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The Corroboree

Wanted - 10 tricho cuttings of various clones


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Hi everyone, long time no speak!!!!  how is everyone?  who's still around these days?


I'm hoping to check back in here a little more often & see whats going on with folks


But to cut to the chase, i've been getting back into playing with my cacti..  I'm basically looking to purchase 10x (or perhaps more) different clones that i do not already have..  i'm happy to pay the good old price of  $1 a centimeter or perhaps more for very interesting clones & looking for 25-30cm cuttings of nice healthy specimens..  if a single person is keen to make a quick buck & has ten cuttings i'm keen on i'm happy to make it simple & do that..  or if multiple people have a few interesting cuts & i can do multiuple smaller transactions that would be cool too..

so i'm not too sure how much activity is on the forums these days but if anyone can help out an old long term member & wants to make a quick buck please PM!..  i'm quite keen to get some cuttings rooted well before winter :)


some of the clones &/or secies i'd be interested in (though i'm pretty much interested in anything cool that i don't have so don't be afraid to make an offer) are: rosei 1 & 2, Jess, kai, eva, bert, mum & dad, fields macrogonus, juuls giant, any interesting wild pachanoi forms, or any interesting/pretty/unique clones of peruvianus, bridgesii or any species really.. if you have something cool of any description (trichocereus-wise) you are able to send a cut of please let me know!


thanks a lot if you can help folks!  hope to catch you around more often!

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i appreciate the offer heaps but sadly i'm not going to be in a posi to start propagating seed for a while so i was moreso looking for cuttings &/or somewhat advanced seedlings (ie a year or more old)


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Here's a couple I can chop up a bit. Very blue and both are fast growing. First is a very rare seed grown peruviana I discovered and named 'Saint Paul' after the guy who planted it in his garden as a seedling. I've been sharing it around and it's just a downright beautiful and unique clone.


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This second one is an Open Pollinated J3 (peruvianoid). I really like it as it is very fast growing and is so nice to look at. Definitely one of my all time faves.



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Sorry my pics are taken very late in the day, after the sun had gone down but they are as blue as they look. I'll get better pics tomorrow, but this'll give you an idea. 



I'll go $1per cm (plus some bonus cm's as always) Lemme know what kinda length you're interested in.  :)



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Good to see ya, ya Jaded bastard :wink:.... Lol


Might have a bit of fat, blue Len. Haven't really checked the ghouse for a bit though. 


Rate is bog roll/cm. 


Being serious if I've got a length worthy of cutting ill PM ya up. 

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Hey dude haha, fair call, I think I’m over that phase tbh. The apparent exponential weirdenening of the things in the world in general calls for a more holistic & less douchey approach..  being a jaded cnut can only achieve so much.. which really, is actually very little at all ;)


Good to see you here dude.. Lots of you making me remember the real reasons I missed this place & all you plant nerds. It’s relatively quiet these days what with the corporate machine luring so many away.. But I’ll take the good old ma & pa nursery with their generations of real experience & their quality over quantity approach over Bunnings any day, so to speak

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35 minutes ago, Pedro99 said:

Got any of that anti cunt medicine? 


the best method I’ve discovered so far is to simply continue being a grumpy jaded cnut, focusing on all the negative horrendous things that upset you while ignoring all the wonderful positive blessings that surround you until you’ve sabotaged most of the positive things in your life & damaged the majority of your most valuable relationships & your mental & physical health suffers through perpetual angst & refusal to accept inevitable change & then you channel your frustration & alienation into soul crushing & destructive habit patterns that perpetuate your downward spiral into your tortured nihilistic hole of misery at which point, if you still have any will to live at all & your soul is not irretrievably lost you may then choose to be brutally honest with yourself & recognise that you’re most likely just full of your own shit & the only real path that makes any sense if you want to have any self worth at all that isn’t pure toxic ego is to focus on positive self determination where you realise that whatever circumstances exist in the external world , you are actually free to choose how to interpret your experience & that if we actually do genuinely care about the things that upset us then the only authentic way to actually address it is through a positivistic approach where you take responsibility for your own actions & reactions & work to create something positive in the world rather than react to the negative.. the next step is to try to dedicate yourself to working on that a little bit every day or every time you realise you’ve slipped back into unconscious reactionary attitudes & work to have compassion for your own ignorance & the ignorance of those around you.. one day at a time. 


but that’s probably not a very practical prescription.. 

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