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The Corroboree

Serendipity and dmt

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Dmt works in miraculous ways,just wondering how anyone came across the spirit molecule for the 1st time in terms of dmt attraction. Me myself believe Mary Jane 9 years ago was the catalyst to my beginning of this epic journey,pls share your stories.

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This one time I took my dog to work with me, She spewed in the car. The worst part was she ate her shit that morning and basically spewed steaming hot turd that ran down the back of my seat .

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I read The Naked Lunch about 20 years ago and in the appendix at the back, Burroughs writes about some of the more obscure teachers. This was before the internet was up and running, so I spent ages in the university library looking for B caapi in the database and books without any luck. Then 14 years ago I was in Prague and bought a few grams of cubensis from a head shop, and about a year after that I felt an unuaual and strong calling to follow this path, which I have been meandering down ever since.

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I read The Naked Lunch about 20 years ago and in the appendix at the back, Burroughs writes about some of the more obscure teachers. This was before the internet was up and running, so I spent ages in the university library looking for B caapi in the database and books without any luck. Then 14 years ago I was in Prague and bought a few grams of cubensis from a head shop, and about a year after that I felt an unuaual and strong calling to follow this path, which I have been meandering down ever since.

oh wow this for me as well along with a friend making me watch The rainbow and the serpent. But definitley reading Burroughs notes in the back of NL statred my curiousity. So weird i had nearly totally forgot about that.

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Being late twenties, I too have used other sources to gain info before the net came a long. But since my discovery of psychs most of the info has been from online (apart from trouts notes). Lol how did the older generation come across books and understand something say, like dmt extraction<<<mindblown

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My journey in short.. smoke bud for almost a decade, become friends with a fellow stoner then his mate then again the mates mate. Jag a job locally were the 'mates mate' worked and after working there for a year a bloke who started when I did (being an ex drug fiend) told me about the spirit molecule.. so I research for about 8 months and convince my mate (the mates mate)lol to try it with me.. 2 failed extractions later he tells me I think I know another mate whos knows about this lol. So I meet the 'another mate'who works at the same joint and he hooks us up with a taste.. nek minnit afew shroom/acid/changa journies have me right where I am now, and shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where this is going haha. Btw most of my experiences have been over 3 yrs months seprating them, im no meathead lol have even knocked back peyote previously(not my time).. I would love to have my own garden someday and envy all the awesome ones ive seen on this forum. Keep spreading the knowledge and i'll do the same to the young dudes when mines up and ready yeww

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Mine was dreamtime (changa) at woodford folk fest. It wasn't my first psyc experience far from it but it was the first one where the world shattered into pieces... I seen ganesh which is weird since I was very closed off to spiritually at that point, I wouldn't even have known his name but there where thousands one sitting on each piece of shattered world. AWESOME!!!!!

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