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The Corroboree

Finding the chemical contents of a material and whether its safe to consume?

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Several years ago i was at a mates place and he was smoking some plant that he said he got of a neighbor who he said  smoked it regularly, he said it was not like a drug to get high off but just an alternative to tobacco, i had a couple drags off his smoke and didn't really notice ant effect that i could distinguish  apart from the alcohol i had already consumed but it did taste quick smooth and nice compered to tobacco.

I ended up getting a cutting of this plant some times after that and had in with a bunch of random plants i gave to my mom. I recently visited my mom and she mention that she had planted those pots and one of them had started spreading like a weed. I went out and had a look and the one spreading was this one he was smoking, now upon looking at it i can tell it's some type of salvia(not the good one) but then i thought i would have another try of it for some reason. After semi quick drying over that day and the next i then had some dry leaf that i rolled a cigarette out of, again it had very smooth smooth taste but not quick as nice as i remember(possibly quick drying?) i also did notice some very mild effect it was having but was hard to put my finger one.

So to my question.

Does anyone know what type of salvia this may be? all i know of the neighbor that my mate got it off was that he was Greek, so not if if they would help.

and if not, Is there any place to test a sample of a material to find out whats in it chemical wise that wont break the bank.

If if turned out that this plant was not harmful or no more harmful that tobacco long term then i would consider switching to it, but atm i no idea whats actually in it or what type of plant excactly it is so i don;t think its a smart idea to smoke it regularly(prob wasn't that smart even on the 2 sole occasions tbh)

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If it is a salvia species, this might shed some light.

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