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Central African Republic: Suspected Ebola case in Bangui



Lucie Lecomte has found another potentially big story on Corbeau News: An Ebola case reported in Bangui. The Google translation:



According to the information we have right now, the first case of Ebola just be detected complex pediatric general hospital in Bangui.


The patient is isolated in time and the hall emptied. A general panic sets. The patient population in this complex begins to leak to go home despite their health. for Ebola.


Testing is underway at the Institut Pasteur to confirm or not the emergence of Ebola in CAR.


We will return at length on this issue in future editions.


It's a serious concern when Ebola gets into another country, and the CAR, with countless displaced people






apparently this is independent of the west african outbreak


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On 20 August, several people, including four health care workers, were reported to have died of Ebola-like symptoms in the remote northern Équateur province, a province that lies about 750 miles north of the capital Kinshasa.[92] By 21 August, 13 people were reported to have died with similar symptoms. On 22 August, a World Health Organization (WHO) official and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) announced that it was too soon to tell whether Ebola had caused the deaths.[93]

Blood samples were sent for testing and on 24 August it was reported that the samples were positive for Ebola; one tested positive for the Sudan ebolavirus, which is a different species of ebolavirus than the one responsible for the West African outbreak; the other tested positive for a mixture of the Sudanese and Zaire species, the species that is responsible for the present outbreak in West Africa.[9

On 26 August, the Équateur Province Ministry of Health confirmed an outbreak of Ebola to the WHO.[96] The initial case was a woman from Ikanamongo Village who became ill with symptoms of Ebola after she had butchered a bush animal that her husband had killed. She was treated in a private clinic in Isaka Village, but on 11 August she died of a then-unidentified hemorrhagic fever. The following week, relatives of the woman, several health-care workers who had treated the woman, and individuals that they had been in contact with came down with similar symptoms. Five health care workers subsequently died.[96]

On 26 August, the WHO reported: "Between 28 July and 18 August, a total of 24 suspected cases of Ebola virus, including 13 deaths, have been noted. Samples have been sent to laboratories in Kinshasa and in Gabon for confirmation of EVD and to identify the strain. The index case and the 80 contacts have no history of travel to the EVD-affected countries in West Africa (Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, or Sierra Leone) or history of contact with individuals from the affected areas. At this time, it is believed that the outbreak in DRC is unrelated to the ongoing outbreak in West Africa."[96]



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Countries with suspected or non-transmissive cases


Germany has set up a special isolation ward that will care for up to six patients at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf to provide treatment for Ebola patients. On 27 August the first patient arrived, a Senegalese epidemiologist who was working for the World Health Organization in Sierra Leone.[135]


On Tuesday 27 August the Times of India reported that 112 Indian citizens and four Nepalese citizens had landed in Mumbai and Delhi from Liberia.[139] Of the 17 who had arrived in Delhi, one had fever symptoms and had been quarantined at the Airport Health Organisation (APHO), an airport medical facility. Six others were screened for Ebola, and five passengers who arrived on routine flights from affected countries showing fever symptoms had also been quarantined. Earlier, it was reported that an isolation facility with 120 beds was being created in the Hindu Hriday Samrat Jogeshwari trauma care hospital by Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC).[140] As of 28 August, Health Ministry reported that 821 persons are being monitored and tracked for Ebola virus.[141]


On 5 August, the Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God confirmed that the Spanish Brother Miguel Pajares was infected with the Ebola virus while volunteering in Liberia. His repatriation, coordinated by the Spanish Ministry of Defence, occurred on 6 August 2014.[142] Spanish authorities confirmed that the patient would be treated in the 'Carlos III' hospital in Madrid. The decision attracted some controversy, amid questions as to the authorities' ability to guarantee no risk of transmission.[143] Brother Pajares died from the virus on 12 August.[144]

United Kingdom

In August, an isolation unit at the Royal Free Hospital in North London was prepared to treat patients with highly infectious diseases. On 24 August, William Pooley, a British citizen, was medically evacuated from Sierra Leone for treatment in the newly created unit. Pooley, a British health worker, is the first British citizen confirmed to have contracted the disease in Sierra Leone.[145]

United States

American aid worker Kent Brantly became infected with Ebola, while working in a Monrovia treatment centre as medical director for the aid group Samaritan’s Purse; Nancy Writebol, one of Brantly's missionary co-workers, became infected at the same time.[146][147][148] Both were flown to the United States at the beginning of August for further treatment in Atlanta's Emory University Hospital, near the headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control.[149] On 21 August, both Dr. Brantly and Ms. Writebol were discharged from Emory University Hospital, having recovered from the virus. Neither patient is considered contagious.[150]


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Who was that billionaire that was suggesting Ebola be used to reduce the world population late last year ?

I see NMapp has been used successfully to treat several patients in Africa. It hasn't even been tested for long term safety on primates but it's been deemed safe for human use. <___base_url___>/uploads/emoticons/default_unsure.png

Bring on the trans humans, the zombie apocalypse is nigh !

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Emergencies can justify skipping testing.

If I was infected with something 40-90% lethal that would kill me in two weeks I would not opt to wait 8 years for proper clinical trials for a treatment that might improve my chances of survival.

Creepy that multiple ebola strains are mixing in humans.

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Interesting. It's either engineered. Or.

There are continually small outbreaks that no-one really notices, and that the paranoia surrounding this mega outbreak in West Africa have made testing more rigorous.

The last seems unlikely, unless the usual outbreaks are so severe - with a 90% death rate - that most of the infected rarely get to pass the disease on. With increasing movement between populations, and population growth faster than medical facilities can grow to provide, it seems the virus gets a much greater chance to spread.

The possibility of an outbreak in India is quite terrifying, actually. It could rapidly get out of control there. I think it's beyond time to isolate the infected nations, and possibly time to consider stricter border controls for Australia and prevent people from infected nations from coming here without being placed in isolation until they have been thoroughly tested.

This might sound extreme, but for quite some time I think this problem hasn't been treated severely enough and the more it gets ignored the greater the measures needed to contain it. If the virus is infecting exponentially, this makes the measures needed to control it have accelerated exponentially as well. Think about it.

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considering in geopolitical conflicts going on and the various factions interested in developing chunks of africa, I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out to be linked to bio-terrorism, not thats its a brand new notion...

im still gonna keep a positive attitude and tune out the doomsday business, but its all too sad how these places are ill equipped to handle the issue and the populations reaction.. it could very well be experimentation without regard to cost... fact is all the 1st world nations are spending 90% of the efforts to make sure it doesn't land on their doorstep

Sally I think you mean that Bill Gates Speech? where he mentions vaccines as a means to population control in the same sentence but then offers a shady explanation , yeah its kinda creepy...

it's time


i'll go get the tinfoil

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Billy Gates is a poster boy for the eugenics movement, he's been pushing for a reduction in the worlds population (using vaccines as a delivery system) for a long time but there was another billionaire from the UK directly calling for Ebola to used for the same purpose in Africa late last year. Web searches don't seem to find any reference to that speech he made. I took it with a grain of salt when I read it and didn't take note of his name, so I'm not sure who he was. Maybe a more refined search relating to supporters of eugenics in the UK would turn something up but I really couldn't be fucked at the moment.

I saw on TV last night a local nurse is about to leave to help with the Ebola crisis in Africa, which is all well and good but it's a bit of a concern as to what sort of quarantine systems are in place for those returning home after being in the front line of the battle. If they return and they are asymptomatic do they just stroll through the gates with all the other passengers ?

Megadose vitamin C has been used successfully to actually cure people of viral infections that modern medicine can't deal with. Doctors are very resistant to this approach and they really aren't allowed to administer mega doses of vitamin c because of the influence of the chemical companies they work for. Doctors are just salesmen for drug companies and all their ideals are filtered through that sellout mentality.

When the swine flu struck a few years ago a NZ man - Alan Smith was diagnosed as being terminal and the quacks wanted to turn off his life support. The family resisted and pleaded with doctors to try mega dose vitamin c. When they finally relented and gave it shot he started to recover. Then for some reason the hospital decided to refuse to continue the treatment which was working and he took a turn for the worse and almost died again. After battling with hospital officials to start the treatment again he started to recover again and then hospital stopped treatment again. This went on for several cycles and it eventually took legal action to have the treatment reinstated. In the end he made a full recovery.


There is no virus that can resist mega dose vitamin C

Normal vitamin C is so poorly absorbed that you would have scoff insane amounts before you see any effect, taking tablets would almost certainly be futile. The vitamin c has to be IV administered or be liposomal encapsulated to efficiently pass through the GI tract and have any real effect.

Time to drag out the ultrasonic cleaner and knock up few batches liposomal encapsulated vitamin C.

I think this guy has made a few mistakes regarding absorption rates, but the guide for making it is still relevant.


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Not that i agree with eugenics at all, but i do think the topic of sustainable population limits are something we as a civilization should in reality at least discuss, and not that we should actually implement such an idea but rather the discussion of such brings to light our potential future struggles due to our lack of foresight. Perhaps our lives are all too short for the kind of reflection and decision making that is really needed to move forward, and truly realise our impact in the world

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there are too many of us for the way we live..............but we (as in humanity) without making any real sacrifice's could easily live sustainably even with a considerable rise in population & life span.....stop eating meat....stop burning fossil's....stop cutting down trees/forest's ...stop dumping into our water (we are like kids dumping in the bath & pissing into our tea)........essentially grow up ....there are just so many wonderful solutions.....but sadly as the majority seem mentally retarded...& continue to support an authoritative/gangster like governance...where it seems perfectly normal to have huge chasms between income.....haves/have nots... the 4 horseman continue to ride....it never ceases to shock me just how naive to the true political/economic reality the average individual is...they just spew forth parroting the message from main stream media...seemingly without consideration/reflection or a few minutes of research...yet they carry 'smart phones' like an appendage...wikipedia is just a click away...I gave up all hope long ago..."abandon all hope all yee who enter"

meanwhile on the asylum home world 'earth'

Sierra Leone orders three-day shutdown to stall Ebola

DR Congo Ebola death toll climbs to 32

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"Sierra Leone said Saturday it will confine people to their homes in a nationwide three-day shutdown later this month aimed at containing the Ebola epidemic threatening west Africa."

Not to be overtly negative here but i kinda doubt this will work aka actually keep people off the streets.

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After my last (inebriated) post in this thread, I've had time to reflect on what I posted and I really started to wonder if the information I posted was accurate. With this being a life and death issue I needed some more evidence to assure myself that I wasn't blindly regurgitating false information.

So I've been engaged in consultation with several people much more learned than myself. I referred several knowledgeable people to what I'd posted above to try to come to some consensus about issues I outlined above. Most of my questions were specifically relating to the procedure outlined in the youtube vid I posted regarding the manufacture of Liposomal vitamin C.

From the seven people I questioned (all have tertiary qualifications in either chemistry or biotech or both) 5 of them tentatively agreed that the procedure outlined in that youtube seems to be legit but some expressed some doubts about the procedure and none would unequivocally state that the procedure would produce a stable form of micro encapsulated vitamin C, but all agreed that the principal was sound. The two that had serious doubts admitted that they don't have the experience to either deny or confirm the outcome without replicating the procedure themselves. Coincidently the best information I got was was from a trusted member from this forum and he seems to think the procedure seems legit but he has stated that the procedure could have some flaws.

So in my mind the liposomal vitamin C (LVC) seems like it could well be produced by that method, which raises the issue of whether the LVC is effective in the treatment of viral pathogens. Three of the people I spoke to did express some doubts about the accuracy of the statement I made stating that "no virus can resist mega dose vitamin C"

I've linked several resources to those with doubts and one has changed his tune and now seems to be in accord but the other two are not convinced and won't be drawn to a conclusion either way (I don't know if they took the time read the links I posted)

Anyway all I can do is post some information and leave it for other more knowledgeable people to review and discredit it if they find any shortcomings. I welcome anyone with relevant qualifications to scrutinise this information and give honest opinions.

I really don't want to give anyone false hope or spread misinformation.




I also have a lot more resources indicating that this a viable treatment option for viral pathogens especially if the patient is treated before the point of no return.

If it wasn't for mega dose vitamin C I'd be sitting in a wheelchair waiting to die.

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I know what you mean and how you feel about it Sally but its worth the info in case anyone ever comes to the need... I for one believe in the saying "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" which was coined by the father of western medicine, Hippocrates. The body is so amazing and I think its always best to give the body the chance to do what it does with all the minerals and nutrients it needs before introducing modern medicine... Its sad but I think most science is effectively sales propaganda and is powerful enough to make the natural lifestyle seem quacky, but i'd rather be in the group that rarely or never gets sick.

I used to be quite sickly on a seasonal basis.. I had asthma as a youth, and allergies like hell every winter and spring... used to have major ear problems with each cold etc... I haven't been sick in years for more than an hour or two other then the mental stuff.... I occasionally get headaches and might consume and aspirin here or there but I look to hydration first unless its bad... I started eating alot of healthy foods and almost completely cut out the junk and the stress has been from the dramatic change but the more i've gotten used to it over the years the more im comfortable and even enjoy the healthy choices that I used to think would have been impossible to be used to... I did get sick a couple of times a few years ago and instead of running to a doctor i'd fill myself up with stuff like olive leaf extract, garlic, ginger, turmeric, royal jelly, oregano oil and I even keep grapefruit seeds around as an anit-everything eh... I know for sure that if one gets a flu or cold that the body uses up massive amounts of vitamin C and so when I got any sign of a cold the first thing i'd do is make an apple cider vinegar tonic and down several thousand mg's of esther C a few times per day... this hasalways killed it pretty fast...

not long ago, maybe a year ago, I had a toothache and was sorta scared and so I went to my sisters work (a doctor)... he spent most of the time trying to convince me that I needed to get a flu shot and we just argued for a few minutes... I only went to get anti biotics to be safe...I never ended up taking them and I even still have the same tooth with the same hole in it that I should have taken care of by now lol ... instead I've been dousing it with oregano oil and just cleaning it regularly (I have no insurance)... an no further issues other than deteioration.. one other time it got worse and I pretty much took all those things I listed and once again did not need the anti biotics... my sister got fired from there and im glad cause they made her take the flu shot to work there... she's been having alot of health issues but I think its mostly about her diet but I don't think the flu shot helped anything...

I heard a doctor not long ago state that 90% of the immune system is in the digestive tract and I am certain that its a crucial aspect of immunity @ probiotics..its just sad to see something like ebola in a place where the nutrition is as it is... watching vids of the voluneer doctors over there im realizing my own phobia for doctors as I don't even trust them.. I do listen to wholistic doctors from time to time and they have been coming across alot of evidence

but the type which would conflict with the sale of prescription drugs and in direct conflict with methods of the federal drug agency in the states... im especially cautious due to the fact that I have known family friends who lived very crappy lives on 20 or more prescription drugs and thats no way to live... not to mention that theres rarely any studies for how these drugs work or don't work when mixed... it was enough inspiration for me to change my lifestyle when I finally hit that point in maturity where I began to take my health seriously

well anyways... I don't know if Vitamin C is the absolute cure but its on the right track IMO just knowing how the immune system uses it up under stress... I also saw a video just a day or two ago, talking about how intravenous vitamin C injections is how this doctor claimed to rid ppl of tumors, along with other steps..


also very interesting what he is saying starting around 6:16 in the vid (towards the end)

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you can fix ur quack-dar with vitamin L

what is clear is that some populations get cancers that other populations don't... things to look at are diets, exposure to elements and industries, and stress levels...

again... vitamin C isn't a proven cure but aiding the immune system never hurts with anything :D I also buy into the notion

of alkalizing the system, not that you should be taking baking soda all the time but every now and then...

so eat ur god damned oranges yO

here's another vid regarding a potential breakthrough... I can't guarantee validity but if you are a big fan of eating medicinal foods

then Goji might be worth a look @ preVEntative maintenance...


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That last vid was quite interesting. What may be happening also, is that people are getting cancer and then spontaneously remissing without the medical system (or the person) even being aware of it, and the big problem occurs when the body is in a poor state of health or there is some missing element / imbalance which sends the things out of control, which of course becomes much more difficult (but not impossible) to treat.

Having a healthy immune system and good nutritional balance may well be the way to "cure" tiny cancers before they even get out of control.

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Vitamin c is typically administered as a mixture of ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate (a base). So should be close to neutral, and together forms a buffer solution so may even reduce stomach acidity slightly.

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well I certainly am not gonna defend the guy on that one .. maybe he's dead wrong or maybe its true in some 3rd world country somewhere I dunno but i'd guess probably not ... not claiming to know either way I just don't screw with table salt but believe that regular unrefined sea salt is healthier than most ppl think... I just saw the vid the other day and was focused on the vitamin C aspect undeniable that its helpful to cancer patients tho.. heres a link from cancer.gov .. personally I'd go with sea salt as its high in minerals.. and really thats the purpose of eating to get all the nutrients, minerals and vitamins that you need... table salt is refined and has additives not that iodine isn't good but I just read its even flouridated in some places? The guy maybe a quack, but so is anyone who threatens huge profits to a well paid scientist.... I couldn't support him on every word hell I jus saw the vid for the first time 2 or 3 days ago maybe but he's not the only one touting positive results from Vit C in cancer studies


so minimally, Vit C helps alot? eh, certainly helps with immune function in general.. and I know when one gets the flu , vitamin c is depleted dramatically... the remedy I tried only once, cause I only felt the flu coming on once in the past 3 or 4 years, was drink the apple cider vinegar several times, with honey and water and lemon or whatever it takes to go down... and a shitload of vitamin c pills several times per day... the one time i was bothered with flu symptoms it was almost gone by day 2 and by day 3 I was fucking around again ... years before that I caught something that lasted for days, more than a week and even with antibiotics it was stilll around that long and thats when I tried the ACV but I dont' remember how much.. I know if you are going to do the anti biotics you should also take probiotics to replenish the digestive system with benefecials and ACV also feeds them.

This lady (below) talks about alkalizing @ responding to your comment Dreamwalker... even apple cider Vinegar, an acid, has an alkalizing effect when taken I guess it signals to the body that theres enough acid to digest with and so it stops producing but im not sure about its affect on the blood ph... I know that its a pre-biotic however which is EXTREMELY benefecial to immune function and metabolism... She also references Dr Kaufman which comes on the cheap channels here alot my mom watches him... He believes that cancers and several other diseases are fungus related.. its worth paying attention to imho.. theres alot of things related to inflammation and most ppl dont' realize it but fungus is everwhere and taking supplements to fight fungus can make days a little easier.. i can't say for sure that it works but i've been taking Curamed a patented form of turmeric and olive leaf extract for just general parasite cleansing... healthy immune system is the way to go im really not sure how vitamin C affects blood ph with or without the buffer, but I know its essential


@ Whitewind... I certainly do think that poor nutrition is the #1 reason for lots of issues such as cancer... I've heard ppl say theres no such thing as a body that is completly cancer free but its whether or not it can thrive or not... We know that places that eat ALOT of untainted fish have low cancer levels but might be related to other factors too.. maybe the omega 3 helps their brain and since they are balanced and their reward centers aren't screwed up, they are making sound diet decisions, where as the typical american is the habitual comfort food eater lol the american diet includes sugar addiction, trans fats , color dyes and tons of dairy stuff, all which have some adverse effects...

sure you can get calcium from milk but where do cows get calcium from? I figure its made for baby cows and they should have the milk, but i'll splurge with the cheese here and there kinda hard to give up cheese but i stopped drinking milk a long time ago too though I occasionally will cook oatmeal with it... I really think that made it ez to keep weight off but also the milkfat is said to affect DHA negatively.. I eat alot of greek yogurt too but sort of in phases I get sick of it for a time and then start again and I have to mix stuff with it like fruits and of course I get it without high fructose and add stevia ...

it just might be that cancer and other disease is related to fungus and whether not it can succeed in the blood or not but either way getting rid of the fungus has to be the right thing, being that healthy white blood cells attack the little boogers... poor nutrition certainly makes for a good fungus habitat....its nice to see white blood cells knock the fungi dead when they're in a healthy oxygenated stream.. since seeing that vid , i want to know my blood is functioning just like it is towards the end of that vid

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It doesn't surprise me if they put glass into salt..maybe as a free flowing agent....I don't know...(I need to search that)..either way I'm buying raw sea salt from now...(even though salt here is from the sea ...there are additives..we are low on iodine & Se here)...

Turmeric is a miracle food & just to pay homage to Ebola...its a powerful anti septic....I make my own bread (supermarket stuff is ge soy I suspect & not really a bread..fluffy air surgery stuff) ..anyway's I put almost a cup of turmeric in & grind black pepper in to aid body absorption to the mix, but sometimes I wonder due to its expense..if the bulk shop..Asian owners might be tempted to adulterate it with additives.(more harm than good?). I manage to grow some but its hard in a temperate climate ...even inside..it barely survives...

We all have cancer (& a lot of other things), its normal but the immune system & healthy DNA repair pathways keeps it at bay...so a healthy immune/defence system ensures heath.

Ebola is surging in places it had been beaten back

African Union meets for Ebola crisis talks (Update)

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