Hi all,
I love to graft and grow mutants.
However, my ario grafts have a 10-20% success rate, and I can't identify why.
I've tried two methods:
1. If large enough, I put ario seedling onto fresh pere tip and hold onto pere with gladwrap and rubber band. (I've used parafilm before, yet, for me it is hard to align for arios. Normally about a week and then I remove elastic bands/cling film. (Is this too soon to remove for arios? Should it be held down longer?)
2. Humidity chamber. I think this is the go to, yet I'm wondering if I have things too humid, which is causing rot etc.
I've provided a photo link above, as the arios appear to be on the vascular bundle, yet many just die over a few weeks. I've trawled through loads of older posts such as peyofox and other grafting threads/ teos book etc. Yet I can figure out why my success rate is soo darn low!
My blades are always brand new, so I don't think the issue is a sharp cut.
I think it's something to do with the conditions post graft.
Any suggestions or what has "uped" your graft game?
Many thanks,