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New members asking for things they shouldn't


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I know we have all been there, but I do not want this forum to go in a bad way, i am happy to address such topics directly but thought mods or admin could put the hammers down (?)

Edited by Dozer
*thanks, Dozer.
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I made a post shortly after (re)joining making a reference and questions to whether kratom would be theoretically effective for pain relief for my specific issues, but since browsing after joining i have noticed a flood of "oh no, i got a splinter, please send me kratom seeds/cuttings).

Imo this site since i have returned seems to be suffering from a big deficiency in moderation and admining.  Simply utilizing delayed bilk admission will help weed out some problamitic users but no moderation of blatant illegal request  along with many technical issues of site left unresolved really doesn't bode well.

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  • 2 weeks later...


On 15/02/2020 at 7:53 AM, ZooL said:

no moderation of blatant illegal request  along with many technical issues of site left unresolved really doesn't bode well.


Is the facebook group taking up the mods time/distracting from this forum?


I recognise it takes alot of work to keep a forum like this going, but it'd be a shame to see it wither away, (or worse) or be pulled offline altogether. There's so much good information here I'd hate to see that happen. Plus, the forum offers a level of pseudoanonymity that just isn't available on facebook.

Edited by Slocombe
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I thought it was just me having these feelings. Had a random new member pm me yesterday asking for illegal stuff which made me uncomfortable, I politely moved them along. Noticing a lot of new members here and in fb also. Not sure why there is a surge of new members but I dont think I like It. Is there a new psychedelic doco on Netflix or something else that is causing this influx?

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Report the post/thread is the best way. Mods get notified, they've got lives and shit going on. That way it's put directly to their attention, they don't read everything. 


Plain and simple:wink: hit that button... 

(the report flag top right corner)  

The mod of the given forum section gets the notification. As far as I know it links them directly to the post, so it makes their lives a lot easier as well. 


If you've been around long enough you'll expect a few each round of newbie influx,  and you'll understand how much work the mods have done here and the shit they've put up with:wink: 


Nothing stopping anyone reminding folk of the rules. That said from experience some are more "sensitive" than others or think it's a personal attack... Lol.. Their problem. 


As for a cold canvas messaging asking for contra, it's the Internet and some will always try. The way FB,  Insta and Wikr as examples are being utilised by some pups and normalized it shouldn't be a great surprise.


I'm less than polite on that front to be sure.. Lol:lol:.  You just don't know what the actual intent is on a phishing exercise from a random..... 


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I find the SAB fb group is full of  dickheads and is turning me into a nasty person tbh i think it is facebook in general .One guy was trying to sell me a tek for his CBD extraction 

and years ago i gave away about  prints to lot's of people i still get asked a lot to this day .The major problem is they think shamanism is only about drugs  

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FB and it’s lack of ability (or desire) to catch people is not helpful. I help mod a group there and if it’s not some naive but desperate person asking for psychedelics it’s some random claiming to sell them. Even independently of that, I don’t think FB brings out the best in people. 

As for the influx, psychedelics are a big, big thing. Like the ‘next big thing’, bigger than cannabis stocks, complete with breathless articles in Forbes about making money from pharmaceutical psychedelics There was an article in the Motley Fool about making 1000% ROI, I shit you not. It’s not quite at the level of peak crypto hype, but you can see it coming. 

And that’s just the corporate money side.

Lots of folks have heard about shrooms being good for depression etc. That, and I reckon a lot of people are as bored as shit and just want to experience something that feels like it means something. Combine that with a life of pretend instant (or is it Insta) gratification, and people can get pretty impatient. 

Like @waterboy 2.0 says, be firm, tell people how it is around here and smash that mf’ing report button if you have to. 

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