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20 year Bhopal anniversary.

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Tommorow marks the 20th anniversary of the Union Carbide "disaster" in Bophal:

Shortly after midnight poison gas leaked from a factory in Bhopal, India, owned by the Union Carbide Corporation. There was no warning, none of the plant's safety systems were working. In the city people were sleeping. They woke in darkness to the sound of screams with the gases burning their eyes, noses and mouths. They began retching and coughing up froth streaked with blood. Whole neighbourhoods fled in panic, some were trampled, others convulsed and fell dead. People lost control of their bowels and bladders as they ran. Within hours thousands of dead bodies lay in the streets............

In the end over 20,000 people died (although even that was subject to speculation as there was a cover up of sorts with truck loads of bodies taken elseware for disposal).Union Carbibe to this day have not even started to clean up the site , leaving ground water poluted beyond belief. The people that were not killed in the initial "incident" are now still being killed slowley and have deformed children .

To draw a topical analogie , September 11 resulted in the death of 3,000 people and the world just can't leave it alone. 20 years ago an American company killed over 20,000 people due to operating a pesticide plant in a way that would not be allowed in there own country, still have not cleaned up the site , have failed to pay reasonable compensation to the thousands still affected by their fuck up and are ducking and weaving under international law to shrug off their obligations .

I say FUCK UNION CARBIBE !! give'm heaps check out the link below , send an anniversary card. Just don't let them get away with this. :mad: :mad: :mad:

international campaign for justice in Bhopal.

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Multinational corporations are the devil spawn of capitalism...the ultimate in worker exploitation and have an insatiable lust for ever increasing profit, and humanity keeps getting in the way and gets disposed of genocidally.

If the warmonger oil hungry Bush's Walt Disney simplistic jingoistic labelling such as 'evil doers' can be applied at all legitimately to any group, it surely must be to multinational corporations.

For Gods sake, how can these Union Carbide executive bastards sleep at night and hold their children with affection and loving care, when the death toll at Bhopal in terms of children and families is so huge?

The comparison with Joseph Mengle and Auschwitz and how after a good day's slaughter he used to go home to his cosy little family, is I think a valid one.

I agree. Dont let these corporation Neo SS Nazis forget their genocidal and ongoing crimes against the basic tenats of our humanity and BASIC minimum work standards...SEND THEM A "WE KNOW AND ARE WATCHING YOU" e-mail TODAY! :mad: :mad:

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or have a simple policy for your personal expenses and never hand over a dollar unless a HUMAN gets it!

Australia don't become America...McDonald's and Coca-cola!!!

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For Gods sake, how can these Union Carbide executive bastards sleep at night and hold their children with affection and loving care, when the death toll at Bhopal in terms of children and families is so huge?

A group isn't the same as an individual. Most people from UC probably do not feel responsible. And it's probable that a great many of them rightly aren't.

Imagine two people pedaling down the street on a tandem bicycle. Rider A tells Rider B he wants to run over Walker, who is standing in their way. Rider B protests, and locks his pedals, but Rider A pushes forward with every ounce of strength in his body, and bashes Walker.

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r. Jackson:

A group isn't the same as an individual. Most people from UC probably do not feel responsible. And it's probable that a great many of them rightly aren't.

While I agree with you R.Jackson that all in a group are not responsible, I did say the Union carbide EXECUTIVES (as opposed to the rank and file workers i.e truck drivers, line workers etc.). The executives are the management. They formulate and dictate policy for the company and decide how the corporation will respond to a particular disaster/or evade that responsibility which they clearly have. To provide an analogy, the executives are the policy 'head' that drives the corporation 'body'.


The UC executives have also pursued a policy of evading clearing up the toxic tonnes of material leaching into dirt poor people's drinking water.

...not that they care as they sip on their perriere bottled spring water...they are the souless dregs of corporate greed! :mad:

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The executives are the management. They formulate and dictate policy for the company and decide how the corporation will respond to a particular disaster/or evade that responsibility which they clearly have. To provide an analogy, the executives are the policy 'head' that drives the corporation 'body'.<

Sorry, a corporation is not analogous to a human body. First, your posited head/brain does not have to be in agreement to order an action. It is composed of individual human beings, and it is possible for a single individual to ram orders through despite disagreement. Even if an order is agreed upon and ordered from the "head", the rest of the "body", which is composed of individuals, must not implement orders by necessity. Every individual is responsible for his actions. (?)

If you think carefully, you will realize that "corporation" really does not refer to anything. You are clearly looking for someone to blame, and I think someone deserves to be blamed if we can isolate a particular case of guilt. I don't see that.

In any case, I think we can all agree that something tragic happened. I would like to see more detailed reports. "Let's see what's on the end of that long newspaper spoon"

[ 04. December 2004, 15:53: Message edited by: r. Jackson ]

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On a side note, Indian workers are being treated horribly all over the country by domestic and foreign based corporations alike. One major problem area is the tea producing district of Assam, which I can furnish data on if any interest is expressed. I it's pertinent to what we discuss in this forum. Not everyone benefits from their relationship with plants.

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