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Legalisation of kratom


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Details on the decision made by the National Drugs and Poisons Schedule Committee (NDPSC) to list kratom in Schedule 9 can be found in their Record of Reasons from the 40th meeting in February 2004 (p. 103 – 105). There was preliminary consideration on the scheduling of kratom in the 37th38th and 39th NDPSC meeting (FebruaryJune and October 2003). The Committee considered its pharmacology, toxicology and the mode of action of mitragynine, the potential for abuse, and the potential impact of its inclusion in Schedule 9. 

Please note that anyone can make an application to amend the Poisons Standard. Applicants may apply directly to the Scheduling Secretariat through the online application portalThere is no fee charged for lodging an application. The application form and information on how to lodge an application, with supporting evidence, can be found on the TGA website at: https://www.tga.gov.au/resources/resource/forms/application-amend-poisons-standard.


The implementation of the Poisons Standard, as it affects access to and supply of medicines and poisons, is given legal effect through relevant State and Territory drugs, poisons and controlled substances legislation.

Advice on the interpretation of the Poisons Standard and/or the legal requirements in a particular State or Territory may be obtained from: https://www.tga.gov.au/contacts-stateterritory-medicines-poisons-regulation-units


Further information regarding the scheduling process can be found on the scheduling basics webpage: https://www.tga.gov.au/scheduling-basics

Edited by fyzygy
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Substance alone 

Substance in formulation 

SPF, 2018 Classification 


Acute oral toxicity LD50 (mg/kg bw) 






Acute dermal toxicity 
50 (mg/kg bw)






Acute inhalational toxicity 
50 (mg/m3/4h)






Skin irritation 






Eye irritation 






Skin sensitisation (LLNA / Buehler etc.) 






























Table 1 (Complete if relevant)

This is part of the application to amend the Poisons Schedule. 

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I haven't heard of any organised kratom legalisation campaign.


This would be an uphill battle because there are dozens of alkaloids in kratom, some with uncharacterised pharmacology. Kratom is physically addictive and there are hepatotoxicity and enzyme inhibition concerns.


I doubt we will see it legalised without substantial further research (and even then...)

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In recent years the WHO and FDA both determined that Kratom was not a drug of concern. So that's encouraging. 

There have been copious studies on Kratom's (relative) safety since the TGA scheduled it as a poison in 2003. Not to mention, a synthetic opioid epidemic. 

I think it's only one of two active alkaloids, mitragynine, that's included in the poisons schedule.

Edited by fyzygy
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kratom use will certainly not ruin your life, there is a saying in malaysa, saying woman, marry a kratom chewer and not a pot smoker, the chewers are working, the pot smokers are lazy.

i predict a future when most psychotropic plants, will be legal again, because the sience will proof us sab'ers right.

people like john howard and his advisors, are uneducated, and made there decisions, not understanding the ethno community's knowledge.


a lot of doctors and psychiatrist are already on our side!

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58 minutes ago, withdrawl clinic said:

a future when most psychotropic plants, will be legal again, because the sience will proof us sab'ers right.

people like john howard and his advisors, are uneducated


From what I see in the community attitudes the day when psychotropic plants become legal is far far ................... far away.


Push back is and will continue to be insurmountable.


Whole generations of people young and old have been brainwashed, into fearing nature and plants by the likes of Johnny.


As I always say Australia is a deeply conservative bureaucratic dystopia.


In addition to many groups have a vested interest in the war on nature and they are more then happy to stick to the statuesque.


I can see many of these plants being legalized for profit pharmaceuticals in the coming decades, everything else will remain stigmatized.


Just accept that as sab'er you are a pariah and will remain as such. Sorry.




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On 06/03/2024 at 1:05 PM, withdrawl clinic said:

a lot of doctors and psychiatrist are already on our side! 


Due to other comorbidity I cannot use NSAID's, now I have been recommended that I pursue medical cannabis as my primary treatment option. Now this Dr was an elderly, long haired fellow who had alternative vibe to him and he was more clue then most doctors I have dealt with.


I have been able to talk to my GP about medical cannabis and he is open to it as a treatment avenue. However our discussion about psychedelics and mental health was tainted by fear of the AMA on his part. In his own words "the data looks good" and in "20 years it will be a viable and accepted treatment" however "I cannot talk to you about it". Now my GP is young, and a little quirky so he is better educated then most old farts in the medical industry.


However on the flip side I had a friend who's GP an old fart vehemently opposes the use of any plants illicit or otherwise.


It will be long road another 50 years before the old farts die off and new generation of medical students get trained in modern approaches to medicine. Assuming we don't get another Johnny, Trump or Dutton come to power, then it will be the good old days of 1970's all over again.





Edited by Ishmael Fleishman
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On 06/03/2024 at 3:07 PM, Ishmael Fleishman said:


@fyzygy Science has no place in Australian drug police or law reform. Science tells things that those in power that they do not want to know and therefor is irrelevant in making decisions.

I would suggest it's more an extremely low risk tolerance driven by politics and community attitudes. 

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