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The Corroboree

Anybody else here make video's?

Chemical Shaman

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People that have been around here long enough know that I have always tried to incorporate a multimedia aspect into my presence here at the forums. Text becomes really boring really quickly which is why I keep myself amused with silly videos or digitally edited images or stupid drawings and stuff.

Anyways before I left for the last Ethnobotanica I decided it was time to get a new digital camera to take some piccies with and I picked up this little diddy that's about the same size as a mobile phone and not only does it take pictures but it also takes Video's too!! I was stoked!

It only shoots at like 320X240 with 15 frames per second but this is more than enough to make some ripper films

Anyways when I was at Ethnobotanica I took lots of pictures and little video clips throughout the whole trip and got some really good ones too!

When i got back home Shroomy messages me and is all like:

"Hey dude, can you send me all those pics and stuff man..."

and im like "Shroomy you fucktard halwit, they're already on your computer, I transferred them over right in front of you"

and then he sez "Nah man they're not on my computer, well I mean they might be but I don't know how to use my mouse, and what's with this weird rash on my genitals!"

So I thought instead of just sending him up all the pics and vids on a disc I could put them all into like some sort of cool slideshow and mail them up on a DVD!

So I downloaded some basic video editing software (for free!) from Ulead.com and started making some stupid movies and what not.

What i learnt was that this shit is like REALLY REALLY easy!!

So i've been thinking lately a lot of people probably have digital cameras that can also do movies, a lot of people have webcams too. My camera films at like half the resolution of what most web cams are capable of and it still comes up dancer!

So my idea is this, lately i've been watching shitloads of old propaganda films on my computer and I find them to be outright fucken hillarious, im thinking we could do some sort of community project or something where we all make OUR OWN PROPAGANDA FILM!!! possibly even about your favourite drug. Im thinking I could make some sort of "anti-ketamine" film or something. It would be hillarious!

We could even make it into a competition and the winner get's to fuck Darklight or something (the prize would have to be different for me because she is already trying to sleep with me).

Once everyone has made their movies I could put it together into a cool DVD with other REAL propaganda films aswell. Im really getting into DVD authoring too (because it's so fuckin easy), there could be like a whole collection of SAB dvd's!!

Yeah so im probably getting too far ahead of myself here I know.

I want to gauge if there is any interest in a project like this? Does anybody else here have a webcam or a digital video camera or what not? Would anybody here be interested in doing something like this?

-Chemigoogoo Shazzipoopoo

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Oh and I completely forgot to mention.

You don't really even need to have a video camera.

I've just spent the last 20 minutes throwing together this silly propaganda film called "LSD Gives You AIDS". i pretty much recorded the whole thing in the one take, it took me 20 minutes in total to make. Using already existing footage all I needed was a computer mic.

Im uploading it now.

-Chemical Shaman

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ok here it is


This is just an example of how easy it is to do this shit. I obviously didn't put much thought into it.

Who else here is keen to do something like this?

(oh you need the divx player from divx.com to view the clip)

-Chemical Shaman

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ive got a cool movie ive been meaning to download here for ages, but I didnt think you could.

can you tell me how to download a movie to the SAB site? /~pic seems to be a forbidden directory.(will the gallery accept it?-can't log into the gallery anyway )

[ 18. February 2005, 22:00: Message edited by: Thelema ]

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i made movies back at school, now im at uni and we have acess to cameras and some wicked editing software. i love documentaries and would love to make a entheobotany one but i think there wouldnt be the audience or the interest. i hope to make a doco when i finish uni.

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i hereby put forward the motion that cs should do the official video of eb5. some of the last one was decent, especially all those bits that i shot and got no credit for. this time we'll have no editing/deletion of the incriminating bits like where cs asserts that shroomys dick smells of goat poo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well what can I say, support for this project has been OVERWHELMING!!! thankyou to everyone who has shown interest and submitted videos for this project.

I have gone through the (approximately) 500 videos that were emailed to me for this project and have had to narrow it down to the best TWO (because the sever is full and I can't upload anything else).

The winner is

Do rainbows sometimes cry in the spring time?

Which was produced and directed by Darklight, who also stars in this film.

and the runner up is

If drugs could sing a song to you what song would they sing?

Which I wrote and produced and recorded over the summer or 2004, about 5-6 months all up. A lot of people watch it and go "Hey man, that's really great and all but it looks like you just made it up on the spot. Did you just make that up on the spot?" Which I guess comes down to good editing, you can spend 5-6 months filming something and then another 6 months carefully editing and mastering it to come up with something that looks like it was improvised on the spot. Im sure Spielberg does it all the time.

I had originally thought that nobody could give a fuck enough to get involved in this project, that it would be difficult for people to pull themselves away from Jerry Springer or from "jacking it" to pregnant lesbian threesomes but I guess I was wrong. Thanks to everyone that could spare 30-40 minutes making a vid for this project. Awesome guys.

-Chemical Shaman

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oh and thelema the username is [email protected] and the password is 'upload'

The server is full at the moment however.

and waterdragon, boo-frikkin-hoooo I didn't credit you for the bits that you shot for my EB05 film. For anyone that has seen it, the bits where im pretending to hump shroomy while he's on the phone to his wife and kids and he doesn't even realise that im pretending to hump him, waterdragon shot those bits. Some other bits too.

oh and the bits where im asleep at the hotel and waterdragon tries to finger my bum, shroomy shot those bits.

-Chemical Shaman

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Man I'm technologically retarded...though I understand the concept, I just don't have the bandwidth yet (string's broken and the cans aren't big enough *shrug*)and don't have the spondoolas for the cam atm.

Me head's full of ideas and all but like my musical endeavors production costs!

Can't wait to download these babies when I go hi-tech and all :cool: .

Won't be long though I'm going into full-on Ketamine production soon with a local cop.

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well sorry I couldn't contribute haven't found a camera on ebay yet that was cheap enough, but I watched the 2 winning videos...

to "nose"

a little simplistic

to darklight in "cuppy' great performance, but I can say only one thing:

One eye.... one eye.... one eye..."

and just keep repeating that for as long as you want...

"one eye, one eye, one eye..."

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 this time we'll have no editing/deletion of the incriminating bits like where cs asserts that shroomys dick smells of goat poo.

haaaaa shame i wasnt privy to those bits and cs you have to do somthing about that goat breath.
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CS, allow me to congratulate you on the brilliance of Nose. While Cuppy was also a high quality piece of work, it lacked the contextual detail and high production values of Nose. Anyone who can't see the months of sweat, tears, and insufflated substances that have gone into the making of this gem is obviously completely ignorant of the art of film making.

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hoy goatgargle shittybreathles what about the shopping trolley bit? there's going to be issues if i don't get camera credits for the next one. have a serious think about doing the eb5 film, you've got heaps of time to plan, once you drag yourself away from that ' molluscs have orifices too' piece that you've been busy with.

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"suck me through your nosehole."?????

?? either you like it really tight or you should be driving an expensive sportcar to compensate.... <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_tongue.png :D

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Chemarnagle Shizzarnagles:

oh and the bits where im asleep at the hotel and waterdragon tries to finger my bum, shroomy shot those bits.

-Chemical Shaman

oh it's going to be like that? we discussed the bum incident and i made myself quite clear. not only do you go and delete that footage you now put a whole new spin on the incident. for those who want the truth here's how it really happened -

during the course of our trip north it became quite plain the cs sticks things in his bottom ie salt and pepper shakers, remote controls, enemas, fruit and veg, passers by..you get the gist. in fact he has even written a childrens book, soon to be published, called 'the little sphincter that could' and were it not for the colour photos (i suggested illustrations) his publisher would have it on the market already, so i'm told.

it should come as no surprise then that one morning whilst shroomy and i were drinking coffee, and cs was asleep, that the conversation turned to drugs. while we were temporarily 'substance challenged' we were well aware that cs comes loaded for bear, after searching his belongings and finding nothing we pretty much guessed where the stash was.

after losing three games of scissors, paper, rock it was decreed that i should be the one to look in there. warmed up the hand, applied some motel margarine and slid in for a look about, cs of course slept soundly, i found his stash cannister and gingerly removed it. took four tabs of acid from it, eight satchels of white powder, some peyote buttons, several joints and an ounce of shrooms for later. putting the cannister back i realised too late that i forgot to warm my hand and of course he awoke. the awkwardness that followed when he tightened his grip was not good so i'm glad you deleted that bit. and you can keep the watch.

[ 11. March 2005, 19:51: Message edited by: waterdragon ]

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yes the truth had to come out Waterdragon. Although i havn,t had the heart to tell you until your therapy sessions were compleat, I think its time you new. It seems he was awake the whole time and new what you were up to but he didnt care, turns out he was enjoying the whole thing and it was only after he ejaculated that the thought of preserving hes drug stock occured to him so he pretrended to awake and look astonished, later that day he asked me if i wanted any acid, "Fuck yeah" i said, than he said "just wait till i fall asleep and help yourself" and than he winked at me. "I dont need acid that fuckin bad" I said and ran away to have shower cause i sudenly felt realy dirty.

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  • 4 months later...

ok, I now have a camera with video mode.

I just have a couple of questions:

1. How can I convert AVI-files into Mpeg so I can burn them on cd and get them off my harddrive?


Batteries: my cam has 2 little aaa-batteries.

When videotaping, they last only 2 mins or less.

Are there any special rechargable batteries that last much longer?

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Never tried it myself, but have a look at


When I burn movies I just use nero because it can convert video files to DVD or VCD format. I can never get it to record DVDs properly though, I just use it to make the files up and then use CloneDVD.

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well, my nero rejects avi-files: unsupported files format, and i downloaded that file converter and the stupid thing doesn't work either.

And they even want money for the idiotic thing!

My hard drive is cluttered full of videos clips and i don't know where to put them.

Damn all software makers.

Why can't they do thing properly!

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