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The Corroboree

CO2 mycelium bags


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Have you seen those bags of mycelium that are supposed to release COinto greenhouses etc.?



(I'm not recommending this product, I'm using this pic to illustrate what I'm talking about)


Does anyone know what species is used in these bags? Second hand info I've heard is that someone threw the contents on the bag in their garden and it fruited turkey tails.


The producer of the pictured ones claims the mycelium they use was selected because it produces CO2 consistently and doesn't produce primordia. Could be helpful info, in my (limited) experience, Trametes doesn't like to form primordia invitro (aka without ample fresh air exchange).


anyone tried using these?




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high CO2 is part of the reason why primordia formation is suppressed in this bag. excess CO2 isn't beneficial for fruiting.


1 hour ago, mcgrath111 said:

 I just thought people used them to grow canna. 


i wouldn't be surprised if that's why people use em.


I'm only really interested in what species of mycelium is used in these bags out of curiosity.

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