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Colloidal silver (making,uses & experiences)

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Hi, Thunderhorse got me looking into this colloidal silver, sounds interesting, i was just wondering if anybody has had any personal experience with this? apparently it can be used as a ga-3 substitute, there a claims it can be used internally to eliminate bad bacteria and the likes, i wonder how it could discern between good bacteria and bad bacteria?

So if there is anyone who has experience with this would love to know what you think : )

heres a couple of vids



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colloidal silver generators are super easy & inexpensive to construct, the major issue will be obtaining 14 ga .9999% pure silver for the electrodes. then you'll need a hanna tds1 meter to measure the ppm of your silver water

I've made at least a half dozen & use the silver water on occasion


A Swiss botanist from the 1880s is credited with coining the phrase oligodynamic effect which, simply put, means that silver is toxic to bacteria, viruses, molds, fungi, spores and other unpopular micro-organisms! In other words, a spoon made of silver would naturally fight bacteria, viruses, and other micro bad things that might want to hang-out or live on your spoon. Some test results suggest that in as little as 6 minutes a silver spoon will have killed all the bad stuff on it.

A silver spoon self-sanitizes as it sits in your drawer waiting to be used. This property is shared by other heavy metals as well, but silver is the most affordable, and safest, heavy metal that will not cause other adverse effects on us (such as lead does). Scientists, doctors, and nurses have been aware of this for years, but modern medicine went in another direction. Only today are we hearing about the wonders of silver in medicine and industry.

Today, fabric manufacturers are adding silver particles to socks and other clothing to control odors caused by bacteria. Silver-coated polyester fabric is used in heart valve replacement surgery. Silver is used in mattresses and bedding for both its antimicrobial effect and its heat dissipation qualities. Silver is used in fabrics that in turn are used in RF Shielding and protecting electronics from EMPs. Silver is used in the fabric mesh of radiation protective suits. Silver is now being used in bandages and first-aid materials. Kitchen sponges are available with the benefits of silver. Colloidal silver (a liquid suspension of silver) is being used almost anywhere you can think of that germs are growing. It is being sprayed into HVAC vents to kill germs and bacteria. It is used as an antibacterial burn treatment. It has been shown that colloidal silver, taken internally, is effective against E. Coli and over 650 disease-causing organisms. The use of silver in industry continues to grow and we may never see an end to its possibilities. It is also of note that American pioneers would drop a silver dollar into a jug of milk to keep it fresh from spoilage. What else did they know that has been forgotten by modern man?

Knowing what silver can do, and owning pure silver (.999 fine), you can actually make colloidal silver at home for dipping your socks into or even treating cancer. There are many internet posts on how to make colloidal silver at home and the uses of colloidal silver. It is fairly easy to make and can be done with a few 9-volt batteries, silver wire or two silver bullion coins (.999), a quart canning jar, two alligator clips and some distilled water.

The process involves creating an electrical current that runs through the two clips suspending the silver in the distilled water. As the electricity flows through the silver and into/through the water, silver ionized particles are left behind suspended in the water. Once made, it should be stored covered and away from sunlight. Use it as a topical antibacterial for cuts, scrapes, and burns. After a societal-changing event where there is no doctor or hospital, you can take sterile bandages and dip them into the colloidal silver solution for use as an antibacterial bandage.

fwiw- a silver based product (Algidex AG) has been the only thing that heals up the venous ulcers I frequently get. I've had extensive hyperbarics, very expensive skin grafts, everything the VA doctors could throw at it, and only the Algidex AG product works, & i found that on my own.

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awesome , here it is

Thank you v kindly Zelly!

and all power to ya for finding that bru' ,

dyu (not just zell' , any of you ~) know if mods can move some posts here from cluttering Zaka's ace abc thread?

there's about 6 of em should be here I reckon.

*scrolls up, kicks back; and enjoys the thread*

Edited by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ
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lol ok , was expectn this to be an old one <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_innocent_n.gif

sorry lol

and yay glad to inspire

be careful as always and i havent ever used colloidal silver personally

just the Dr. Bob Beck guy fascinated me and i never had time to get any experimentation on the go

Edited by ☽Ţ ҉ĥϋηϠ₡яღ☯ॐ€ðяئॐ♡Pϟiℓℴϟℴ
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If you intend making this using silver bullion please be careful and ensure you only buy bullion from reputable dealers. There are a lot of fake silver coins on eBay.

Canadian maple leafs are .9999 silver.

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Have been making coll silver/ionic silver solutions for quite some time with a home made rig.

Mainly external application especially in animals (skin/eye/ear), as the solution does not sting nor has neg. effects when licked off.

Neat article re. the chem difference of silver-solutions and the associated risk of argyria.

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Hey, some awesome reading/info here : )

So Zelly, after reading the link from Satyr, it seems having an instrument to measure the ppm isnt completely necessary.

Thank you Satyr for that link, it pretty much answers all my questions and alleviates much of my concern, the article is saturated with valuable info : )

So it seems the horror stories come from the way of manufacturing rather than the pure product itself, so apart from the minor issue with iron there seems to be no real negative side effects or atleast evidence of such when made and used appropriately?

I think i might also look at getting some silver cutlery in the near future : )

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Make sure it is at least four nines purity (pw beck, in brisbane town) or other well know industry standard. Use distilled water only. Low voltage (3.? i think) and low current (regulated output). Be aware there is a guy who turned blue. got harrassed outa one town, went to another, and so the story repeats. LOL. I mean blue, like a f*cking smurf blue. =P There are better ways i think. Been a long list of metals in various forms being good for you over the years. From memory all of em have been proved to cause XYZ or linked to XYZ serious problem. Anyhow, check out silver smurf man =)

Electrolysis just creates atomic size elemental silver particles. Naturally tap water might create fair amount of chlorides / oxides. not gunna be good.

silver cutlery - Yeah, don't do that. Really don't.

Edited by ghosty
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Smurf man was using pure silver wire. from jewelery mobs


he died to a heart attack Edited by ghosty
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I wonder if the silver wire was from china? i think it would be alot safer to use bullion bars to insure quality and i think the blue guy was using salt in his preperations, the article from Satyr explains how and why the negative effects can occur.

But it is wise to be cautious, it is also wise to exercise common sense and moderation, If i feel the need to use its actions i will but only when i feel it is necessary, also was and how was it proven that his silver preperations had any significant contribution to his heart attack? also how many people are dinking ionic silver or other variations of silver as opposed to true colloidal silver?

After reading the link from Satyr it seems most people on you tube are not producing true colloidal silver.

Hey Ghostly, why no silver cutlery? apparently back in the day some used to let toddlers and children suck on a silver spoon for its medicinal action, i cant recall what era or region but yeh anyway the more info the better : )

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moderation (metals accumulate in the body) perhpas, and i wouldnt be at all surprised if it turns out to be found true that bentonite clay may provide the same effects. at the very least I'd use it along with another drink of 1 gram plus tumaric tea. to remove metals after it's likely chelating properties.

I'd be looking more into acacia barks such as black wattle (acacia concurrens), confusing rainbow wattle (acacia confusa (small dose only, whilst not dangerous large dose could surprise)), Tumaric ginger cinnamon self heal tea (more powerful than you might think), and guanabana and Bentonite clay ( an aussie retailer provides a good clean source i trust).

Why not silverware? many reasons, but to name a few - Copper, Tin, Nickel. I refine metals myself, I can tell you, theres more shit in there than silver!! I dont ever bother with it. most of it is german silver despite it's hallmark..

( I know the copper makes you think sterling silver and blue right!)

Having expressed my concerns I wish you good luck, health and saftey on your exploration of this age-old concept.

Have you considered magnesium metals in water? no power needed. I wouldnt buy "bullion" if i wanted pure metal. certified metal from jewelery supplies store.

Edited by ghosty
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Sweet, ill have do some research into those acacia species and I will look into magnesium a bit more also : )

I only just got some prunella seeds the other day, from what I have heard I think it will be a great addition to the garden.

Thanks for the info & concern, very appreciated : )

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Those "bullion coins" are a perfect example of what NOT to use! However, used to make feminizing seeds / plants, that i had not come across. Some people would love it for that reason =P

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So what happens to colloidal silver after it comes into contact with stomach acid, digestive enzymes and bile salts etc ?

Our digestive system rips things to bits and cleaves fractions off sometimes using metals as chelating agents to carry them into the bloodstream. Can ingesting silver products alter the electrical potential of other chelating metals and their co-factors ?

Then what happens after it's digested and goes through the liver with a myriad of other antagonistic and/or auxiliary compounds ?

I suppose what I'm trying to say in my heavily inebriated state - does ingesting colloidal silver affect the energy transfer mechanisms in the mitochondria / krebs reactions

I'd use it topically but I'd be a bit wary of drinking it.

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Yeah I wrote that ^ last night after almost a litre of whiskey, I'm surprised it that it is even legible.

Surprisingly I woke without a hangover this morning, it must have been blended by a master distiller <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_newimprovedwinkonclear.gif

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