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Psycho Hillary for La Presidenta!.


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We're really scraping the bottom of the barrel now :P



I find this a little more believable tho






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To keep the other election related threads from degenerating into.... this one.




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Fun's over people, Putin has threatened war. He recently made a pact with China to defend against US aggression and said he will use tactical nuclear weapons.  The US needs %20 of the world's daily oil production. I think they forced Iran, who hates the Yanks, to sell them oil by causing earthquakes in Iran with radio transmitters called HAARP, also called earthquake machines. China buys a lot of oil from Iran. They tested HAARP by causing the tsunami in Haiti and killed 150 000 people,  hit their ally Japan with a tsunami to force the government to hand over control of their economy to the US, and the President of Chile said that their tsunami caused by HAARP. Australia is building HAARP, so I wrote to the PM asking who he intended to kill with it but he was too busy with Obama talking about freedom and democracy to reply. Aliens known as the 'Tall Greys' engineered all the trouble in the Middle East because war is good for the planet. Without war, the population would be about 10 billion. (They also helped the Nazis build submarines.) I could tell you how they did it, but I would have to tell you the truth about our great religions and the churchies would get upset. 

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Cute little bloodsucker, isn't he?. Some of these things feed on human amnionic acid and plasma. The Yanks have got over 1400 underground bases 1 - 2 miles deep around the planet for the New World Order (DUMBS).  At Dulce base, men ,women and children are kept in cages to be killed, chopped into pieces and thrown into  vats to make liquid food for their alien friends. This came from a former British intelligence officer who saw the cages and the vats. The headquarters for the NWO was said to be a base 30 miles in diameter below Denver airport which is much to big for the size of the town. I recently read that it, and another base, were blown up, reason unknown. They are powered by miniature nuclear power plants. Putin recently said "To hell with the New World Order". The Kremlin threatened to talk about aliens if Obama didn't.


China recently destroyed the electronics systems on a US cruise ship by flying a submarine-launched cruise missile past attacking it with rapidly-changing magnetic fields. The ship was abandoned and towed. Isn't that an act of war?.The story was censored from the mainstream media.  

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We'd all agree they're both 'bad', but I think one would be waaaay worse than the other.


Look at what happened last time the world had a redneck cowboy Republican businessman in charge of the US. He literally did fcuk us all. He completely fucked everything for everyone. We can blame ISIS on how bad Bush fcuked everything in the middle east. Not to mention the GFC, climate policy etc etc.


One thing I learned from Bush was 'Never trust a billionaire in politics'


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Look at these beauties!. An employee of Gundersons said (anonymously) they built 107 200 for the Feds. They've got 137 pairs of handcuffs welded into each one.

Schoolkids on Summer vacation did some of the welding. Built in the good-old USA, this project helped revive the steel industry. That'll teach China a lesson.l

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This man helped build Dulce base, but they did so on top of a rogue alien base and there was an underground shootout. Why the  aliens didn't tell them is a mystery to people in other forums. Schneider did lecture tours about aliens and the NWO, but was tortured and murdered in his apartment. 


Some of you may have seen this before.http://www.galactic2.net/KJOLE/NCCA/opmajor.html 



I found a site which claimed that 13 to 16 mill. will be killed in Australia. I asked Federal MP Ken O'Dowd at Mt Morgan if this is true but he wasn't interested. I've written to 3 Fed. politicians but they're too gutless to reply.

Edited by Kent
One link to Google Earth didn't work.
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I had a look at Robina (Gold Coast) on Google earth and found the 5 rail sidings to the North. Across the main line to the left is a vacant site which I think is the place for the concentration camp. I tried to copy it as a link but failed. Maybe someone else can. 

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People talk about fema like it's a bad thing. Who's gonna save you from the next big super cyclone? -Guns??? Don't make me laugh bro. Just learn to be a good  citizen and  you'll have nothing to fear. How else will we defeat the China- Mexico alliance?

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Its amazing how people think there is a NWO and a agenda to enslave humanity .My ex was going down the path of the illuminati etc .This whole NWO is really starting to get to me and not to mention the anti science movement .How vaccines are used to control the population and yada yada yada .The world is not going to end due to some rouge planet coming to hit us or aliens are really government leaders .America is a young country and will likely go bust or breakout into civil war .I'm sick of people always banging the nwo drum .I really hate how people watch a youtube vid and think that they know the truth and take some wack jobs opinion as gospel .

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Well HD, the good citizens who were shot at Port Arthur weren't safe from the NWO and the Howard, Fischer, Christian Coalition. A man with an IQ of 66 is not one of the top 20 combat marksmen on the planet. An Australian brigadier and terrorism expert was astonished by the kill rate - 35 dead in the café and 19 wounded. And he was firing from the hip, a very difficult thing to do with head shots. An amateur would have wounded more than killed. 

Bryant was never at the café. An ex-soldier who was wounded said he wasn't shot by Bryant. Bryant was burnt in a mysterious fire miles away at the Seaview Cottage Restaurant, and a female café victim who was in the same hospital was refused permission to identify him. Bryant had a smooth complexion, the gunman, who was sitting outside the café when the nurse walked in, had a pockmarked face. The nurse was on the phone to the cops during the shooting but the main body of them had a BBQ on the way and took 6 1/2 hours to arrive.

The gun buyback was a bit of  a joke. They were mainly after the semi-autos but a lot of other stuff was handed in including worn-out junk.  Some of he gov.-appointed buyers overpaid for stuff and a lot of new guns were bought with the money. The Gympie Gun Club was at the forefront of mutterings about the NWO. A US president once said that you can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.


Her Royal Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, who calls herself God's representative on earth, has often said that she wants to kill 6 billion people. Her charming husband would like to be reincarnated as a virus to kill humans. Tony Abbott, who spent $7 000 of public money in his last 2 weeks in office on alcohol, (his Bible tells him to look after his body), nominated him for  a knighthood. It's good to see Catholics and Protestants getting along well though, because they've been killing each other for hundreds of years, which is one of the main reasons for the Reformation.







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