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I'd like to make a direct appeal to the (not to be taken literally) 'perverts'* as I call them.(*readers, but not posters)

Yes you!

I know you have a positive contribution to make, somewhere.

By saying this I don't mean to pressure you into posting but it'd be nice if you popped in and said hello.

I'm sure Torsten is happy that you are here absorbing information, feeding you neuro-receptors, but the community requires your imput, even if it is just to acknowledge your interest.

eg: Hi, I'm Billy Ripin (maybe a less cliche` name) and I'm a self confessed pervert*,

I am interested in ethnobotany, photography, gardening, cooking and stamp collecting.....etc

(& by that I don't mean, porn, dope, synthetics manufacture and acid hording )

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Word to that Adrian!

It shit's me too that nobody ever posts New topics , I come here , I get bored , then I make with the hijinx. If you wanna see the hijinx slowed down start posting more STUFF!!!!

I know there's shitloads of people out there reading , is it really that much effort to post as well?


I do what I can for "the cause" but jesus , WE NEED SOME MORE POSTS HERE YOU FILTHY BITCHES!!!

Hi im Chemical Shaman , my interests include drug abuse and naked ladies.

If I could be any fruit it would be a potato.


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Wastl ate a cactus with knife and fork the other day, of course after removing the spines first.

A young san pedro...he chewed every bite very well, cut out the core, a bit like eating an unripe cucumber...oh wastl, you're sucha dickhead...

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C'mon, ppl have all sorts of reasons for lurking, some of them might even be good. Anyhow, its the shy ones you've gotta watch, isn't it?

Don't scare them...yet...let them draw close https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=&key=ed93ee4b8a158835e0af19ead9c794b11af03de360911f7858b9da338588c45d

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Originally posted by darcy:

Long time poster, first time lurker.

I've seen you here before

I've been a bit slack here in oz now, but the internet here is so fucken slow compared to europe.

It'll just take a while to get used to the speed again.

you better watch it when you knock our speed!

Are you implying Ozzies Can't 'cook'

My interests include stalking lurkers and peeling off their skin with a blunt cactus. You know who you are.

You wanna push my "buttons" don't you?



[This message has been edited by Adrian (edited 16 January 2002).]

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Originally posted by Chemical Shaman:

You were tripping hardcore when you wrote this weren't you.

he's right. Unless you got cable in OZ, you're fucked. I'm waiting for Mullumbimby to get the wireless loop off the ground, but if they don't I'm going sattellite by march. I'm sick of wasting time.

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Guest Nozzle Boy

Me thinks/knows that me used ta be, um, what's an inventive and generally dumb thing to say ? That's non-perverty ? Oh well, fuck it, but I reckons me's used to write more than me actally thoughts.

Just before I lost connection to the net a bit of time back, I pretty much started to slow down on the posting, and would really only look at the Chill Space, if I was bored and had nothing else to bother with.

Nowadees, with the net back again, something musta happened in my period of internet-celibacy - coz these days ( I've already used nowadays, so mind your own beescum ) I really couldn't care less aboot honking in my 2.2 GST included sense. I mean, whatever happend to th' days of a posting spree for the hell'o'it ? It's really only pointless drivel inspired topics like these that inspire moi to yak on aboot crap, and chuck in cool words ( English or latin, who REALLY notices ? Alright, everybody with a decent education, but hey, they should also be smart enuff to realize I DON'T CARE ! Well I suppose I do - when is this bracket going to end ? )

… where was I ? Oh, fuck it, it's like 5:32 in the morning, I'm getting distracted by a mate killing "zombies" in Carmageddon II next to me, I can't even finish this sentcence, I'm so tired, and ill-attentive. Maybe I should put a HTML warning at the top of this post aboot how stupid this post really is !?! Oh, fuck it again. I'm typing this without even looking at the screen, touch tuping rulz.

I'm gonna end this post now, and read the other 10 topics I gotta read before I pass out.

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Well, i'm so fucking sorry for my lurking. I guess I did not feel I had alot to add, due to my relative inexperience.

Still, i'm trying to get into it, with a bit of help from generous people like Tripitaka.

As for things I've eaten, I once foolishly tried datura when I was a teen, before I even knew how dangerous it could be. I had read a book about Shamans so I just went out, found a Datura, and ate some. I actually thought it was enjoyable. My friend on the other hand, had a bad trip, and kept on babbling about how he could only see in black and white.

Umm that's about it.

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Originally posted by Yeti101:

I had read a book about Shamans so I just went out, found a Datura, and ate some. I actually thought it was enjoyable.

here we have positive scientific proof that datura will turn you into a pervert (or at least a lurker) https://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/applications/core/interface/imageproxy/imageproxy.php?img=http://www.shaman-australis.com/ubb/wink.gif&key=4919fe9fb0297038d452b640b095bc279f8cc68a37fc8152fee24836b0d8f0df

While I don't advocate drug use for kids, it is interesting to note that (even though I have heard of some horror stories in regards to accidental overdoses etc) most kids just don't have bad trips. I guess it is like animals, who presumably don't have bad trips either (well at least MY dog loved shrooms).

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Feeding shrooms to your dog!

REminds me of my younger years... he he he ...getting the dog(s) stoned... Some of them loved it and came back for more.


But no serious... I read that the south american indians give YOPO and Ayahuasca to their dogs... so that they will hunt better!


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So that is where the US government got the idea of giving Dex and (suposedly) PCP to their troops in Vietnam from. Not that it did them, or anyone for that matter, any good.

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Originally posted by turps:

i think it's kids and animals smaller frame

of reference that makes them more positive

Possibly, but maybe it is their intact and balanced neurotransmitter systems. Most kids are just oozing serotonin and bursting with dopamine, while their adrenal levels have not developed into a problem yet (as is soooo common with adults).

Animals are always neurobalanced - well, almost always.

BTW, I did not feed shrooms to my dog. She stole 'them'. I had finished drinking my first cup of tea and had just gotten my second cup, when the first one hit me and hit me hard. I sank into a deck chair on my friend's verandah and just managed to put the mug down next to me otherwise I would have dropped it. For a moment I listened to a rhythmic slurping sound while pretty much loosing it. I had no idea what was going on. After a few minutes I regained some composure and picked up my mug to find it was almost empty. About 10 minutes later my 7 y.o. rather lethargic dog became as playful as she used to be as a puppy and we had the most fun afternoon. Mine wore off after about 5 hours and hers after 8.

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