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razinger quits, time for a black pope

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joseph razinger, is bailing out, which i think is a good idea, the only good idea, he ever had, according to my believes.

let's hope other popes will follow, in his footsteps regarding this issue, and aswell retire, once they get frail. i mean they run a business like all other businesses, and DO YOU THINK, A FRAIL PERSON IS CAPABLE OF RUNNING A SUCCESFULL BUSINESS?

even if the whole vatican monster show is run by, other people than the pope.

i really hope, the next pope is a black pope, with lots of charisma, and with iboga experience! :)

how come, many catholics are black, but you hardly see any black people in the vatican?

ohh, now i understand, razinger enjoyed THE HITLER YOUTH.

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A black pope, what a classic !

The thought of a black man in a white gown like the KKK wears just seems hilarious to me for some reason.

Maybe they should put the contenders through a reality show style contest like survivor.

Make sure the next bastard has a few good years left in him.

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Apparently there have been ethnic African popes sometime before the last millenia - but as to whether or not they 'looked Roman' - I don't know. Their portraits are certainly different to the stereotypical African faces (nappy hair, large nose, very dark skin), but perhaps they were done afterwards (I'm not sure if there are any 1500 year old portraits?)
I'm sorry I have no sources - Catholic history isn't high on my list of things to give cares about. :P

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How about a black, female-identifying, gay transgender pope.. Just to cover a few more bases.. :)

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how about no pope at all, how about the collapse of the whole catholic structure...

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actually, i saw somewhere that the top contender for succession is an african guy...

Edited by endorfinder

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thought this was interesting...


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yep, there were black popes before, but long time ago, and yep i heard aswell the story of the top contendor being african.

btw, apart from the last two popes, all the modern popes came from italy.

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Father Bob for pope!

i think the vatican excuminicated (he's the ozzi lefebvre) him, but he would be aswell, my top choice as an antipope (there are quite a few popes and antipopes around).

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I think we should elect a head santa. It has as much merit as a pope. There are millions of santas roaming shopping centres influencing mainly kids. There is absolutely no structure to the ritual that is xmas. Kids get duped into a lie from birth and then find santa still haunts them in adult life, as a manifestation of lies and cheating. Yes Santa is a fraud, simply a figment of a long forgotten advertising jingle, however he was based on a ideological basis as religion in origin. There should be a formation of governance and a base built at the North Pole. Every Santa in the world will have to join or hang up the beard. The tradition of longest grey beard strand shall be the first test, then with a HO HO HO off, the Santa with the loudest decibells shall be placed in the leadership groups. Then finally there will be a beard tug of war and the winner will be named. SANTA CLAUS. All others will be referred to as SANTA 1/2/3 and so on.

Then they can recruit workers to build a fortress. Within this fortress, things will be built. A special plane shall be built, called the SANTA CLAUS EXPRESS and will be painted with reindeers. I dont know about dropping presents but im sure they will drop money or North Pole wishes or similar.

Now understandably, this will never happen. However it does have merit. All it does is symbolise a tiny bit of truth to the whole sham that is christmas. What is xmas, its propping up kmart and filling houses with plastic crap that breaks by lunchtime usually. Then we stuff our faces with food and beer, and have a nap. What does it mean, not anything really. Its meaningless. It symbolises christ i suppose but its all a bit of a mess i feel. Ther should be an active push towards less gifts on xmas. Less emphasis on gluttony and more on self reflection, not reflecting your status onto others. What that has to do with a black pope? Ill move onto that if i can figure it out.

Personally i have no time for religion. If God is going to condemn me for not having faith in him, then i have misread his intentions. Strange how i still refer to God though. The strange thing is though that im open to the possibility of God, which is faith to a very small degree. But who can make sense of it when, there are hundreds of religions with millions of followers proclaiming the same contadiction that a particular way whether that be mormons or christians must be adhered to as the only way to salvation. Now go to a roulette table, spin the wheel and back yourself that you picked the way to heaven. Leaves alot of wrong believers who are no better off than me with no religion. Basically i dont bet on low odds. Ill keep my money in my pocket and gamble on myself. Is God going to punish me for that, seems a bit cruel.

What i believe God to be is inside your head. Every minute we have a voice in our brain that directs our life. See....its there isnt it. It speaks to you. It is a very strange thing really that we tend to forget about. We have a body, we have a brain and we have a conciousness. This conciosness tells us every second of every moment from dreams to opinions, that there is some very spooky thing commanding you to do things right now. Like for example, dont kill someone. We know we shouldnt really kill people, it makes sense not to act and break your internal rules, people still do kill but then they undergo a negative pattern which demonises them in prison, rightly so. They broke the simple rules off life pre-built in our heads. So clever men expressed this via old testments and similar. They developed the blueprint for mankind by externalising core internal values. The strange thing is we look to the stars as our way out, up to the clouds. When the whole time, what i believe is God is that voice in your head. There is no point looking for god, you are god. You are a miracle of evolution. You have made it to this page now by odds so large, its unfathomable. If your great grandad the mr monkey from many millions of years ago didnt escape that hungry tiger, you would be long gone. Erased by history. As fact has it you stand here today the commander of your chain. Which easily answers the question of who made god. Now im sure that many believers in religion will be tutt tutting to this blasphemy. Your entitled to your beliefs if that is the way that you cope with your very possible eradication from the life strand. Its measurable that we all fear death, an rightly so. I didnt spend 4 billion years getting here for nothing. You are actually in heaven right now. You are living. Your life has been created, you stand now as a conscious being capable of good and evil. Hence you are also god and the proverbial satan. Which is why, generally most people choose the correct side which we will call good or god. This allows us to remain as a living being with more stability, which increases our chances of reproduction. The only magic thing we can create as a being is a child. That is all we can do, fundamentally as a creator. Metaphorically we can create from nothing just as god can. Hence once again you are god. Your son or daughter ill continue the chain as long as the restrictions of the physical rules of the universe will allow. It doesnt really matter if you are childless as it simply means you are the last god. No matter what one day, the sun will blow up and your sons sun will die too.

So a black pope is about as viable as head Santa Claus in my opinion. Both are based on what i believe to be fallacy and fantasy. See it gets dangerous expressing these opinions as you run the risk of upsetting a mentally unstable person. Not all religious people are unstable but i believe there are general signs that indicate it is a possibility. Rituals like sunday chuch, obbsesive compulsive, the desire to be clean- compulsive, the desire to force opinion...manic, belief in other worlds - delusions, attaining heaven -granduer, but when i speak to mormons at my door, you can kind of tell...well, thats not for me to judge. Mayby i can judge, im god. Well one of 7 billion now anyway. Seems to me, living the life best for you within lifes general rules and not forcing yourself to much, keeping yourself as sane as possible will keep you on a positive and in the end rewarding life. If you find all this confronting, then join a church and find your way. Simply though, the undeniable facts are that no man has ever come back from death, GOD has never said hello to the world as a whole or anyone single person can back with undeniable scientific truth, there are too many reiligions differing in truths that the rest are fairy tales and story in basis only, no proof has ever been found of ghosts, aliens or magic which simply says, god doesnt work magic...mainly as he isnt here. Evolution is really undeniable, if so take a walk to the mountains and study some rocks. The universe is so vast it may as well be forgotten. Yes its big and pretty and good for dreaming, but we have evolved here on earth and we belong here, to externalise this desire shows how little we look inwards at ourselves, which is a fact. If i took this argument to the vatican, i would be met with suspicion and possibly some hostility as i am essentially arguing that a black pope has about as much signifigance as the appointing of a new test cricket skipper of australia, and a head santa. Allthough he is not the smartest be it all man possibly alive, Steven Hawkings believes in this internal cranial universe.

But in spite of the undeniable facts millions eagerly await a pope. Surely millions of people cant be wrong. Surely the Pope cant be wrong. Unfortunately its impossible to ever win an argument against religion as you end up against FAITH. Unfortunately faith is the final rhetorical wall that cannot be challenged. Try challenge the faith of one person, let alone millions. However faith can be challenged. There are two teams in the superbowl. Both sets of teams fans generally have faith for that team, otherwise they would go for an alternate team. The millions of supporters of the losing team, find out faith is not enough. Its reason that outweighs faith. A bookmaker who makes his living off the probability of life, may have faith in his team but that wont stop him lowering the odds on the other team. However i wonder if that same bookmaker was a christian but made odds that its not real against other mathematical scientific proofs. Therefore i do not see why the best bookmaker in the world doesnt make odds that proves the odds of the the many religions being statistically viable. Which finally highlights that a person who works with the facts can let emotion dictate uncertainty. This underlying denial and instability is a core reason why so many wars have been started in the name of religion.

So if this screws with you, im sorry. I mean no offense. I am but a man with fingers pressing plastic buttons. Mayby we should not fool our kids into Santa in the first place. This sets an unethical precedent which only damages them long term. The pattern is continued. Suppresion of free will is replaced with a white lie. The truth is parents place more importance in this than the kids ever do. Kids instinctively know Santa is not real. Its passed on very early in playground chatter, the big secret kids uncover. So if we use this fooling and denial as a example of how the lie may evolve eventually.......onto......shock horror, religion, then mayby its time that you realised your forcing others to believe in Santa. Myself, with my child i have never confirmed or denied santa but given as many clues as i could, ie santa likes beer, santa has brown hair sometimes, and so on...and i understand kids tell the secret anyway. But wow, oneday i went to a party for kids, my daughter told a 9yo kid santa wasnt real and we got busted by the folks. It was a massive drama. Why?........the parents with no respect for others values, especially considering the parents alternate argument was a lie. And this is but a tiny microcosm of the world we live in. So yes. Brainwashing starts early.

So there is no conclusion. Once again it all ends where it began. A new day will dawn and on with it we go, continuing the cycle, edging ever so closer to that final heartbeat where then and only then will the biggest secret in the history of our known universe reveal itself. The good thing i suppose is that eventually we all meet god, im sure if im god my thoughts will go which means that voice in the head was actually god, or he will meet me at the gates and judge me for my errors. Either way, i will meet god......and you will too.

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