ?


Edited by Country Boy

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no idea yet, sorry.

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Hi Torsten, I am very interested in the new product you mentioned.

Can you tell us what is in it?

If you would like a guinea-pig I would be more than happy to give it a go.

I am reluctant to smoke things, but I understand that sometimes you cannot get the same effect by ingesting most substances.

PM me and let me know how I can get my hands on this.


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I am still working on it. it doesn't want to dissolve in anything, so I am not sure how to apply it to a product yet.

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Bumpety bump bump...

Any progress with this yet?

I have a couple of broken ribs and bulged discs in my back at the moment, so any form of pain relief I can get my hands on is very much appreciated.

I'm willing to try anything to get some relief, or even just a good nights sleep.

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sorry, never overcame the dissolution problem and put in on the backburner for now

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Why does it need to be dissolved in anything?

Even if it looked and tasted like liquified poo, if it did the job i'd be willing to try it.

Whatever it is, can I try it?

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it needs to be dissolved to be safely and evenly mixed. I am not comfortable selling it as a powder.

and I don't think it is going to be quite strong enough for what you have. It was more aimed at chronic things like inflamed nerves, PMT cramps, etc rather than acute injuries.

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it needs to be dissolved to be safely and evenly mixed. I am not comfortable selling it as a powder.

and I don't think it is going to be quite strong enough for what you have. It was more aimed at chronic things like inflamed nerves, PMT cramps, etc rather than acute injuries.

Make mysterious powder jellies!! Don't know how that would go in the mail though..

or more seriously, what about mixing it with glucose in a certain ratio and putting it in caps? A bit easier to determine dose using caps.

Edited by Undergrounder

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it needs to be dissolved to be safely and evenly mixed. I am not comfortable selling it as a powder.

and I don't think it is going to be quite strong enough for what you have. It was more aimed at chronic things like inflamed nerves, PMT cramps, etc rather than acute injuries.

oh oh oh please can i get my girlfriend some of this. have you tried DMSO ? that dissolves just about everything. is it possible to make a mixture of different polarity liquids?

she suffers from anklyising spondoitus, an inflammation between the lining of the joints in her back. its not enough constant pain to make her get pain killers, and when it does hit its usually before bed when its impossible to go out and get some for her.

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Maybe combine with the formula they using to make those grindproof painkillers? Dig up chewing gum recipes? Lollypops?Try the DMSO and make me some patches!

slightly off...forgiveness, please. Simon, I'm not diag'd as having AS but it's the same bucket for sure, and shitty enough to mean I know how to spell sacroilial and spend half my evenings doing john cleese inspired walks,grunting like a 95 year old and doing weird stretches on the floor) so pass on my enormous massive heaping sympathies! First time I had real checkup, my back was down to bending from basically one of three points, the very base the middle and the very top.

The phrase "pain in the bum" takes on new and spasticating levels of agony with AS. Once in a while its pretty decent and you forget about it, and end up rooting yourself up even worse. Or you dare to try and get out of bed like a normal person and end up wincing til lunchtime. Painkillers etc, relaxants seem like the ticket but care is needed, too floppy and you make it worse and end up sitting wrong for hours, etc. That and its nice being able to poo.

Anyways, the shit for me (when I could get it, thanks heaps, arseholes) was :wub: kava :wub: in conjunction with bulk fish oils, any "slimy" foods ie bananas, avocados, pawpaw, fish esp deepsea or coldwater fish, fresh greens esp snotty things like ceylon spinach etc, rosellas. Especially to be avoided is getting home, running around hauling tiny ppl about and then crashing in a heap on the chair and letting your spine melt down til about 10pm. Apparently ppls in developing nations have much lower rates of back injury n pain despite working more with hand tools... its cos they get home and sit straight on firm things, or stand or lie... not flop into a pretzel shape plus a few drinks n tokies like we do!

Never goes away but kinda helps. That and the excercises detailed in a book called "treat your own back" who's author I cannot recall... hunt up the number for a physio in highvale, qld, ask her for the name of it...simple effective logical stuff in there.

besta luck... with problems of solvency, and coagulation!


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This is a long and old topic about the old notHash product, so as to avoid many superfluous questions I've split the topic and put the new questions into a new thread [in the ethnobotany section where the original thread was moved to]. It is best if all questions for the new notHash go into the new thread please.

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